Political Discussion

You can call it a conspiracy if you want. Again, I alluded to it being my gut instincts. But it's a known fact that both sides are using the platform in the Ukraine / Russia war. And that journalists are using images and videos from Gaza out into the world. And as somebody who despises Tik Tok and is open to conversations of shutting it down / forcing the sell-off, this now marks two platforms known for helping get the real story from Israel to the general public that have now been gone after by Western governments. So the timing is somewhat fishy when you consider Netenyahu is desperate to control the story and just kicked Israel's left wing new organization out of the country.

Also Macron is a jackass and the epitome of everything wrong with Neoliberals so it's completely fair to question his motivations.

Apologies if my criticism came off as harsh, I am just tired of all the baseless conjecture haphazardly tossed about. Macron can be a jack ass and the French government could also be attempting to hold tech companies to account for the crime and grief that these platforms release on their citizens. One doesn’t have to be beholden to the other. I feel like France is sending a message to other, larger tech companies (Meta and Twitter in particular) that they need to make sure their platforms mind their P’s and Q’s or they might end up in a similar spot. Which is a good thing as they have largely been left unchecked by western democracies at this point. So I’m willing to applaud them for doing the right thing as opposed to questioning their motives unless some evidence arises to the contrary.
You can call it a conspiracy if you want. Again, I alluded to it being my gut instincts. But it's a known fact that both sides are using the platform in the Ukraine / Russia war. And that journalists are using images and videos from Gaza out into the world. And as somebody who despises Tik Tok and is open to conversations of shutting it down / forcing the sell-off, this now marks two platforms known for helping get the real story from Israel to the general public that have now been gone after by Western governments. So the timing is somewhat fishy when you consider Netenyahu is desperate to control the story and just kicked Israel's primary left wing new organization out of the country.

Also Macron is a jackass and the epitome of everything wrong with Neoliberals so it's completely fair to question his motivations.

Macron is an intellectual Pygmy and an utter shit human being. He is where he is for the sole reason that his surname isn’t le Pen. I really feel for France being stuck with him, he’s a laughing stock at European level.

Holding tech companies to account isn’t a bad thing by any measure though, I just utterly despise that man and his recent about turn to a hard stance on Russia is hard to swallow given how he was acting the aftermath of the invasion.
I would love for this Trump BS at Arlington National Cemetery to open some eyes just to how crass and political everything he does is but it's hard not to give up on certain segments of our society. I keep hoping people will realize that this man cares nothing about you, your family, veterans, or dead soldiers. They are all merely props to further his quest for power and need to escape consequences of years of fraud and corruption. He did not give two shits about the people who died in Afghanistan other than to use them to shit on Biden and Kamala. Thankfully the Army is pushing back on this. Crap like this and shitting on Walz's record of service have to make a dent other than you just don't care or live in an alternate reality.
Apologies if my criticism came off as harsh, I am just tired of all the baseless conjecture haphazardly tossed about. Macron can be a jack ass and the French government could also be attempting to hold tech companies to account for the crime and grief that these platforms release on their citizens. One doesn’t have to be beholden to the other. I feel like France is sending a message to other, larger tech companies (Meta and Twitter in particular) that they need to make sure their platforms mind their P’s and Q’s or they might end up in a similar spot. Which is a good thing as they have largely been left unchecked by western democracies at this point. So I’m willing to applaud them for doing the right thing as opposed to questioning their motives unless some evidence arises to the contrary.

I understand the frustration with conspiracy theories and understand the desire to reign in unregulated tech. But again, there are journalists out there tweeting about how important the app has been in covering Gaza. Meanwhile, the arrest came right after Israel called the platform "uncooperative". In other words, I have zero issues with the arrest, but find the timing extremely suspect... and thus, problematic.
Also Macron is a jackass and the epitome of everything wrong with Neoliberals so it's completely fair to question his motivations.

Exploiting the left to win, and then giving them the finger as soon as they're in, and shrugging at their protestations because the alternative is brazenly fascist. A Neolib classic.
I would love for this Trump BS at Arlington National Cemetery to open some eyes just to how crass and political everything he does is but it's hard not to give up on certain segments of our society. I keep hoping people will realize that this man cares nothing about you, your family, veterans, or dead soldiers. They are all merely props to further his quest for power and need to escape consequences of years of fraud and corruption. He did not give two shits about the people who died in Afghanistan other than to use them to shit on Biden and Kamala. Thankfully the Army is pushing back on this. Crap like this and shitting on Walz's record of service have to make a dent other than you just don't care or live in an alternate reality.
Yeah I just watched the run tok he posted. He’s gonna find himself in a new problem with the IS Givernemtn for crassly breaking federal law. He actually used the footage as a campaign ad!

He also says in the poorly thought out ad that the Biden administration “took over the disaster… the leaving of Afghanistan.” Lol
but find the timing extremely suspect... and thus, problematic.
The problem with the conspiratorial mind is when you actually supply reason to the imagined conspiracy it has to grow more vast and absurd to accomplish what the accuser is accusing.

In relation to them charging the the CEO of Telegram why now, as opposed to months (or in Ukraine example years ago)? Thousand of people have been killed and cities left in ruin. It seems like if they were planning a cover up they should have started a bit sooner. Also, these charges are against the CEO, they don’t immediately impact Telegram itself. The changes they are calling for seem unlikely to hinder their ability to report or communicate. So which seems more likely? The French government wants to crack down of the lawlessness taking place on a social media platform or “they” are wanting to censor the media coverage in war torn areas where applying these charges seemingly doesn’t accomplish.

if something genuinely problematic arises then by all means call them out but if all you have is “the timing” as a rationale for these problematic feelings then this all seems very post hoc ergo propter hoc as far as logical fallacies go.
I would love for this Trump BS at Arlington National Cemetery to open some eyes just to how crass and political everything he does is but it's hard not to give up on certain segments of our society. I keep hoping people will realize that this man cares nothing about you, your family, veterans, or dead soldiers. They are all merely props to further his quest for power and need to escape consequences of years of fraud and corruption. He did not give two shits about the people who died in Afghanistan other than to use them to shit on Biden and Kamala. Thankfully the Army is pushing back on this. Crap like this and shitting on Walz's record of service have to make a dent other than you just don't care or live in an alternate reality.
I so dearly wish this were the case, but I think the venn diagram of people who want a patriotic/religious president and the people who can recognize hugging a flag or kissing a bible as empty pandering (and insulting, really) are two circles flying fast in opposite directions.
I so dearly wish this were the case, but I think the venn diagram of people who want a patriotic/religious president and the people who can recognize hugging a flag or kissing a bible as empty pandering (and insulting, really) are two circles flying fast in opposite directions.
I will say that unlike Vance’s stolen valor claims, I’ve not seen any support for this nonsense. Even his campaign seems to be silent about it beyond the initial batshit response and videos/ads. (Admittedly, I haven’t gone searching for support either but I didn’t have to look for the support for the stolen valor comments)
I know Social Media is just trying to get under my skin and anger me. But my Twitter and Instagram feed is still of posts about the SCOTUS refusing to lift the block of Biden's student loan repayment plan. And not in a good way. The vast majority of these posts and comments are cheering the SCOTUS decision and continue to call Biden the most corrupt and illegal president in United States history. They seem to think Biden is a communist dictator and going it alone and forgetting that two other branches of the government exist. And this must not be allowed. Isn't this exactly what Trump want's to do though when he takes office and blows everything up?

And all the how unfair it is to forgive student loans is a load of crap. Everyone is so focused on personal responsibility and not that there is a real problem here government policy has created. It's so black and white. If you borrowed money you should pay it off. Or if I or my children worked their asses to pay off their student loans so can you. And that forgiven the student loans just means people who did not actually incur the debt now have to pay for it.

And not surprising, there is an alarming number of people who believe the student loan repayment plan and forgiveness only benefit "illegals".
I know Social Media is just trying to get under my skin and anger me. But my Twitter and Instagram feed is still of posts about the SCOTUS refusing to lift the block of Biden's student loan repayment plan. And not in a good way. The vast majority of these posts and comments are cheering the SCOTUS decision and continue to call Biden the most corrupt and illegal president in United States history. They seem to think Biden is a communist dictator and going it alone and forgetting that two other branches of the government exist. And this must not be allowed. Isn't this exactly what Trump want's to do though when he takes office and blows everything up?

And all the how unfair it is to forgive student loans is a load of crap. Everyone is so focused on personal responsibility and not that there is a real problem here government policy has created. It's so black and white. If you borrowed money you should pay it off. Or if I or my children worked their asses to pay off their student loans so can you. And that forgiven the student loans just means people who did not actually incur the debt now have to pay for it.

And not surprising, there is an alarming number of people who believe the student loan repayment plan and forgiveness only benefit "illegals".
Why do people think illegal immigrants can receive all kinds of government benefits? I’m sure there are some who have stolen identities, etc to be able to apply for and receive benefits. I am sure the majority of illegal immigrants try very hard to stay out of trouble so they don’t get deported.
I will say that unlike Vance’s stolen valor claims, I’ve not seen any support for this nonsense. Even his campaign seems to be silent about it beyond the initial batshit response and videos/ads. (Admittedly, I haven’t gone searching for support either but I didn’t have to look for the support for the stolen valor comments)
Well the campaign isn’t necessarily being quiet any more: