Political Discussion

One of the things I'm disappointed about is how this debate really didn't lock in the undecided voters for Harris.

Sure Trump's showing was disastrous for him, but it wasn't a death blow. People are jaded and that's just Trump being Trump. Harris did a great job of getting under Trump's skin, but we really didn't get any substance about who she is and what her policies are. We didn't get a lot of real good answers to the questions because she was debunking Trump.

And the lack of substances is why a lot of undecided voters are still undecided. I really wonder how we can fix this and really lock in their votes.
That’s on ABC and the general media too. They didn’t ask policy questions. They asked “do you believe people are better off today?” “Will you sign an abortion veto?” “Do you regret your part in Jan 6?”

They’re not interested in Policy. They’re interested in sound bites and click bait.

It’s why I asked about PBS last night. I miss debate about the stuff that matters.

Also, not for nothing, her policy page is more detailed than Trumps and she’s had a month versus Two years on his side. I think it’s ludicrous to expect details about an incredibly wide range in a month. Trump isn’t exactly detailing his policy either (well it’s detailed, he just denies he’ll use it)
And the lack of substances is why a lot of undecided voters are still undecided. I really wonder how we can fix this and really lock in their votes.
Why do people need that spelled out for them verbally? She has a website where she talks about policy. Policy is not something that's easy to plop into 2 minute intervals. Sorry, if you're undecided about the two choices, you may just be a moron. Undecided to me means "I had better economic times under Trump". If you saw his performance last night, something independents and undecided people said worried them about Biden's age and ability, how can you still be undecided. One candidate talks about vision and optimism. The other is ranting about migrants eating cats.

How is she going to bring down inflation? She isn't. That's not something the president can control. It's a macro economic condition. The Fed has more of a hand in it than anything else.

How is she going to get Bibi to come to the table? She won't. He doesn't want to help her get elected so he has no need to agree to a ceasefire combined with his own government not wanting a ceasefire. She can't come out and say the only way to get Israel to commit is to pull their funding. I guarantee that's on the table when she takes over.
Speaking of my father. He seriously believes that migrants are eating pets, and the only conspiracy is the coverup the dems are doing.
I'm sorry, brother. I can only imagine how hard it must be to get that constantly. Fox News, Facebook, and Twitter have really destroyed a lot of relationships and it sickens me that the abused don't realize how they are being played by the elites who only care about keeping their power. It's worse than QAnon.
Why do people need that spelled out for them verbally? She has a website where she talks about policy. Policy is not something that's easy to plop into 2 minute intervals. Sorry, if you're undecided about the two choices, you may just be a moron. Undecided to me means "I had better economic times under Trump". If you saw his performance last night, something independents and undecided people said worried them about Biden's age and ability, how can you still be undecided. One candidate talks about vision and optimism. The other is ranting about migrants eating cats.

How is she going to bring down inflation? She isn't. That's not something the president can control. It's a macro economic condition. The Fed has more of a hand in it than anything else.

How is she going to get Bibi to come to the table? She won't. He doesn't want to help her get elected so he has no need to agree to a ceasefire combined with his own government not wanting a ceasefire. She can't come out and say the only way to get Israel to commit is to pull their funding. I guarantee that's on the table when she takes over.
The “how” part is the important part and the part the the media always allows all politicians off the hook about while this is okay, to an extent for candidates that release policy papers that the journalists can review, it’s something that Trump and his ilk exploit now that they don’t have to come up with a “how” because journalists refuse their feet to the fire.
Why do people need that spelled out for them verbally? She has a website where she talks about policy. Policy is not something that's easy to plop into 2 minute intervals. Sorry, if you're undecided about the two choices, you may just be a moron. Undecided to me means "I had better economic times under Trump". If you saw his performance last night, something independents and undecided people said worried them about Biden's age and ability, how can you still be undecided. One candidate talks about vision and optimism. The other is ranting about migrants eating cats.

How is she going to bring down inflation? She isn't. That's not something the president can control. It's a macro economic condition. The Fed has more of a hand in it than anything else.

How is she going to get Bibi to come to the table? She won't. He doesn't want to help her get elected so he has no need to agree to a ceasefire combined with his own government not wanting a ceasefire. She can't come out and say the only way to get Israel to commit is to pull their funding. I guarantee that's on the table when she takes over.
I think a lot of these people don't do the research. They go on what the hear. Whether it's from debates or what their coworkers are talking about at work.
This line of attack was echoed by Trump’s biggest supporters. "Weird how the hack moderators at [ABC News] are only 'Fact checking' Trump and allowing Kamala to lie nonstop," Donald Trump Jr. wrote on X. "The Fake News is the enemy of the people!"

“The moderators might as well be on the DNC payroll,” Mike Lee, a Republican senator from Utah wrote on X. “This is ridiculous. This is the worst moderated debate in history.”

“Somebody abort the moderation of this debate and then send the journos to Gitmo,” wrote Sean Davis, CEO of the Federalist, on X.

Charlie Kirk, co-founder of Turning Point USA, called the debate “a show trial where the judge, jury, and executioner is ABC News,” while Marjorie Taylor Greene, the Republican congresswoman from Georgia, called it “an absolute attack on Trump.”

Well, there're not wrong. The moderation did suck. I'll give them that and just that.

How do you even moderate a debate when one of the debaters is a serial liar blowhard? It is an impossible task.
Speaking of my father. He seriously believes that migrants are eating pets, and the only conspiracy is the coverup the dems are doing.
but why? Why do they think immigrants are eating pets? Like why would they? People don’t eat cats. Some eastern cultures historically have eaten dogs but even in those countries that is no longer acceptable.