Neil Young

yeah, that's what we had to pay in Phoenix earlier this year. But was on vacation and decided to do it as I didn't think we'd get many more chances. But yeah, prices for shows and vinyl are getting out of hand.
my wife isn't a huge neil fan so just can't justify $200 a ticket. hell, even if we were huge fans after factoring in parking and everything that's an expensive night out. don't know how people regularly do it.
my wife isn't a huge neil fan so just can't justify $200 a ticket. hell, even if we were huge fans after factoring in parking and everything that's an expensive night out. don't know how people regularly do it.
I agree. My wife just doesn't care about live music at all and when I do drag her to a show she usually ruins my good time because she just wants to leave, lol. So I can get away with about one a year with her, but I'm not willing to spend any serious money if I'm going to have someone who doesn't want to be there using one of the tickets. Thankfully the prices solve the problem for me most of the time now.
my wife isn't a huge neil fan so just can't justify $200 a ticket. hell, even if we were huge fans after factoring in parking and everything that's an expensive night out. don't know how people regularly do it.
I totally get that. I'm retired and I have a side gig to pay for doing some of these things, and that's not enough to do all that I'd like. Especially with having a kid to pay for school and volleyball. Even what used to be fairly cheap club shows are getting to be $40 or more. I'm also not going to see some artists that I normally would see every time. I really need to quit looking at shows out of town, adding a hotel to the cost is even worse. Hotels may be even more stupidly priced for how little time I need the room.
I totally get that. I'm retired and I have a side gig to pay for doing some of these things, and that's not enough to do all that I'd like. Especially with having a kid to pay for school and volleyball. Even what used to be fairly cheap club shows are getting to be $40 or more. I'm also not going to see some artists that I normally would see every time. I really need to quit looking at shows out of town, adding a hotel to the cost is even worse. Hotels may be even more stupidly priced for how little time I need the room.
treat yoself.

I agree. My wife just doesn't care about live music at all and when I do drag her to a show she usually ruins my good time because she just wants to leave, lol. So I can get away with about one a year with her, but I'm not willing to spend any serious money if I'm going to have someone who doesn't want to be there using one of the tickets. Thankfully the prices solve the problem for me most of the time now.
my wife loves live music so I'm lucky. but having the little kiddo + ticket prices have made us slow down on live music a TON. we'll see what tv on the radio prices are like next week...wanted to see Michael Kiwanuka and Brittany Howard near us but tix were also $150 a piece before fees. Luckily the venue is close enough that we may be able to get last minute tickets for cheaper on the resale market but still....shame about the prices all around.
$200 a piece for cheapest tickets. I just can't see live music anymore lol. Fuck these prices.
It may not apply in this case - given how few shows he has on the calendar - but last time Neil came through the Portland area (summer of '23) I was able to grab last minute tickets for under $30. We were sitting next to folks who had paid nearly $300 when tickets went on sale (a result of Ticketmaster dynamic pricing). I can point to similar scenarios with other bands playing larger venues (I just picked up $27 tickets - including fees - to see the National and War on Drugs a month from now). In short, I have found that more often than not it pays to wait - especially true in the past few years.
treat yoself.

my wife loves live music so I'm lucky. but having the little kiddo + ticket prices have made us slow down on live music a TON. we'll see what tv on the radio prices are like next week...wanted to see Michael Kiwanuka and Brittany Howard near us but tix were also $150 a piece before fees. Luckily the venue is close enough that we may be able to get last minute tickets for cheaper on the resale market but still....shame about the prices all around.
yeah, the last minute thing seems to be the way to go on some of these bigger shows. One of the outdoor venues in the area I've noticed people giving tickets away near the door before shows.