
If this isn’t a joke, you need to take this shit over to the Hot Take Thread so I can berate you for your terrible taste for the next several days. Also your opinions of anything from this point for are now rendered moot.

May god have mercy on your soul.

I mean, Ghostbusters: Afterlife is nearly the same as Ghostbusters. So, if you like the original, why not just enjoy Afterlife for what it is? I'm not saying it's ten times greater than the original. The movies just get slightly more enjoyable. As a franchise, I enjoy Ghostbusters and I would marathon them all again.

I'm sure we can all agree that we don't ever speak of the 2016 release.
Nah, Capt America is the best run of original movies. The First Avenger is the worst of the 3 but still really good because it’s a period piece and he battles Nazis, Thor: Ragnorak is the best individual movie of all the original ones but the second Thor movie is fucking boring and might be the worst so they even out. The amount of enjoyment you get out of the Iron Man movies is dependent on how much you enjoy Robert Downing Jr. at his most Robert Downing Jr-ist.

I mean, don't tell me why I like Iron Man.

While I do believe Jr. did well, my interest in the Iron Man movies as a whole has little to do with the actor portraying him.
I suppose now is as good a time as any to drop my hot take that Chris Evans' Captain America is by far the best MCU Avenger.

I think a good number of people might share that thought, but not me. Steve Rogers is just about as dull as Clark Kent.
I mean, don't tell me why I like Iron Man.

While I do believe Jr. did well, my interest in the Iron Man movies as a whole has little to do with the actor portraying him.
You do you. I think the appeal for most lies in Downey’s portrayal of Stark. I enjoy his portrayal and had he not made Tony Stark a compelling/charming character I don’t think the MCU would be a thing.
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I think a good number of people might share that thought, but not me. Steve Rogers is just about as dull as Clark Kent.
Both characters lend themselves to being reduced to goody-goody archetypes, but I give Chris Evans and the MCU writers credit for managing to make Cap a fairly flawed and three-dimensional character while still staying true to his patriotic and virtuous side. It's a tricky tightrope to walk but I really like the portrayal they went with for the most part. I'm interested to see where they go with the Sam Wilson Captain America from here too.
I rewatched Pulse for the first time since maybe 2002, and that movie is vastly better than I gave it credit for as a teenager.
I think I'd lean toward liking Thor: Ragnarok the best too. But a lot of them tie for me. I'd agree that Iron Man 2 was near the bottom. I haven't seen Eternals yet, but even friends who diehard loved them all didn't like that one. I think Age of Ultron was also kinda near the bottom for me.
I think Ragnarok placed second for me behind only GotG Vol. 1 in our pre-Endgame marathon. The first two Thors are absolute traaash.

I liked a lot about Eternals. I think it would have been better served as a limited miniseries. The art direction was great, and it definitely reached into some weird spaces, which I can appreciate.

Shang-Chi is easily top 5 and might even crack top 3 for me. :O
I enjoy most, if not all of the Marvel films as kinda escapist fun. For me only Black Panther is a stand alone “good film” outside of the whole universe hullabaloo…

Dr Strange on the other hand is a steaming sack of shit. So bad.
I give Dr Strange a high five for having interstellar overdrive on the soundtrack

Bonus trivia

Which marvel film had the Cure playing in a key scene
Not sure if they can milk a 3rd though !
With a little venom goop being left behind in the other universe (a plot hole that doesn't make sense) there will probably be a new venom in the Spiderman universe next. But not Tom Hardy which was the best part of Venom. I'd watch a third if they made it.
I watched Thor last night and I liked it. Then I saw that Kenneth Branagh directed it and realized that was probably it.

Some of my favorite movies are his run of Shakespeare films from the 90's. And now instead of watching Marvel movies, I want to watch this:
They had this movie on all the time at the Borders by where I grew up in a cozy little watching section near the movies. I probably saw it 20 times there. Really good!