Neverending Covid-19 Coronavirus

Working from home this week, and maybe next. My boss called Saturday and said because my wife is frontlines, they'd prefer I stay home. Makes sense, my wife and all staff at her hospital were told that they should assume they've been exposed. So, I guess I am to assume that too.

How are other SOs of medical workers dealing with this? Are you staying away from your loved one? Seems nearly impossible to constantly disinfect everything we both touch, and we're still occupying the same rooms, etc.
my wife is quarantined in our guest bedroom and using the bathroom on that floor all to herself, so she's not touching or sharing anything with me and the boys. when I drop off her meals, drinks, snacks, etc... she masks up and I promptly wash my hands like a motherfucker right away afterwards. the system seems to be working, but I can't imagine how people in an apartment would pull this shit off.
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Honestly, i find this quite a bit of an oversimplification, because masks is only one of the things those countries did differently like early trsting and isolation etc. I would mark the red circle "learned from SARS and MERS" and had emergency plans ready, while the western counties mainly ignored experience with these epidemics because we thought it was an asian problem. Hell, we all still acted like tgat when it started in China in january, most still in february and some countries still to mid-march. There is a good bit of western arrogance towards asia that deepened this crisis.

Honestly, i find this quite a bit of an oversimplification, because masks is only one of the things those countries did differently like early trsting and isolation etc. I would mark the red circle "learned from SARS and MERS" and had emergency plans ready, while the western counties mainly ignored experience with these epidemics because we thought it was an asian problem. Hell, we all still acted like tgat when it started in China in january, most still in february and some countries still to mid-march. There is a good bit of western arrogance towards asia that deepened this crisis.

Yes this is especially a problem in the United States. As I am one, I feel that most Americans have an attitude that it can't happen to us but it is here and it isn't going away any time soon. Especially in the south, a lot of people still aren't taking this serious.
Here is a great FAQ regarding the coronavirus money the US Treasury Dept will be issuing.

Unfortunately my question is not answered.


What happens if you are behind on student loans. Will I be affected by this like my tax return was and seized by the Department of Education?

It's approved to be used, but there is still no sound evidence that it's beneficial. This is basically a shot in the dark because it was pimped so much on US media and from the leadership. The only proper study seems to suggest it is no better than placebo (though I think some people have criticized it).

The main thing that concerns me is that it has serious side effects. No problem if it works and you're facing death anyway. If it doesn't do anything though, you may be exacerbating the situation in people that may have survived by getting the current standard care.

Anyway, it basically looks like this is going to be one big experiment and we'll still know nothing from it (because it's not a double-blind controlled random study - unless it's a slam dunk (either way), it will be hard to know for sure).

Luckily, additional proper clinical trials are under way. There are also trials with promising safer drugs like colchicine. Fingers crossed something works.
I know it seems like Florida is an absolute cluster, but most big cities (Tampa, Orlando, Miami, and Jacksonville) have all been working from home for weeks on their own. Currently 31 of our counties have issued orders to stay at home, work from home, or safe at home. ALMOST all beaches are closed at this point statewide. Hillsborough County (Tampa Bay Area/Plant City) is one of the biggest counties in the state has 2 deaths total) Orange County (Greater Orlando Area) (4 deaths)

We are doing our best, county by county, because DeSantis is too scared to make the state call. The constant influx of northerners seeking refuge over the last 3 weeks hasn't helped, nor the cruise ships being directed to dock at one of our highly populated port cities, and this is all happening despite our high older-aged population in various parts of the state. We will get on top of it eventually once someone starts calling this a Cat 5 to the gov. like the memes suggest

::Your local 'Florida Man' signing off::

EDIT: However, this is going to get very ugly I feel :( Florida Governor Doesn’t Want Cruise Ship Carrying Sick to Dock in State
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my wife is quarantined in our guest bedroom and using the bathroom on that floor all to herself, so she's not touching or sharing anything with me and the boys. when I drop off her meals, drinks, snacks, etc... she masks up and I promptly wash my hands like a motherfucker right away afterwards. the system seems to be working, but I can't imagine how people in an apartment would pull this shit off.
Holy shit! I can’t even imagine!
my wife is quarantined in our guest bedroom and using the bathroom on that floor all to herself, so she's not touching or sharing anything with me and the boys. when I drop off her meals, drinks, snacks, etc... she masks up and I promptly wash my hands like a motherfucker right away afterwards. the system seems to be working, but I can't imagine how people in an apartment would pull this shit off.

Welp, we're falling woefully short of those measures. Next level of worry now engaged.
Welp, we're falling woefully short of those measures. Next level of worry now engaged.
like @Lee Newman said we knew it was going to get her/us since as a staff nurse she is in direct contact with employees at her hospital who have tested positive for Corona, it was a question of "when", not "if". so we sat down and came up with a few plans on how to handle it from her quarantining at my parents house while they are in FL, to her quarantining in our house and how to pull that off. that planning definitely paid off. don't freak out about it, just try to come up with a solid plan(s) in the event it happens.