Incoming! The New Equipment Thread

6mm WE2

I was tempted by the 4mm but this seems to be the better starting point to get a wider set of cartridges to play nice
6mm WE2

I was tempted by the 4mm but this seems to be the better starting point to get a wider set of cartridges to play nice
I really like the WE2 2MM on the Rega. To my ears it sounds better than the oem Rega mat with zero static cling. 👍
I really like the WE2 2MM on the Rega. To my ears it sounds better than the oem Rega mat with zero static cling. 👍
Yeah the Herbies is mostly so I can try out different headshells and carts. As an example, the Hana SL is 15mm tall, 2mm shy of the lwoest VTA I can get on my Technics. The 6mm allows me to use those. Alternatively, I can use headshells like my recently acquired Yamamoto and LP Gear which have 1.5-2.5mm height increases over the stock Technics headshell. So it just allows me to try out more shit.

I'm skeptical of the people who say mats drastically impact sound, so it's really just about adding height. If it impacts sound (positively) then so be it.
Yeah the Herbies is mostly so I can try out different headshells and carts. As an example, the Hana SL is 15mm tall, 2mm shy of the lwoest VTA I can get on my Technics. The 6mm allows me to use those. Alternatively, I can use headshells like my recently acquired Yamamoto and LP Gear which have 1.5-2.5mm height increases over the stock Technics headshell. So it just allows me to try out more shit.

I'm skeptical of the people who say mats drastically impact sound, so it's really just about adding height. If it impacts sound (positively) then so be it.
I agree with you on the "drastically" part, but it has been shown that the right mat can drop measured through-groove noise by 3 dB or more. The solid aluminum platter on my Luxman rings like a bell, so a thick rubber mat is a necessity.
I got a Pro-ject aluminium sub-platter and acrylic platter for Christmas. The sub-platter is packed up ready to send back because I don't in fact have a Pro-ject Debut turntable, but a much older Pro-ject (P)2 turntable, and the sub-platter doesn't fit.

The acrylic platter is okay, but I was expected a solid, and heavy, piece of acrylic whereas I have a somewhat lightweight platter now, and I feel like I have sacrificed a lot of mass.

I spun a record and everything seems fine, but I am very underwhelmed and a bit disappointed at the moment.

Seems the next step is to save for a better turntable, rather than upgrading an obsolete one, that doesn't even appear on the Pro-ject website any more.
I got a Pro-ject aluminium sub-platter and acrylic platter for Christmas. The sub-platter is packed up ready to send back because I don't in fact have a Pro-ject Debut turntable, but a much older Pro-ject (P)2 turntable, and the sub-platter doesn't fit.

The acrylic platter is okay, but I was expected a solid, and heavy, piece of acrylic whereas I have a somewhat lightweight platter now, and I feel like I have sacrificed a lot of mass.

I spun a record and everything seems fine, but I am very underwhelmed and a bit disappointed at the moment.

Seems the next step is to save for a better turntable, rather than upgrading an obsolete one, that doesn't even appear on the Pro-ject website any more.
I went from a Debut Carbon to a 1210GR. There is a difference in sound but don’t expect the world. Turntable upgrades mostly improve sound in the areas of speed stability, resonance (not tone arm resonance but the boundary reinforcement or whatever it’s called when the table picks up vibrations), and however the tone arm interacts with your carts.
I got a Pro-ject aluminium sub-platter and acrylic platter for Christmas. The sub-platter is packed up ready to send back because I don't in fact have a Pro-ject Debut turntable, but a much older Pro-ject (P)2 turntable, and the sub-platter doesn't fit.

The acrylic platter is okay, but I was expected a solid, and heavy, piece of acrylic whereas I have a somewhat lightweight platter now, and I feel like I have sacrificed a lot of mass.

I spun a record and everything seems fine, but I am very underwhelmed and a bit disappointed at the moment.

Seems the next step is to save for a better turntable, rather than upgrading an obsolete one, that doesn't even appear on the Pro-ject website any more.
I had this same decision point last year and decided a table upgrade was the way to go and upgraded my Project DC Evo w/ Moonstone cart to a MoFi UltraDeck.

The Mofi UltraDeck/MasterTracker is superior. The sound deadening in the plinth makes a big difference and the MasterTracker cart is very good in terms of dynamics and bass quality.

That said, I do appreciate the quality of the Evo. It’s a solid performer. I recently added a ZaZen isolation platform for use with the Evo and it made a noticeable improvement in terms of lowering the noise floor.

Lessons learned for me are that controlling resonance matters and that the Project deck is no slouch. While the MoFi is better , I still enjoy listening to records on the EVO.
Evo 400 Integrated arrives tomorrow... so does a new octet of KT120's... its been a few weeks with no amp/speaker setup and I can't wait to get everything set up again. Question for now is whether it will get set up in the new room permanently or the old one temporarily. Turntable is shipping next week and the new set up will be done.
I swear whenever I have a package that I could care less about getting delivered it arrives at like 6:30 AM. As soon as it’s something I’m foaming at the mouth for it takes foreeeeeeeever

I had record sleeves get delivered at like 7am once but recently had my center speaker on the truck that delivered a package TO MY APARTMENT but did not deliver that one until the next day. I was like bro what on earth are you doing?

I had record sleeves get delivered at like 7am once but recently had my center speaker on the truck that delivered a package TO MY APARTMENT but did not deliver that one until the next day. I was like bro what on earth are you doing?
The universe conspires I tell you!! When I got my Lintons delivered they came in 4 boxes, 2 for the speakers, 2 for the stands.

When I saw the delivered notification I ran home to set them up only to find 3 of the 4 boxes on my doorstep lol. Of course the one missing box was a speaker.

Took another 2 days for the other speaker to arrive
The universe conspires I tell you!! When I got my Lintons delivered they came in 4 boxes, 2 for the speakers, 2 for the stands.

When I saw the delivered notification I ran home to set them up only to find 3 of the 4 boxes on my doorstep lol. Of course the one missing box was a speaker.

Took another 2 days for the other speaker to arrive
Without fail it is ALWAYA pissing rain when I have expensive electronics out for delivery too.