May 2020 Record Challenge Thread (PRIZE RAFFLE AT THE END!)

Day 9: Something To Dance To

William Onyeabor ‎– Atomic Bomb (Wilfilms Records, 1978 First Nigerian Pressing)

I first heard William Onyeabor at a friend's house during a party. When it came on it was one of those moments that stopped me in my tracks and I just had to find out who it was. After a week of binging everything of his I could (including this fantastic 30 min documentary) I started hunting down his records. I started off with the fantastic box set, which includes a lot of extras, but soon moved on to hunting down the first presses. As im sure our resident expert @Poly-Rythmo would tell you, finding African records in decent condition tends to be tricky, but so far I have managed to get 5 out of 9 first presses of his records (including 'Body & Soul' with a cover that looks to be half-eaten). Anyway, I challenge anyone to listen to any of his songs without feeling the need to do a bit of a boogie, they are fantastically fun!

Day 9: something to dance to*

Not only will I dance, I will dance myself clean.

* I know we're not supposed to repeat, and I scrolled back and saw someone else picked this, but I picked most of my albums for the month like a week ago, and I'm not good with change, so...

LCD Soundsystem - This Is Happening
