
What's the difference between "Original Master Recording" and "Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab"? Amazon Mexico has E.S.P. by Miles at a pretty decent price, but the fact that it is the only one of the Miles MoFi that is not labeled as "Original Master Recording" is making me doubt whether I should grab it or not.
What's the difference between "Original Master Recording" and "Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab"? Amazon Mexico has E.S.P. by Miles at a pretty decent price, but the fact that it is the only one of the Miles MoFi that is not labeled as "Original Master Recording" is making me doubt whether I should grab it or not.
@ThePakoBuelna in case you're interested:

All Miles Davis MoFi I own are superb, and this is probably the cheapest I've seen any of them.
It just means they didn't use the Original Master Tape, so Maybe a copy etc. E.S/P is good though I have the Mofi, used to have the Impex but sold it , this is better if you don't mind 45 rpm and switching sides.
What's the difference between "Original Master Recording" and "Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab"? Amazon Mexico has E.S.P. by Miles at a pretty decent price, but the fact that it is the only one of the Miles MoFi that is not labeled as "Original Master Recording" is making me doubt whether I should grab it or not.
I was flicking through an old copy of Downbeat Magazine, the 18th February 1960, and stumbled across a cool piece of jazz history. Many of you will be familiar with the story which occurred in August 1959. Miles Davis was performing at Birdland (his name was plastered on posters outside the venue) and was calling a cab from his white girlfriend. A police officer then told him to move from the spot as he was loitering and an argument took place. The officer struck him with a truncheon, splitting his head open, and arrested him. 6-Months later and the courts dismissed the charge against him of assaulting the officer and here's the article:

View attachment 43301
That's amazing an amazing find. Thank you for sharing
Apple Music vs Tidal - with regards to depth of jazz titles.

I am subscribing to Apple Music but have decided to give Tidal a try with their $4/4 months offer. Overall I have been liking Tidal, especially the higher quality streaming bitrate. But what I am curious about is how do their respective catalogues compare with regards to jazz titles. I have found a few holes in Tidal's collection, Metallica being the biggest one missing. Thoughts?
I'm going to be difficult and suggest qobuz?
@ThePakoBuelna in case you're interested:

All Miles Davis MoFi I own are superb, and this is probably the cheapest I've seen any of them.
I own the Impex of this but is has a noticable tape drop out that isn't minor (they include an insert explaining it) but it's a heartbreaker on such a beautiful record. The Impex is a fascinating listen, but it make you desperate for a better source. I've always wanted to grab that modi as I understand the drop out isn't present.
I was flicking through an old copy of Downbeat Magazine, the 18th February 1960, and stumbled across a cool piece of jazz history. Many of you will be familiar with the story which occurred in August 1959. Miles Davis was performing at Birdland (his name was plastered on posters outside the venue) and was calling a cab from his white girlfriend. A police officer then told him to move from the spot as he was loitering and an argument took place. The officer struck him with a truncheon, splitting his head open, and arrested him. 6-Months later and the courts dismissed the charge against him of assaulting the officer and here's the article:

Yeah, this is such a crazy story if you think about what the times were like back then! Miles talks about that incident in his autobiography. Pretty interesting to read it from a first-hand perspective... especially with the dense use of the word "motherf******" that is used a lot in his writing haha. He also talks a lot about being a black man in those days with a white Ferrari and how much the police would hassle him - seriously messed up mentality in those days!

Talking about Miles Davis stories - a personal favourite of mine is this - a note from Teo Macero, the producer of Bitches Brew.

"Please advise" haha!
