New ultrasonic vinyl cleaner in the works: Humminguru

The thought occurred to me to look into what ever happened to that scammy looking Humminguru knockoff on kickstarter?


Sounds like they took the money and ran...
Truly wild that people didn’t recognize a scam when it was staring them in the face.
Yeah I was reading one of their updates and it said Matt Black Unlocked! As in, they just randomly released the option to opt into a matte (misspelling should have been first red flag) black color after they had already collected everyone's money and shipping info.
I totally forgot about that thing. My first thought was, "I wonder what NIGHTMather thought about it..." So I looked back through the thread.
View attachment 147096
Buy TWO Ronco Supersonic Hydroponic record cleaners and you get the third free! And in a limited time offer JUST FOR YOU they also come with Roncos brand new AAA audiophiliac turntabler! The Ronco Fantabler Rotato-matic Turntabler! It slices, it dices, it does your hair while you wait for your record to dry! And let me tell you it plays records like nobodies business! Does it ever play records! It might just best the best little record player that exists on planet Earth and if you order now we'll send you a box of them! You want outer groove distortion? Boy howdy has this got outer groove distortion! It's got outer groove distortion for days! In fact, Lemme tell you friends, listening to both channels is for suckers! Carving a groove through the left channel wall while completely avoiding the right channel entirely IS WHERE IT'S AT FRIENDS.

Order before this commercial ends and we'll send you a free box of Herb Alperts Whipped Cream and Other Delights to play on your new Ronco Fantabler Rotato-matic Turntabler! Order fast! Order now!
Ah, yes. Good, he didn't buy one.
The Guru Kickstarter had waaaaaaay more information. They had a manufacturing facility! They had detailed CAD designs of the machine and all its parts! They had specs! They had functional prototypes! Their price point was realistic!
True, true.

Maybe I was just being too harsh in judging the company name as HappyWell.
I wonder what ever happened to that one "audiophile" player that floated in mid air and was wobbly as fuck.
