Political Discussion

Trump on Wednesday called into his safe space on Fox News from his Florida club to claim he was “thrilled” that Harris had chosen Walz, billing the Democratic team as radical and too far left for America. “This is a ticket that would want this country to go communist immediately, if not sooner,” Trump said. His attacks, however, were mostly unfocused and of only limited effectiveness as he again failed to spell out a clear and concise case against his rival.

Trump on Wednesday called into his safe space on Fox News from his Florida club to claim he was “thrilled” that Harris had chosen Walz, billing the Democratic team as radical and too far left for America. “This is a ticket that would want this country to go communist immediately, if not sooner,” Trump said. His attacks, however, were mostly unfocused and of only limited effectiveness as he again failed to spell out a clear and concise case against his rival.

Man, if they're communist then I don't even know what he'd call an actual leftist. Straight to the camps if you want universal healthcare.
Trump on Wednesday called into his safe space on Fox News from his Florida club to claim he was “thrilled” that Harris had chosen Walz, billing the Democratic team as radical and too far left for America. “This is a ticket that would want this country to go communist immediately, if not sooner,” Trump said. His attacks, however, were mostly unfocused and of only limited effectiveness as he again failed to spell out a clear and concise case against his rival.

There are also all these conservative talking heads saying that the Trump campaign planted lots of disinformation to keep Shapiro off the ticket because Trump would lose if Shapiro was on the ticket.
Last time I bring it up considering where the polls are at. But look at the comments.

A lot of people who want to vote Harris, but the automatic weapon talk is scaring them off.

Yesterday, in a different thread, somebody said they were gonna vote for her inspite of being deeply against it because they'd read the despositions on Jan 6th but vote red down ballot to prevent her from having congress because of it. And it turned into a huge conversation.
Last time I bring it up considering where the polls are at. But look at the comments.

A lot of people who want to vote Harris, but the automatic weapon talk is scaring them off.

Yesterday, in a different thread, somebody said they were gonna vote for her inspite of being deeply against it because they'd read the despositions on Jan 6th but vote red down ballot to prevent her from having congress because of it. And it turned into a huge conversation.
If I'm constantly told that I shouldn't advocate for the positions I want because we just need to beat Trump, then these people should be told the same. If they think having automatic weapons is better than all the other issues, then they can not vote or vote for Trump. I have to consider not voting because of what's important morally to me, and weigh the good and the bad. Frankly, I don't think this is an issue the Dems should ever compromise on again. At some point they need to actually do things that are good for this country and the minority who hold harmful or unpopular opinions on single issues can cope.
Last time I bring it up considering where the polls are at. But look at the comments.

A lot of people who want to vote Harris, but the automatic weapon talk is scaring them off.

Yesterday, in a different thread, somebody said they were gonna vote for her inspite of being deeply against it because they'd read the despositions on Jan 6th but vote red down ballot to prevent her from having congress because of it. And it turned into a huge conversation.
Reddit is something like 90% white men between 18 and 30, so take data from there with a fistful of salt.

Notwithstanding, letting a fascist take power so you can retain private ownership of an assault weapon you don't need is weird. Certainly not "moderate" as it would be defined anywhere else in the world.
Last time I bring it up considering where the polls are at. But look at the comments.

A lot of people who want to vote Harris, but the automatic weapon talk is scaring them off.

Yesterday, in a different thread, somebody said they were gonna vote for her inspite of being deeply against it because they'd read the despositions on Jan 6th but vote red down ballot to prevent her from having congress because of it. And it turned into a huge conversation.
Last time (I pray) I have to reply.

An Assault Weapons Ban is the mainstream position. Anyone voting or not voting based on the threat of an assault weapons ban is not a moderate. They are an extremist. These voters were never considering voting for a Democrat as president not Harris, not Biden, not Obama, not Kerry, not Gore, not Clinton, not Dukakis. The wouldn’t vote for Shapiro or Whitmer or Sanders either. There is no reason to be soft of this issue. It only helps.

If you worry about an assault weapons ban then you are not gonna vote for a Democrat.
Last time (I pray) I have to reply.

An Assault Weapons Ban is the mainstream position. Anyone voting or not voting based on the threat of an assault weapons ban is not a moderate. They are an extremist. These voters were never considering voting for a Democrat as president not Harris, not Biden, not Obama, not Kerry, not Gore, not Clinton, not Dukakis. The wouldn’t vote for Shapiro or Whitmer or Sanders either. There is no reason to be soft of this issue. It only helps.

If you worry about an assault weapons ban then you are not gonna vote for a Democrat.

You can say that anyone who is single issue on guns is extremist... there are multiple threads on reddit that make it clear you are wrong.

The thread, and there have been ones similar to it for two weeks now, I linked is FULL of people who do not like Trump and are looking for a reason to vote for Harris and are close to doing so... but the gun thing is holding them back or are going to vote down ballot red while voting for Harris out of a hope that it prevents congress from being able to act.

All she had to do is focus on ref flag laws, background checks, ext and she had those voters.

Also, something that hasn't been discussed her yet... how come she isn't focusing on mental health care? Aka the real solution to gun violence in this country. Outside of the 90s- automatic weapons have always been a thing. (And by the way, the automatic weapon ban is part of what led to multiple red waves in the late 90s, early 00s). It was gutting mental health care that got us here.

I again point to Beto, who literally tanked his career, by taking this stance.
Last time (I pray) I have to reply.

An Assault Weapons Ban is the mainstream position. Anyone voting or not voting based on the threat of an assault weapons ban is not a moderate. They are an extremist. These voters were never considering voting for a Democrat as president not Harris, not Biden, not Obama, not Kerry, not Gore, not Clinton, not Dukakis. The wouldn’t vote for Shapiro or Whitmer or Sanders either. There is no reason to be soft of this issue. It only helps.

If you worry about an assault weapons ban then you are not gonna vote for a Democrat.
Personally, I think the gun lobby loves this talk. Every time the far-right rails about a possible assault weapons ban, guns sales go through the roof.

Reddit is something like 90% white men between 18 and 30, so take data from there with a fistful of salt.

Notwithstanding, letting a fascist take power so you can retain private ownership of an assault weapon you don't need is weird. Certainly not "moderate" as it would be defined anywhere else in the world.

A) Reddit is 65% men, 63% people under 30. Demos that, in theory, are more likely to be in favor of automatic weapon bans. As seen in the fact that the talk about gun control is largely aimed at people who grew up with school shootings and turning them out.

B) The moderate thread, which just did a demo on their subs, leans drastically higher in men than that but also older. Average age is like 36.

C) White men are going to decide this election. She has to hit Biden's #'s with the demographic or its a loss. As has been discussed on every politcal pod in my diet.

D) You can be moderate on most issues (gay rights and be extreme on guns. A lot of these folks entire hobbyist lifestyles are built around this stuff. It'd be like telling my NBA blog you are going to ban basketball or this place you're going to ban music... because these folks are in denial that guns are the reason for mass shootings.

And as I said above, I think lack of proper mental healthcare is more to blame than the guns themselves. So they aren't entirely wrong.
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You can say that anyone who is single issue on guns is extremist... there are multiple threads on reddit that make it clear you are wrong.

The thread, and there have been ones similar to it for two weeks now, I linked is FULL of people who do not like Trump and are looking for a reason to vote for Harris and are close to doing so... but the gun thing is holding them back or are going to vote down ballot red while voting for Harris out of a hope that it prevents congress from being able to act.

All she had to do is focus on ref flag laws, background checks, ext and she had those voters.

Also, something that hasn't been discussed her yet... how come she isn't focusing on mental health care? Aka the real solution to gun violence in this country. Outside of the 90s- automatic weapons have always been a thing. (And by the way, the automatic weapon ban is part of what led to multiple red waves in the late 90s, early 00s). It was gutting mental health care that got us here.

I again point to Beto, who literally tanked his career, by taking this stance.
Lots of work to do on mental health and I'd love to see her talk about that and improve our painfully flawed mental health access to care, but mental health is not the main reason for mass shootings. Mental health researchers who look at this link don't come to this conclusion. It's a factor, among many, but most shooters are not mentally ill no matter what the public wishes. Mentally ill people are not in general more violent than those without mental illness.