Political Discussion

Vance attacking Walz for “stolen valor” when he’s Donald Trumps running mate is pretty rich.

Walz served in the National Guard for 24 years! Choosing to retire as a 41 year old man with a young child and a pregnant wife instead of going to Iraq is a very reasonable decision. I am sure some NCOs in their 40s ended up serving in active duty during their military careers but I would imagine that number is pretty low. Enlistments are for 8 years stretches, most leave once they have completed their initial enlistment. Walz reenlisted 3 more times!

JD Vance currently is younger than Walz was when Walz retired from the National Guard. War is a young man’s game, I doubt Vance would be too keen at this point in his life to serve a tour in Iraq currently if given the option.

And that doesn’t even take into account the deferments Trump took to avoid being drafted during Vietnam.
JD Vance served, and deployed, and I won’t shit on that. But…. He was deployed as a reporter. He spent 6 months in Iraq, attaching to various units, and writing stories. This “stolen valor” attack is bullshit.
Wife and I were talking about Walz last night after she watched his speech. She brought up the excellent point that Walz is the kind of politician that actually gets into office because he truly wants to help people. That's why he went to the military. That's why he became a teacher. That's why he became a coach. That's why he became the teacher sponsor for the Gay-Straight Alliance in his high school. That's why he went to Congress. All of that is such a foreign concept to MAGA. The idea of a person who thinks of others rather than just what they can gain is a concept they left behind a long time ago. That's why they can't get why people like him and Kamala. That's why they'll ultimately fail. MAGA, Trump, Vance have nothing to offer because they only care about what's in it for themselves.
Wife and I were talking about Walz last night after she watched his speech. She brought up the excellent point that Walz is the kind of politician that actually gets into office because he truly wants to help people. That's why he went to the military. That's why he became a teacher. That's why he became a coach. That's why he became the teacher sponsor for the Gay-Straight Alliance in his high school. That's why he went to Congress. All of that is such a foreign concept to MAGA. The idea of a person who thinks of others rather than just what they can gain is a concept they left behind a long time ago. That's why they can't get why people like him and Kamala. That's why they'll ultimately fail. MAGA, Trump, Vance have nothing to offer because they only care about what's in it for themselves.

There are people who run and serve who want to help the general public but then get overshadowed by loud ones who do nothing and only care about their personal gains.
All this division has really stagnated the growth of this country.
Belt drive forever baby!
Totally belt drive. I bet VPI has an upgrade waiting for him if they win:

In my opinion the determiner of this election will be who gets the female vote. Harris is leading and Walz compounds. Harris was very smart to pick an affable former teacher; most of the teachers in the US are female. Somebody who will actively stand up for them against the slings from the far-right activists who have denigrated teachers for years will be a refreshing change. Walz has many positive characteristics that help the ticket.

Now all he has to do is tie up the belt-drive vote...
Wife and I were talking about Walz last night after she watched his speech. She brought up the excellent point that Walz is the kind of politician that actually gets into office because he truly wants to help people. That's why he went to the military. That's why he became a teacher. That's why he became a coach. That's why he became the teacher sponsor for the Gay-Straight Alliance in his high school. That's why he went to Congress. All of that is such a foreign concept to MAGA. The idea of a person who thinks of others rather than just what they can gain is a concept they left behind a long time ago. That's why they can't get why people like him and Kamala. That's why they'll ultimately fail. MAGA, Trump, Vance have nothing to offer because they only care about what's in it for themselves.

he (and his wife) also reportedly do not own any stock and pretty much only have pensions for investments. he even introduced the STOCK act in the early 2010s which eventually got passed in a lesser form because rea$on$. his net worth lies in stark contrast to the other three individuals in the potus/vp race. he has absolutely not been in politics to further financial gain.
What a fucking doof:

This is shit that only Fox News types find entertaining. Then the little wuss said he would only debate Kamala and not Walz since he didn't know if the Democrats would pull a bait and switch and have a different VP candidate. They have nothing but stupid theatrics. They have no policy ideas that they can share that won't alienate half of America. All they have is outrage and grievance politics. If I was on the Secret Service, I would've put him down harshly if he tried to get near the VP. You're not some 3rd rate candidate trying to get a gotcha moment with a politician at an airport. I know you've debased yourself to MAGA but try to have a little backbone.
This is shit that only Fox News types find entertaining. Then the little wuss said he would only debate Kamala and not Walz since he didn't know if the Democrats would pull a bait and switch and have a different VP candidate. They have nothing but stupid theatrics. They have no policy ideas that they can share that won't alienate half of America. All they have is outrage and grievance politics. If I was on the Secret Service, I would've put him down harshly if he tried to get near the VP. You're not some 3rd rate candidate trying to get a gotcha moment with a politician at an airport. I know you've debased yourself to MAGA but try to have a little backbone.
I've seen people online call this the worst Entourage reboot possible. I'm all about it!