Political Discussion

but why? Why do they think immigrants are eating pets? Like why would they? People don’t eat cats. Some eastern cultures historically have eaten dogs but even in those countries that is no longer acceptable.
Because when you take migrants and dehumanize them, you make them capable of doing things like eating and sacrificing cats. It's straight up QAnon stuff...but this time with racism.

If you have anyone in your life who thinks this might be true, send them this. It will probably make no difference but this is what migrants are doing in Springfield.

Because when you take migrants and dehumanize them, you make them capable of doing things like eating and sacrificing cats. It's straight up QAnon stuff...but this time with racism.

If you have anyone in your life who thinks this might be true, send them this. It will probably make no difference but this is what migrants are doing in Springfield.

I know that but I want to know why believers would choose to believe this. They aren’t gonna say well it’s because I am a racist xenophobe. Do they think that Haitians just eat pets on the regular. Like that just what’s for dinner? Do they think they are doing it because they are starving and in desperate need of food?

If someone told me something of this nature and I was gonna give them the benefit of the doubt, my immediate follow up question would be why are they doing that? And “they just are.” Wouldn’t be enough to just blindly accept their claim.
Because when you take migrants and dehumanize them, you make them capable of doing things like eating and sacrificing cats. It's straight up QAnon stuff...but this time with racism.

If you have anyone in your life who thinks this might be true, send them this. It will probably make no difference but this is what migrants are doing in Springfield.

Solid video.

And I highly doubt immigration is the primary driving factor for the cost of housing going up or insurance.

And no Johnson, they are not registering these people to vote as they help them with Job Applications.
I know that but I want to know why believers would choose to believe this. They aren’t gonna say well it’s because I am a racist xenophobe. Do they think that Haitians just eat pets on the regular. Like that just what’s for dinner? Do they think they are doing it because they are starving and in desperate need of food?

If someone told me something of this nature and I was gonna give them the benefit of the doubt, my immediate follow up question would be why are they doing that? And “they just are.” Wouldn’t be enough to just blindly accept their claim.
Fear. Fear of the other. Fear of the unknown. It's just fear. It's a big component of why they like Trump. They are afraid and want the strong man to protect them against a changing world that's starting to not look like them. They're not going to admit that to you.
Solid video.

And I highly doubt immigration is the primary driving factor for the cost of housing going up or insurance.

And no Johnson, they are not registering these people to vote as they help them with Job Applications.
It's the catch 22 of dying small towns in the Rust Belt. They need immigrants to do the jobs that others would've done but have left the area for better things. So the people left behind get angry that their town might change. And yes, a migrant hit a bus while driving and a student died. That started the whole issue. And yes, the government of Ohio and the Federal Government need to offer more financial assistance to the town and not create an unfunded burden.
It's the catch 22 of dying small towns in the Rust Belt. They need immigrants to do the jobs that others would've done but have left the area for better things. So the people left behind get angry that their town might change. And yes, a migrant hit a bus while driving and a student died. That started the whole issue. And yes, the government of Ohio and the Federal Government need to offer more financial assistance to the town and not create an unfunded burden.
It also sounds like they are all here legally and in many cases because of the violence back home. They are not "illegals". They are just migrates / refugees that are not citizens, but being allowed to stay in the United States legally after going through some sort of process.
Fear. Fear of the other. Fear of the unknown. It's just fear. It's a big component of why they like Trump. They are afraid and want the strong man to protect them against a changing world that's starting to not look like them. They're not going to admit that to you.
Again, the people that believe these claims are not going to say they believe that immigrants are eating pets because they are afraid.

I am not asking for the obvious heart of the issue. I am looking for their rationale, what would believers reply with if I asked them why they think immigrants would be eating pets.
Again, the people that believe these claims are not going to say they believe that immigrants are eating pets because they are afraid.

I am not asking for the obvious heart of the issue. I am looking for their rationale, what would believers reply with if I asked them why they think immigrants would be eating pets.

I really don't think most would have an answer beyond "that's what I have heard/been told" or "because they are". They are not going to think about it logically or rationally. If you push them further they are more likely to deflect, get angry with you or shut down and say they don't want to have this debate with you because it just angers them.
Yes, I heard that or I saw it online. It's what poor Renegade is going through with his dad. George Constanza put it best, "it's not a lie if you believe it". If you think the worst of migrants, you're prone to believe they would be the type of people that eat pets. I mean there's still the terrible racist joke that Chinese people eat dog. They are racist people. They just don't think they're racist. It's ingrained into the very fiber of their beings.
I really don't think most would have an answer beyond "that's what I have heard/been told" or "because they are". They are not going to think about it logically or rationally. If you push them further they are more likely to deflect, get angry with you or shut down and say they don't want to have this debate with you because it just angers them.
Yeah, I suspect you are correct but It’s wild to me that people aren’t willing to think critically like even if they have to do backflips to justify the narrative like many conspiracy are more than willing to do, to just see a post on facebook that says Haitians are eating pets and then just blindly accepting that is correct and moving on.
but why? Why do they think immigrants are eating pets? Like why would they? People don’t eat cats. Some eastern cultures historically have eaten dogs but even in those countries that is no longer acceptable.
I'll probably get cancelled by you all for this, but I've eaten dog in South America. Meat is meat in some parts of the world. Especially in very very rural parts that can't be reached easily by modern transportation. The idea that pets are somehow different than other animals is a pretty recent thing, even in America.
I'll probably get cancelled by you all for this, but I've eaten dog in South America. Meat is meat in some parts of the world. Especially in very very rural parts that can't be reached easily by modern transportation. The idea that pets are somehow different than other animals is a pretty recent thing, even in America.
For the record, I didn't know it was dog until after I ate it.