
I just caught Sir Gawain and the Green Knight from 2021. As a fan of the original poem ( I read it in high school), I was very interested in this film. I really enjoyed it and liked the modern interpretation of an old tale. And the ending though sometimes confusing and then coming to an abrupt end, I still really liked it after reflecting on it. I love the start because it tips you into the saga with verse which made my nerdy heart flutter—I love reading very old epic poetry and adore the director’s decision to remind us that this is the stuff of legends. The film itself is beautifully shot and largely very quiet. I think I need to hunt down a copy of the soundtrack because it is lovely—very Lorena McKinnett vibe. It is ultimately an external journey that becomes an internal journey.
I watched The Batman this weekend. Going in, look, I’m just not a superhero kind of person. I don’t keep up with any of that. But I’ve always kinda been into Batman, so I was curious about this one.

Setting aside some smaller nitpicks, I thought the movie was actually pretty good. It was super self serious, but then again a lot of the villainy felt more horrifying and almost real. It’s like it felt like there was actual weight to the stakes, especially the climax. Although I don’t know that I enjoyed how the climax wrapped up, there was a whole sequence there that was gripping.

I don’t care about a sequel, or the presumed next villain. Been there done that honestly. But for what this was, I thought it did a really nice job.
I watched The Batman this weekend. Going in, look, I’m just not a superhero kind of person. I don’t keep up with any of that. But I’ve always kinda been into Batman, so I was curious about this one.

Setting aside some smaller nitpicks, I thought the movie was actually pretty good. It was super self serious, but then again a lot of the villainy felt more horrifying and almost real. It’s like it felt like there was actual weight to the stakes, especially the climax. Although I don’t know that I enjoyed how the climax wrapped up, there was a whole sequence there that was gripping.

I don’t care about a sequel, or the presumed next villain. Been there done that honestly. But for what this was, I thought it did a really nice job.
We watched it last night and had a similar reaction. I really enjoyed that it was a Noir Murder Mystery, like Batman is supposed to be. Yeah, he's a "caped crusader" but he's a detective first. The ending was absolutely the weakest part and I REALLY hope they don't move forward with that prison tease... But I thought it was really well done overall. Worth watching for sure.
It's not near the top of MI movies, but he is by far the best villain the series has had, no contest.
I’m finding the movie itself grim and nasty in a way the others aren’t, and the whole Mann-lite handheld aesthetic kinda cheapens the experience. MI:2 was also dumb as hell but at least it had a sort of balletic elegance to it.

I just really don’t love JJ. And Kurtzman and Orci, for that matter.
I watched The Batman this weekend. Going in, look, I’m just not a superhero kind of person. I don’t keep up with any of that. But I’ve always kinda been into Batman, so I was curious about this one.

Setting aside some smaller nitpicks, I thought the movie was actually pretty good. It was super self serious, but then again a lot of the villainy felt more horrifying and almost real. It’s like it felt like there was actual weight to the stakes, especially the climax. Although I don’t know that I enjoyed how the climax wrapped up, there was a whole sequence there that was gripping.

I don’t care about a sequel, or the presumed next villain. Been there done that honestly. But for what this was, I thought it did a really nice job.
It was underwhelming. There’s zero rewatchabiity tbh. Not one definable personality or plot point in this movie.
Today I had my last classes to teach for the semester so I watched a couple movies tonight.

First was Marvelous and the Black Hole. I thought it was excellent and it hit an emotional spot for me.

Second was Ambulance. It was exactly what I expected and entertaining enough for what it was.
The Northman was insane and I loved it. The cast was amazing, the visuals were breathtaking, and the sound design was visceral.

Though it was much more poetic and walked the line of Fantasy, I'd put it on the shelf with Braveheart and Gladiator. It was Conan meets The Thirteenth Warrior if it was written by Shakespeare.
Which makes sense since it's based on the original Danish story that Hamlet was based on

It's brutal, violent, and gritty but if you have any interest in Norse culture and mythology, I very much recommend it.
Tom Hanks and Spielberg are working on third installment of their WWII trilogy that began with “Band of Brothers” and “The Pacific” on HBO. This new series, "Whirlwind" will be released this year on Apple+ TV and based upon novel "Masters of the Air" by Donald L. Miller.

"Memphis Belle" movie from 1990 would be a good preliminary watch.


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Tom Hanks and Spielberg are working on third installment of their WWII trilogy that began with “Band of Brothers” and “The Pacific” on HBO. This new series, "Whirlwind" will be released this year on Apple+ TV and based upon novel "Masters of the Air" by Donald L. Miller.

"Memphis Belle" movie from 1990 would be a good preliminary watch.
I am very excited for this. Band Of Brothers is one of my favorite shows of all time. I was a bit disappointed in The Pacific but I think that was likely due to wanting it to be more of the same type of storytelling, It’s grown on me since though. Regardless, Masters Of The Air is something I am eagerly anticipating.