Hey guys, I saw some were asking where vinylover was, and as he was a part of this community, if only in this one thread, I thought it'd be fair to let you guys know.
It is with sadness and a heavy heart that I write this. My dad, known as vinylover around these parts, has passed away two weeks ago, after battling multiple myeloma for close to 6 years. A few years back I showed him the ropes to the whole amazon referral thing, where to look for deals and which records are worth keeping an eye on, as he couldn't work at his job anymore so this was something to help pass the time and serve as a bit of extra income to help with, well, life stuff. His English wasn't really good, so he didn't engage in conversation much, but he really enjoyed the community and atmosphere here. He was very active on that vinyl reddit page as well, but always felt most comfortable on VMP.
Thanks to everyone who made him feel welcome here, even though he pretty much only posted links

He got me hooked on vinyl when I was about 4 years old, so it's kind of full circle that my vinyl obsession helped him out in his final years, and served as something we were always able to bond over.
Thanks for everything dad, and may you never run out of records to listen to, wherever you are.