@mindhead1 you end up keeping the directstream?
I’m still evaluating the DirectStream DAC (DSD). I’ve been taking notes and will write up my thoughts in full. I’ll say upfront that the DSD is very good. I get the hype. But I feel like the competition has caught up.
At this point in time, I’m leaning towards returning it. My OCD likes how nicely it stacks with the BHK Pre. However, my ears prefer the sound of the AKM 4499 DAC in the EverSolo A8 and my Geshelli Labs J2S.
The DSD has a warm smooth more analog sound. Tracks sound more like when I’m listening to vinyl and this is a good thing. That said, when compared to the 4499 DAC I’m noticing that the mids are a little recessed and the dynamic range isn’t as dynamic.
This is not completely the fault of the DSD, the digital outputs from the A8 are sub par in my opinion. For example, the I2S and USB out of the A8 sound about the same and the recessed less dynamic characteristics come through. However, when I switch to the Ifi Zen Stream via USB to the DSD the dynamic range and soundstage improves noticeably.
When I use the A8 via its XLR output I get dynamics, detail, and soundstage for days. It’s even better with my J2S DAC and the Zen Stream.
I like the DSD, but it’s not enough of a DAC difference/upgrade to make me want to listen to it over the 4499 DACs I currently have. I like soundstage, slam and dynamics with smoothness up top. The 4499 get me closer to this for now.
The DSD is more akin to the ifi Zen DACv2 I have which is very good. More warm sounding with good bass depth. Very listenable and the anchor of my headphone rigg.
I think the DSD is a great value at $1500 if you’re looking for a DAC to add more smoothness and warmth to your system. I would be very disappointed if I paid the original $6k for the piece, maybe not 10 years ago, but just before the MK2 version came out.
There are a lot of great DACs available in the $1k - $2K range. I think I’m going to keep exploring. Maybe a Geshelli Daisy or a Laiv or whatever the latest Denafrips hotness is.
Or, maybe I learn some self control and stop chasing the dragon, or save my money and get a 1300G. Ahhh - Ahhhhhhhh (channeling Sam Kinison).