Immerse Your Soul In Love - The Radiohead Thread

Just got home and Kid A Mnesia Scary Book was waiting for me. Beautiful package; not sure what the whingers were smoking. I’ll reserve judgment on the pressing until I’ve cleaned it and spun it.
Hopefully your copy sounds as good as mine. Some slight groove distortion on one song when Thom hits some really high vocals, but nothing too crazy.
I have Kid A spinning now. It’s actually almost a really good press and master. It’s more dynamic than the capitol 2x10 and not as far off the OG as you might imagine. The distortion is there at the end of How To Disappear Completely and is inexcusable really but it also, whilst clearly being there, doesn’t distract quite as much as you might think it would. No pressing defects on this disk.
I have Kid A spinning now. It’s actually almost a really good press and master. It’s more dynamic than the capitol 2x10 and not as far off the OG as you might imagine. The distortion is there at the end of How To Disappear Completely and is inexcusable really but it also, whilst clearly being there, doesn’t distract quite as much as you might think it would. No pressing defects on this disk.
So if the rumors are true and they will be repressing disks, you getting a replacement?