I was going to wait a couple days, but I had a tiring morning so I impulsively went to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles this afternoon. Barely anyone in there. I think it would be much more fun with a ton of people. That said, I enjoyed it a lot. It's basically what I expected/wanted. Great music (the score and the 90s hip hop), great voice cast- especially the turtles themselves. Just another really fun summer movie. There have been a number of great animated films this year and I think this is another one. It's not Spider-Verse great, but it has a lot of the energy of that movie that I love - plus it's just a joy to look at.
I re-watched Suzume a couple weeks ago, and not only do I think it's the best animated film of the year, it's one of my favorites overall of the year. The issues I had with its ending went away the second time and I just loved it so much more.
Hopefully the new Miyazaki comes out soon-ish. It's my most anticipated movie of the year.