Online Vinyl Deals

Some dude on reddit has been claiming that they told him the Groove Box was out of stock since yesterday. Did you communicate with them directly and, if so, did you hear anything even remotely like that regarding your box

I had to call because they didn't respond to my acceptance of their reduced price offer via email. So yes, in person there was no mention of the groove box being out of stock. shows on my account with a $10 paypal charge.
i canceled my sub to bespoke but oddly they sent me this message "Thanks for clarifying! It looks like we are unable to credit referrals that are posted on public forums since that violates the terms of the referral program. As requested, I've gone ahead and canceled your subscription." i never mentioned anything about a forum of any kind i must of racked up a lot of credits.besides the records i personally could careless this club reeks of pretentious douche bag hipster. edit: i didn't see anywhere it said you can't post referral links on a forum tho i know this is standard practice of most referral programs.
i canceled my sub to bespoke but oddly they sent me this mess "Thanks for clarifying! It looks like we are unable to credit referrals that are posted on public forums since that violates the terms of the referral program. As requested, I've gone ahead and canceled your subscription." i never mentioned anything about a forum of any kind i must of racked up credits.besides the records i personally could careless this club reeks of pretentious douche bag hipster.

It's bullshit. It doesn't say you can't post on public forums, only that you can't post on public forums where it violates those forums rules. I figured something like this would happen, though
i canceled my sub to bespoke but oddly they sent me this mess "Thanks for clarifying! It looks like we are unable to credit referrals that are posted on public forums since that violates the terms of the referral program. As requested, I've gone ahead and canceled your subscription." i never mentioned anything about a forum of any kind i must of racked up credits.besides the records i personally could careless this club reeks of pretentious douche bag hipster. edit: i didn't see anywhere it said you can't post referral links on a forum tho i know this is standard practice of most referral programs.
I know there is a way that websites can track site traffic from which the customers came. That's how Bull Moose ended up creating a forum account (old forum) because they were seeing so much pre-order traffic coming from the forum.
It's bullshit. It doesn't say you can't post on public forums, only that you can't post on public forums where it violates those forums rules. I figured something like this would happen, though
You were smart to ask for email addresses at least on some of those referrals...I think I got about 9 or 10 referrals and hoping that they still honor them.