Neverending Covid-19 Coronavirus

He's been vocal about how he's going to keep doing it because Church is essential and it's in his Constitutional Rights. He is a powerful dude around here with a big following, but just put some guidelines into place like everyone else has. He says if police stations and hospitals are open so will my church.....Just have streamed services, or add more services with less people so everyone can sit 6 feet apart or more idk
Yeah, I don’t have any easy or good answers. Just pointing out things that make me uncomfortable. As we navigate these times, I think it’s a good idea to raise these questions about what’s ok and what isn’t and ask where do we draw the lines? I try to keep the lessons I learned from 9/11 in mind. We allowed a short term crisis to do major lasting long term damage to us as a nation.
There also seems to be some interest in investigating medications for autoimmune disorders that suppress the processes that generate the cytokine storm. If I understand correctly, those wouldn't treat COVID per se, but could maybe keep the immune system in check while the body fights it off.

Here's a synopsis of stuff being tested (including the immunosuppressants you mention)

Here's the link to the colchicine (an anti-inflammatory) trial being done in Canada:

like @Lee Newman said we knew it was going to get her/us since as a staff nurse she is in direct contact with employees at her hospital who have tested positive for Corona, it was a question of "when", not "if". so we sat down and came up with a few plans on how to handle it from her quarantining at my parents house while they are in FL, to her quarantining in our house and how to pull that off. that planning definitely paid off. don't freak out about it, just try to come up with a solid plan(s) in the event it happens.

As a pharmacist my wife isn't dealing directly with infected patients, so that's a plus. But so far three of her techs have gotten it so I'm getting very fearful. She just called me on her way home and we discussed it and are starting a new plan today. Clothes to the laundry when she walks in, then a shower. Separate sleeping and bathrooms. I won't get in her car for awhile. We will still eat together but at a distance. I'll miss kissing her, and we all need hugs right now, but that will all have to wait. Or is it too late? I just don't know...this is so hard to figure out.
The smart thing absolutely would have been to cancel services. I also suspect that hubris and self aggrandizement were strong motives in holding the services. At the same time, prosecuting someone for holding religious services makes me very, very uncomfortable. That’s treading into extremely dangerous territory.
I'm always eternally skeptical of the moral compass of mega-church pastors, especially those claiming their church has machines that can stop Coronavirus, but that's another conversation.

I'm sure he will make a case as to why he should be able to continue holding mass, citing religious freedoms, but if someone like the Pope can understand why utilizing a live stream rather than public gatherings is extremely important at this time you would think other church leaders could as well.


Wuhan residents are increasingly skeptical of the Chinese Communist Party’s reported coronavirus death count of approximately 2,500 deaths in the city to date, with most people believing the actual number is at least 40,000.

Some social media posts have estimated that all seven funeral homes in Wuhan are handing out 3,500 urns every day in total.

Funeral homes have informed families that they will try to complete cremations before the traditional grave-tending festival of Qing Ming on April 5, which would indicate a 12-day process beginning on March 23.

Such an estimate would mean that 42,000 urns would be given out during that time.

Various calculations

Another popular estimate is based on the cremation capacity of the funeral homes, which run a total of 84 furnaces with a capacity over 24 hours of 1,560 urns city-wide, assuming that one cremation takes one hour.

This calculation results in an estimated 46,800 deaths.

Gov. Ron DeSantis said Monday all of South Florida should live under a unified “safer at home” policy until the middle of May, but later walked that back, saying he instead meant mid-April.
I don't know how reliable this is but a friend of mine shared this on FB and it totally makes sense

CORONA Common Sense
Since they are calling on Respiratory therapist to help fight the Corona virus, and I am a retired one, too old to work in a hospital setting. I'm gonna share some common sense wisdom with those that have the virus and trying to stay home. If my advice is followed as given you will improve your chances of not ending up in the hospital on a ventilator. This applies to the otherwise generally healthy population, so use discretion. 1. Only high temperatures kill a virus, so let your fever run high. Tylenol, Advil. Motrin, Ibuprofen etc. will bring your fever down allowing the virus to live longer. They are saying that ibuprophen, advil etc will actually exacerbate the virus. Use common sense and don't let fever go over 103 or 104 if you got the guts. If it gets higher than that take your tylenol, not ibuprophen or advil to keep it regulated. It helps to keep house warm and cover up with blankets so body does not have to work so hard to generate the heat. It usually takes about 3 days of this to break the fever. 2. The body is going to dehydrate with the elevated temperature so you must rehydrate yourself regulaly, whether you like it or not. Gatorade with real sugar, or pedialyte with real sugar for kids, works well. Why the sugar? Sugar will give your body back the energy it is using up to create the fever. The electrolytes and fluid you are losing will also be replenished by the Gatorade. If you don't do this and end up in the hospital they will start an IV and give you D5W (sugar water) and Normal Saline to replenish electrolytes. Gatorade is much cheaper, pain free, and comes in an assortment of flavors 3. You must keep your lungs moist. Best done by taking long steamy showers on a regular basis, if your wheezing or congested use a real minty toothpaste and brush your teeth while taking the steamy shower and deep breath through your mouth. This will provide some bronchial dialation and help loosen the phlegm. Force your self to cough into a wet wash cloth pressed firmly over your mouth and nose, which will cause greater pressure in your lungs forcing them to expand more and break loose more of the congestion. 4. Eat healthy and regularly. Gotta keep your strength up. 5. Once the fever breaks, start moving around to get the body back in shape and blood circulating. 6. Deep breath on a regular basis, even when it hurts. If you don't it becomes easy to develope pneumonia. Pursed lip breathing really helps. That's breathing in deep and slow then exhaling through tight lips as if your blowing out a candle, blow until you have completely emptied your lungs and you will be able to breath in an even deeper breath. This helps keep lungs expanded as well as increase your oxygen level. 7. Remember that every medication you take is merely relieving the symptoms, not making you well. 8. If your still dying go to ER.
I've been doing these things for myself and my family for over 40 years and kept them out of the hospital, all are healthy and still living today.
Thank you all for sharing. We gotta help one another.
I don't know how reliable this is but a friend of mine shared this on FB and it totally makes sense

CORONA Common Sense
Since they are calling on Respiratory therapist to help fight the Corona virus, and I am a retired one, too old to work in a hospital setting. I'm gonna share some common sense wisdom with those that have the virus and trying to stay home. If my advice is followed as given you will improve your chances of not ending up in the hospital on a ventilator. This applies to the otherwise generally healthy population, so use discretion. 1. Only high temperatures kill a virus, so let your fever run high. Tylenol, Advil. Motrin, Ibuprofen etc. will bring your fever down allowing the virus to live longer. They are saying that ibuprophen, advil etc will actually exacerbate the virus. Use common sense and don't let fever go over 103 or 104 if you got the guts. If it gets higher than that take your tylenol, not ibuprophen or advil to keep it regulated. It helps to keep house warm and cover up with blankets so body does not have to work so hard to generate the heat. It usually takes about 3 days of this to break the fever. 2. The body is going to dehydrate with the elevated temperature so you must rehydrate yourself regulaly, whether you like it or not. Gatorade with real sugar, or pedialyte with real sugar for kids, works well. Why the sugar? Sugar will give your body back the energy it is using up to create the fever. The electrolytes and fluid you are losing will also be replenished by the Gatorade. If you don't do this and end up in the hospital they will start an IV and give you D5W (sugar water) and Normal Saline to replenish electrolytes. Gatorade is much cheaper, pain free, and comes in an assortment of flavors 3. You must keep your lungs moist. Best done by taking long steamy showers on a regular basis, if your wheezing or congested use a real minty toothpaste and brush your teeth while taking the steamy shower and deep breath through your mouth. This will provide some bronchial dialation and help loosen the phlegm. Force your self to cough into a wet wash cloth pressed firmly over your mouth and nose, which will cause greater pressure in your lungs forcing them to expand more and break loose more of the congestion. 4. Eat healthy and regularly. Gotta keep your strength up. 5. Once the fever breaks, start moving around to get the body back in shape and blood circulating. 6. Deep breath on a regular basis, even when it hurts. If you don't it becomes easy to develope pneumonia. Pursed lip breathing really helps. That's breathing in deep and slow then exhaling through tight lips as if your blowing out a candle, blow until you have completely emptied your lungs and you will be able to breath in an even deeper breath. This helps keep lungs expanded as well as increase your oxygen level. 7. Remember that every medication you take is merely relieving the symptoms, not making you well. 8. If your still dying go to ER.
I've been doing these things for myself and my family for over 40 years and kept them out of the hospital, all are healthy and still living today.
Thank you all for sharing. We gotta help one another.
My friends who are current medical researchers say there is not sufficient evidence to support the claim that ibuprofen exacerbates COVID-19.
I don't know how reliable this is but a friend of mine shared this on FB and it totally makes sense

CORONA Common Sense
Since they are calling on Respiratory therapist to help fight the Corona virus, and I am a retired one, too old to work in a hospital setting. I'm gonna share some common sense wisdom with those that have the virus and trying to stay home. If my advice is followed as given you will improve your chances of not ending up in the hospital on a ventilator. This applies to the otherwise generally healthy population, so use discretion. 1. Only high temperatures kill a virus, so let your fever run high. Tylenol, Advil. Motrin, Ibuprofen etc. will bring your fever down allowing the virus to live longer. They are saying that ibuprophen, advil etc will actually exacerbate the virus. Use common sense and don't let fever go over 103 or 104 if you got the guts. If it gets higher than that take your tylenol, not ibuprophen or advil to keep it regulated. It helps to keep house warm and cover up with blankets so body does not have to work so hard to generate the heat. It usually takes about 3 days of this to break the fever. 2. The body is going to dehydrate with the elevated temperature so you must rehydrate yourself regulaly, whether you like it or not. Gatorade with real sugar, or pedialyte with real sugar for kids, works well. Why the sugar? Sugar will give your body back the energy it is using up to create the fever. The electrolytes and fluid you are losing will also be replenished by the Gatorade. If you don't do this and end up in the hospital they will start an IV and give you D5W (sugar water) and Normal Saline to replenish electrolytes. Gatorade is much cheaper, pain free, and comes in an assortment of flavors 3. You must keep your lungs moist. Best done by taking long steamy showers on a regular basis, if your wheezing or congested use a real minty toothpaste and brush your teeth while taking the steamy shower and deep breath through your mouth. This will provide some bronchial dialation and help loosen the phlegm. Force your self to cough into a wet wash cloth pressed firmly over your mouth and nose, which will cause greater pressure in your lungs forcing them to expand more and break loose more of the congestion. 4. Eat healthy and regularly. Gotta keep your strength up. 5. Once the fever breaks, start moving around to get the body back in shape and blood circulating. 6. Deep breath on a regular basis, even when it hurts. If you don't it becomes easy to develope pneumonia. Pursed lip breathing really helps. That's breathing in deep and slow then exhaling through tight lips as if your blowing out a candle, blow until you have completely emptied your lungs and you will be able to breath in an even deeper breath. This helps keep lungs expanded as well as increase your oxygen level. 7. Remember that every medication you take is merely relieving the symptoms, not making you well. 8. If your still dying go to ER.
I've been doing these things for myself and my family for over 40 years and kept them out of the hospital, all are healthy and still living today.
Thank you all for sharing. We gotta help one another.

so this post really makes me think I had it about a month back. Maybe it was just a normal flu, but I usually don’t get sick like I did. The cough was persistent for about 2 weeks after I got over the fever. No one else in my household or people I come into contact with had symptoms after me. at this point it’s all speculation.