Online Vinyl Deals

As far as the Bespoke Post thing, I blew that shit up pretty hard on reddit yesterday, so I'm curious about how many orders they can really fill. Not exaggerating, I'm fairly sure hundreds of people registered, and that's just through my link. Some were even using fake accounts, so I pulled my link off of there, because I had a feeling that Bespoke Post might be emailing me and telling me that I "abused" their system in some capacity. Otherwise, they owe me a LOT of credit. Now I'm just getting non-stop messages from people on reddit asking me to send them a referral email and impatiently letting me know it hasn't shown up yet. OR asking me all about the service as if I fucking work for them.

Anyway... hope these orders all go through, but... something to be aware of
As far as the Bespoke Post thing, I blew that shit up pretty hard on reddit yesterday, so I'm curious about how many orders they can really fill. Not exaggerating, I'm fairly sure hundreds of people registered, and that's just through my link. Some were even using fake accounts, so I pulled my link off of there, because I had a feeling that Bespoke Post might be emailing me and telling me that I "abused" their system in some capacity. Otherwise, they owe me a LOT of credit. Now I'm just getting non-stop messages from people on reddit asking me to send them a referral email and impatiently letting me know it hasn't shown up yet. OR asking me all about the service as if I fucking work for them.

Anyway... hope these orders all go through, but... something to be aware of
I just posted a link on here, and if I'm reading this right, it appears that 17 people have signed up through my link. I read through the R&R's and didn't see any limitations on how many times your link can be used. I think if you cleared 100 you basically do work for them now.
I just posted a link on here, and if I'm reading this right, it appears that 17 people have signed up through my link. I read through the R&R's and didn't see any limitations on how many times your link can be used. I think if you cleared 100 you basically do work for them now.

HA! Let's see if they feel that way once I place $2,000 dollars in orders worth of beard salves and tweed mockasins.

The referral terms also state they don't want you blowing up platforms like that and message boards, but specify that they don't want you doing that on ones that violates their policy. This doesn't violate reddit or this message boards policy. So... fingers crossed. By having my link up there, it was a LOT easier, but it also prompts people to sign up with bunk accounts that will come back and bite me in the ass. Making them link through the email, automatically, makes people feel like they have to use that real email. PLUS, if all of this shit goes through, I'll have credit for quite some time. Someone else needs to go get theirs like you've done happened...I finally caved and put my order in for the Dylan mono box set. I held off as long as I could.
Hey guys, I saw some were asking where vinylover was, and as he was a part of this community, if only in this one thread, I thought it'd be fair to let you guys know.

It is with sadness and a heavy heart that I write this. My dad, known as vinylover around these parts, has passed away two weeks ago, after battling multiple myeloma for close to 6 years. A few years back I showed him the ropes to the whole amazon referral thing, where to look for deals and which records are worth keeping an eye on, as he couldn't work at his job anymore so this was something to help pass the time and serve as a bit of extra income to help with, well, life stuff. His English wasn't really good, so he didn't engage in conversation much, but he really enjoyed the community and atmosphere here. He was very active on that vinyl reddit page as well, but always felt most comfortable on VMP.

Thanks to everyone who made him feel welcome here, even though he pretty much only posted links :) He got me hooked on vinyl when I was about 4 years old, so it's kind of full circle that my vinyl obsession helped him out in his final years, and served as something we were always able to bond over.

Thanks for everything dad, and may you never run out of records to listen to, wherever you are.
I'm so sorry to hear this and for your loss. I hope your memories are a comfort during this difficult time.
HA! Let's see if they feel that way once I place $2,000 dollars in orders worth of beard salves and tweed mockasins.

The referral terms also state they don't want you blowing up platforms like that and message boards, but specify that they don't want you doing that on ones that violates their policy. This doesn't violate reddit or this message boards policy. So... fingers crossed. By having my link up there, it was a LOT easier, but it also prompts people to sign up with bunk accounts that will come back and bite me in the ass. Making them link through the email, automatically, makes people feel like they have to use that real email. PLUS, if all of this shit goes through, I'll have credit for quite some time. Someone else needs to go get theirs like you've done

Or you could buy $2000 worth of future groove boxes and rain down free vinyl on this forum. Ha ha ha.
Or you could buy $2000 worth of future groove boxes and rain down free vinyl on this forum. Ha ha ha.

That's also part of the plan. It takes a good 7 days get it, so we'll see if it shows up. My account shows 50 people "registered." That alone is insane. But then I started to realize, at one point, that it only shows the last 50, because the names were rotating down the list. So... that's really a lot. I considered buying another box anyway, because it was cheap, but I'd rather buy it with credit, if possible. If that happens, I'll definitely be visiting the PIF thread. I'm still curious about how long this can go, before they deplete that stock, though. Do they actually have it on hand, or are they getting it from VMP? It's all stuff in the VMP stock, right now
That's also part of the plan. It takes a good 7 days get it, so we'll see if it shows up. My account shows 50 people "registered." That alone is insane. But then I started to realize, at one point, that it only shows the last 50, because the names were rotating down the list. So... that's really a lot. I considered buying another box anyway, because it was cheap, but I'd rather buy it with credit, if possible. If that happens, I'll definitely be visiting the PIF thread. I'm still curious about how long this can go, before they deplete that stock, though. Do they actually have it on hand, or are they getting it from VMP? It's all stuff in the VMP stock, right now
You go from asking how to use the website one day, to becoming the kingpin the next night.

You go from asking how to use the website one day, to becoming the kingpin the next night.


Yeah. I don't really fuck around when I fuck around. My house is full of free art, right now, too, but that's another story.

I was going to just post a bunch of other stuff beyond that, but I feel like it won't go over well. I'll say that I crossed paths with Vinylover before the forum over on reddit, and he commented over there on reddit just fine. He had no problem telling me to go fuck myself with perfect grammar. I sincerely doubt that's why he didn't communicate on the old forum. He didn't communicate on the old forum, because this thread was simply another mark. Once I pointed it out, he vanished for a while and then slunk back in. If the story is true, that's tragic and I don't wish that on anyone. Sorry for your loss. At the same time, I wouldn't be surprised if this new account started dumping referral links in here soon.

Now feel free to post your angry emojis at me
Thanks, they got it back in stock somehow and built me a box for 10!

I do appreciate your help though!

Some dude on reddit has been claiming that they told him the Groove Box was out of stock since yesterday. Did you communicate with them directly and, if so, did you hear anything even remotely like that regarding your box