Political Discussion

A) Reddit is 65% men, 63% people under 30. Demos that, in theory, are more likely to be in favor of automatic weapon bans. As seen in the fact that the talk about gun control is largely aimed at people who grew up with school shootings and turning them out.

B) The moderate thread, which just did a demo on their subs, leans higher in men than that but also older. Average age is like 36.

C) White men are going to decide this election. She has to hit Biden's #'s with the demographic or its a loss. As has been discussed on every politcal pod in my diet.

D) You can be moderate on most issues (gay rights and be extreme on guns. A lot of these folks entire hobbyist lifestyles are built around this stuff. It'd be like telling my NBA blog you are going to ban basketball or this place you're going to ban music... because these folks are in denial that guns are the reason for mass shootings.

And as I said above, I think lack of proper mental healthcare is more to blame than the guns themselves. So they aren't entirely wrong.
You are now making the gun lobby’s arguments for them. Here’s the deal, we go soft on the gun stuff all the time and NOTHING happens. This is not an extreme position (assault rifle bans). I am of the opinion that as long as the gun lobby wants to present bad faith arguments regarding gun control measures that we should ACTIVELY do what they say we want to do and actually come for their fucking guns because maybe then they’ll come to the fucking table to talk rationally about the subject instead of being a bunch of babies about it.
C) White men are going to decide this election. She has to hit Biden's #'s with the demographic or its a loss. As has been discussed on every politcal pod in my diet.
I'd argue women in suburbs in swing states are going to be much more of a deciding factor. White men, as a voting block, will disappoint at large as usual.

D) You can be moderate on most issues (gay rights and be extreme on guns. A lot of these folks entire hobbyist lifestyles are built around this stuff. It'd be like telling my NBA blog you are going to ban basketball or this place you're going to ban music... because these folks are in denial that guns are the reason for mass shootings.
Music and basketball aren't designed with the sole purpose of killing large numbers of things very quickly.

I don't even want all guns banned. Just assault rifles, really. There's plenty of other kinds. I'd even settle for intense, enforced regulations on them. Refusal to compromise in this area and turning to fascism for the sake of a hobby is genuinely insane behavior.
You are now making the gun lobby’s arguments for them. Here’s the deal, we go soft on the gun stuff all the time and NOTHING happens. This is not an extreme position (assault rifle bans). I am of the opinion that as long as the gun lobby wants to present bad faith arguments regarding gun control measures that we should ACTIVELY do what they say we want to do and actually come for their fucking guns because maybe then they’ll come to the fucking table to talk rationally about the subject instead of being a bunch of babies about it.

Just need to get rid of all the meatballs in congress and then maybe there will be action. Right there with you.
Hypothetical question. If congress were ever to repeal the 2nd amendment (I don't ever see that happening), could the SCOTUS step in and reinstate it?
You can say that anyone who is single issue on guns is extremist.
Okay, anyone who is single issue on guns is an extremist.
The thread, and there have been ones similar to it for two weeks
This thread?…
Doesn’t read like a moderate take on anything. It reads like a bunch guys that REALLY like Assault weapons bothered by the fact that 85% of democrats favor a ban on assault weapons and they are worried they might not be able to buy more boom boom toys to be able to cosplay as Rambo on the weekends.

Are you an assault weapon owner or a potential owner? It’s fine if you are, the reason I ask is that you just seem more invested in this specific issue than most. Like there are issue that I worry about with undecided voters; inflation, public safety, and immigration are all issues that I feel the Dems are perceived as weak. And if you came here and were posting about how you worry about those issue I would get it. Those are factors that could swing the election but this issue is one that only affects. A subset (gun owners) of a subset (assault weapon owners) this is not something that many voters worry about.

I will even play along. Approximately 155 million votes were cast in 2020.

Rough estimates (since the government won’t actually track this stuff) there are around 600k assault weapons in circulation currently of those how many voters do you think have multiple assault weapons? Half maybe? So that’s like 450k and of those how many are MAGA people? I would generously say like 2/3, so you are now at like maybe 150k people spread across 50 states and of those, how many do you think this is a big deal? I own a Honda Ruckus and I love it and I would be bummed if Kamala ran on a scooter ban but I would still have no reservations voting for her because there are much more important things than whether I own a scooter.
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C) White men are going to decide this election. She has to hit Biden's #'s with the demographic or its a loss. As has been discussed on every politcal pod in my diet.
I do disagree on this point. In converse, I think it is the white female split and non-white turnout that decides the election. If non-white turnout is high and white women vote in majority for Harris, she wins. The white male vote split and turnout is largely set already.
Speaking of amendments, what's the current status on the 28th amendment?

At last check the required number of states ratified it, which took 30 some odd years to happen, but the GOP were trying to say the clock has expired, you snooze you lose and the amendment is no longer valid stating that states had a 5 year or so deadline to ratify. But the way experts read it, it wasn't a deadline, congress just wanted to try to get the ratifications back by then.

I have also heard talk from the GOP that there should never be any more amendments. That our constitution is the law of the land and there should never be a need to change things.
I think any Supreme Court would be nuts to over turn an amendment (which would be necessary for repeal) after it went through the process of ratification.
It is not within the Constitutional power of the SCOTUS to overturn an amendment. How they rule on it after passing is a different matter. The judicial interpretation of most of the amendments has changed over time. The judiciary also has very limited capacity to compel execution of their decisions; that's for the executive branch. SCOTUS owns neither purse or troops.
I have also heard talk from the GOP that there should never be any more amendments. That our constitution is the law of the land and there should never be a need to change things.
Oh, that's really an originalist position. :rolleyes:

In fact, if state legislatures still decided who would be selected to be electors without any popular vote at all, Trump would have never been President. He was very unpopular with the GOP establishment at the start of his 2016 run and only gained support through his primary wins. Without those, Jeb Bush would have likely been the nominee.
Okay, anyone who is single issue on guns is an extremist.

This thread?…
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Doesn’t read like a moderate take on anything. It reads like a bunch guys that REALLY like Assault weapons bothered by the fact that 85% of democrats favor a ban on assault weapons and they are worried they might not be able to buy more boom boom toys to be able to cosplay as Rambo on the weekends.

Are you an assault weapon owner or a potential owner? It’s fine if you are, the reason I ask is that you just seem more invested in this specific issue than most. Like there are issue that I worry about with undecided voters; inflation, public safety, and immigration are all issues that I feel the Dems are perceived as weak. And if you came here and were posting about how you worry about those issue I would get it. Those are factors that could swing the election but this issue is one that only affects. A subset (gun owners) of a subset (assault weapon owners) this is not something that many voters worry about.

I will even play along. Approximately 155 million votes were cast in 2020.

Rough estimates (since the government won’t actually track this stuff) there are around 600k assault weapons in circulation currently of those how many voters do you think have multiple assault weapons? Half maybe? So that’s like 450k and of those how many are MAGA people? I would generously say like 2/3, so you are now at like maybe 150k people spread across 50 states and of those, how many do you think this is a big deal? I own a Honda Ruckus and I love it and I would be bummed if Kamala ran on a scooter ban but I would still have no reservations voting for her because there are much more important things than whether I own a scooter.

Way to find the most extreme comment. As opposed to the top voted comments.


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Way to find the most extreme comment. As opposed to the top voted comments.
I promise it didn’t take more than a cursory scroll to find that. You want me to start deep diving on these guys post history to shine a light on how “moderate “ they actually are I can do that but the fact that was one of the first comments I saw told me aI didn’t really need to dig that deep.
Okay, anyone who is single issue on guns is an extremist.

This thread?…

Rough estimates (since the government won’t actually track this stuff) there are around 600k assault weapons in circulation currently of those how many voters do you think have multiple assault weapons? Half maybe? So that’s like 450k and of those how many are MAGA people? I would generously say like 2/3, so you are now at like maybe 150k people spread across 50 states and of those, how many do you think this is a big deal? I own a Honda Ruckus and I love it and I would be bummed if Kamala ran on a scooter ban but I would still have no reservations voting for her because there are much more important things than whether I own a scooter.
Your math is good but it does not reflect the uneven nature of Electoral votes. To win the WH, you need to win some states that have broad rural populations, not just commandingly large cities. Gun ownership tends to be concentrated in rural areas; I take it to be even more true for assault weapons. So a small number of states with a highly rural population can tip the Electoral scales.

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Said another way, assault weapon owner votes for POTUS tend to count more than those that don't own them because of the states they tend to live in.
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