Online Vinyl Deals

The Verve Acoustic Sounds, which they have. They also have Tina Brooks' Minor Move Tone Poet which I've been chasing. Can get both of those for about $55 shipped, not bad at all.

EDIT: Actually looks like it's not the Verve but an orange pressing.
I have the Tina Brooks and orange Getz/Gilberto that I'd sell you, if interested.

Edit: actually, the Tina Brooks I wanna keep. Was confusing it with a Jackie McClean Tone Poet I am looking to sell.
Mainly one for the UK folk. Resident Records are having their usual post-RSD sale.

I placed an order for the RSD Sun Ra - Inside The Light World: Sun Ra Meets The Ovc (£18.49 down from £36.99) and the New Land RSD pressing of Kenny Dorham - This Is The Moment: Sings And Plays (£19.98 down from £39.99)

@avecigrec did you get the Sun Ra on RSD? Any thoughts?

@avecigrec did you get the Sun Ra on RSD? Any thoughts?

So this one has been a wild ride!

My original copy was checked by the seller and found to have two copies of the same disc (this had happened to their other sale of this title, which led them to check mine) so they got a replacement copy and mailed it (from Eastern US) on May 6th. It scanned in Ireland on May 10th (wtf?!?!) and hasn't scanned any updates since! They ordered me ANOTHER replacement and will be shipping it presently. So I've yet to get the chance to form an opinion on this one, though it did just hit streaming today, so I may wind up giving it a listen there before my copy arrives...
So this one has been a wild ride!

My original copy was checked by the seller and found to have two copies of the same disc (this had happened to their other sale of this title, which led them to check mine) so they got a replacement copy and mailed it (from Eastern US) on May 6th. It scanned in Ireland on May 10th (wtf?!?!) and hasn't scanned any updates since! They ordered me ANOTHER replacement and will be shipping it presently. So I've yet to get the chance to form an opinion on this one, though it did just hit streaming today, so I may wind up giving it a listen there before my copy arrives...
Oh wow, what a nightmare! Well, fingers crossed you get your copy soon!
I am kind of in love with this woman's voice

purple and signed litho, 40$. purple no litho, 30$

this black version is $25 though:
