Political Discussion

Why is this something they are so against fixing / keep brushing under the rug?
The same reason the government doesn’t fix immigration or healthcare or gun control. These issues are hard and volatile. That makes the fairly toxic for politicians who are always chasing reelection to address honestly. Combined that with lobbyist and special interests and we are left with endless quagmires where nothing important ever gets done unless an actual catastrophe actually occurs (though with guns that isn’t even enough).
Speaking of cuts and budgets and outdated numbers. You all should watch the latest episode of John Oliver.

It's all about social security benefits for disabilities. This whole system is a joke.

Due to cuts budgets Republicans made within the last 15 to 20 years or so there is nowhere near enough staff to process applications and review them accurately and timely. The backlog of applicants is well over a million and it can take years to get your benefits.

While at the same time the benefits are all too easy to lose. If you make just 1¢ over the income limit or have jus 1¢ over $2,000 in your bank account you are no longer eligible and they can drop your benefits and order you to pay back money for services provided. These numbers haven't been updated or adjusted for inflation in like 40 years. So you get punished for trying to save any money or working pretty much at all these days.

To add insult to injury a lot of people lost their benefits and were ordered to pay back after receiving stimulus checks during the pandemic. Some people were ordered 2 go 3 times the amount of their stimulus check as a penalty for making too much money. Birthday gifts or inheritance after someone dies can also cause you to lose your benefits.

Getting approved for benefits is also a shit show. Eligibility for what is considered a disability is very narrow. Your disability must fall into the exact eligibility requirement or you will be denied. Doctors can see this person is disabled and should have disability insurance because there is no way they can work with their disability. But then these people get denied because their disability falls outside of what is defined. In addition, requirements have not been updated in a really long time to account for modern medicine treating a disability. For example, if you have Sickle Cell Disease the eligibility requirements require you to have sever anemia to qualify. However, modern medicines can treat / manage anemia and if you are taking a modern medicine, which the eligibility requirements do not take into account, you likely will not be eligible because your anemia doesn't meet the requirements. So you have to choose between taking modern medicines or being on disability. Something you should never have to choose.

In addition to being considered disabled or not, you most also meet a requirement of whether or not you can work. And they use a list jobs that hasn't been updated since the 1970s to do just that. All they have to do is find 3 jobs on the list that you could work and you are not eligible. People are being denied benefits because they are told they could work jobs like "magnetic tape winder" or "egg processor". Good luck finding those jobs these days.

TL/DR Joh Oliver wants you to write your local congress representative and ask for them to make updating and fixing Social Security Disability a priority. It is something congress could even fix this year if there was interest. This is an issue and really needs to be addressed. However, currently other than budget cuts, the topic never comes up in congress.

Why is this something they are so against fixing / keep brushing under the rug?

I watched this yesterday and still upset.

I have a degree in Rehabilitation Services (working with people with disabilities), and have been a PCA for a client that had to deal with SSI/SSDI. The minimum he was allowed to save ment he really couldn't do anything. $2000 in a savings account is nothing.

I mentioned this episode to my wife and hopefully she'll watch it.

We met working at a brain injury Rehabilitation center and she currently works at the Oregon State Hospital.
I can’t find the story without a pay wall.

Anyhow, turns out it was the republicans the whole time (as usual):

Guy that currently runs the heritage foundation allegedly boasted he killed his neighbor’s dog with a shovel. Neighbor does say dog went missing. Also Kari Lake eating dog. Also also everything RFK Jr does.
I can’t find the story without a pay wall.

Anyhow, turns out it was the republicans the whole time (as usual):

Guy that currently runs the heritage foundation allegedly boasted he killed his neighbor’s dog with a shovel. Neighbor does say dog went missing. Also Kari Lake eating dog. Also also everything RFK Jr does.
Do you have Apple News+?

If yes here is the link:

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He’s killing the dogs! Trump loyalist allegedly said he beat dog to death, report says
Published: Sep. 24, 2024

One of the leaders behind Project 2025 allegedly told his colleagues he killed a dog with a shovel, The Guardian reports.

Kevin Roberts, the now-president of the Heritage Foundation, allegedly told his colleagues and other guests at a dinner party in 2004 that he killed the neighbor’s pit bull with a shovel, The Guardian reported on Tuesday. The report includes interviews with his colleagues from the New Mexico State University from the time.

“My recollection of his account was that he was discussing in the hallway with various members of the faculty, including me, that a neighbor’s dog had been barking pretty relentlessly and was, you know, keeping the baby and probably the parents awake and that he kind of lost it and took a shovel and killed the dog. End of problem,” Kenneth Hammond, chair of the university’s history department at the time, told The Guardian.

The Guardian reported that one of Roberts’ colleagues and the colleague’s wife also recalled Roberts telling the story at a a dinner at his home. The outlet said three additional colleagues said they heard it from those who said they heard the story from Roberts.

“My husband and I were stunned. First of all, that he would do such a thing. And second of all, that he would tell us about it. If I did something horrific, I would not be telling my colleagues about it,” Marsha Weisiger, a colleague of Roberts at the time, told The Guardian.

Roberts denied killing the pit bull in a statement to The Guardian.

“This is a patently untrue and baseless story backed by zero evidence. In 2004, a neighbor’s chained pit bull attempted to jump a fence into my backyard as I was gardening with my young daughter. Thankfully, the owner arrived in time to restrain the animal before it could get loose and attack us,” Roberts said.

The Guardian said it also tracked down the person Roberts identified as his neighbor with the dogs.

“I’m not here to make up stories or to say he did it,” Daniel Aran said, according to The Guardian.

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“But it was right around 2004 when all that happened, that Loca was missing,” he said. “I wish I could say, yeah, I know this fool did that. But I can’t tell you that. But what I can tell you is that my dog went missing, and we never found her. She wasn’t at the dog catchers.”

The new report follows similar reports during the 2024 election season that connects politicians to animals. In her new book, Republican Kari Lake recounted how she shot and killed her dog on a family farm. In recent months, multiple reports have also connected Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to an animal carcass, a dead bear and a beheaded whale.

In addition, former President Trump and Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio) have put forward false claims that Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio are eating cats and dogs. City and state officials have reiterated that there’s no evidence of that.

“In Springfield, they’re eating the dogs. The people that came in. They’re eating the cats. They’re eating, they’re eating the pets of the people that live there. And this is what’s happening in our country. And it’s a shame,” Trump said during the debate earlier this month.

The Guardian noted it “could not independently verify whether Roberts actually killed a dog or whether Roberts’s account of his interactions with his neighbor’s dog was accurate.”
Do you have Apple News+?

If yes here is the link:

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He’s killing the dogs! Trump loyalist allegedly said he beat dog to death, report says
Published: Sep. 24, 2024

One of the leaders behind Project 2025 allegedly told his colleagues he killed a dog with a shovel, The Guardian reports.

Kevin Roberts, the now-president of the Heritage Foundation, allegedly told his colleagues and other guests at a dinner party in 2004 that he killed the neighbor’s pit bull with a shovel, The Guardian reported on Tuesday. The report includes interviews with his colleagues from the New Mexico State University from the time.

“My recollection of his account was that he was discussing in the hallway with various members of the faculty, including me, that a neighbor’s dog had been barking pretty relentlessly and was, you know, keeping the baby and probably the parents awake and that he kind of lost it and took a shovel and killed the dog. End of problem,” Kenneth Hammond, chair of the university’s history department at the time, told The Guardian.

The Guardian reported that one of Roberts’ colleagues and the colleague’s wife also recalled Roberts telling the story at a a dinner at his home. The outlet said three additional colleagues said they heard it from those who said they heard the story from Roberts.

“My husband and I were stunned. First of all, that he would do such a thing. And second of all, that he would tell us about it. If I did something horrific, I would not be telling my colleagues about it,” Marsha Weisiger, a colleague of Roberts at the time, told The Guardian.

Roberts denied killing the pit bull in a statement to The Guardian.

“This is a patently untrue and baseless story backed by zero evidence. In 2004, a neighbor’s chained pit bull attempted to jump a fence into my backyard as I was gardening with my young daughter. Thankfully, the owner arrived in time to restrain the animal before it could get loose and attack us,” Roberts said.

The Guardian said it also tracked down the person Roberts identified as his neighbor with the dogs.

“I’m not here to make up stories or to say he did it,” Daniel Aran said, according to The Guardian.

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“But it was right around 2004 when all that happened, that Loca was missing,” he said. “I wish I could say, yeah, I know this fool did that. But I can’t tell you that. But what I can tell you is that my dog went missing, and we never found her. She wasn’t at the dog catchers.”

The new report follows similar reports during the 2024 election season that connects politicians to animals. In her new book, Republican Kari Lake recounted how she shot and killed her dog on a family farm. In recent months, multiple reports have also connected Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to an animal carcass, a dead bear and a beheaded whale.

In addition, former President Trump and Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio) have put forward false claims that Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio are eating cats and dogs. City and state officials have reiterated that there’s no evidence of that.

“In Springfield, they’re eating the dogs. The people that came in. They’re eating the cats. They’re eating, they’re eating the pets of the people that live there. And this is what’s happening in our country. And it’s a shame,” Trump said during the debate earlier this month.

The Guardian noted it “could not independently verify whether Roberts actually killed a dog or whether Roberts’s account of his interactions with his neighbor’s dog was accurate.”
I mean I read it on Apple. lol
Speaking of the Guardian, I was just looking through all of the last 2 days stories in the Apple News App trying to find your article, and found a bunch of Election stories that are concerning.

For example, one was about how Democrats are very concerned that polls are underestimating Donald Trumps likelihood of winning. Another was about how Pennsylvania may decide the whole election in Novemember and Trump knows this and his campaign is heavily focusing on Pennsylvania.
Speaking of the Guardian, I was just looking through all of the last 2 days stories in the Apple News App trying to find your article, and found a bunch of Election stories that are concerning.

For example, one was about how Democrats are very concerned that polls are underestimating Donald Trumps likelihood of winning. Another was about how Pennsylvania may decide the whole election in Novemember and Trump knows this and his campaign is heavily focusing on Pennsylvania.
My gut feeling is Kamala will win the popular vote in a landslide. But it's the electoral college that wins the presidency. PA is much too close for comfort, but I do think there is a 50% chance she wins Florida (and quite possibly North Carolina) which would give her enough without PA, AZ or GA.


Our ballots arrived yesterday; husband is on a business trip so I made him fill his out and sign it so I can hand deliver it this week.

These next 6 weeks are going to seem like 6 years.
My gut feeling is Kamala will win the popular vote in a landslide. But it's the electoral college that wins the presidency. PA is much too close for comfort, but I do think there is a 50% chance she wins Florida (and quite possibly North Carolina) which would give her enough without PA, AZ or GA.

View attachment 214415

Our ballots arrived yesterday; husband is on a business trip so I made him fill his out and sign it so I can hand deliver it this week.

These next 6 weeks are going to seem like 6 years.
I think she'll lose florida by at least 5 points. She'll win PA, MI, and WI, and it'll be over. GA, AZ or NV might swing for her but they won't matter.
I can’t find the story without a pay wall.

Anyhow, turns out it was the republicans the whole time (as usual):

Guy that currently runs the heritage foundation allegedly boasted he killed his neighbor’s dog with a shovel. Neighbor does say dog went missing. Also Kari Lake eating dog. Also also everything RFK Jr does.
Kristi Noem, the governor of South Dakota also torpedoed her bid to be Trumps VP when she included a story about shooting her misbehaving puppy in her autobiography.
My gut feeling is Kamala will win the popular vote in a landslide. But it's the electoral college that wins the presidency. PA is much too close for comfort, but I do think there is a 50% chance she wins Florida (and quite possibly North Carolina) which would give her enough without PA, AZ or GA.

View attachment 214415

Our ballots arrived yesterday; husband is on a business trip so I made him fill his out and sign it so I can hand deliver it this week.

These next 6 weeks are going to seem like 6 years.
Every state is different obviously, but they have similar constituencies. If you look at past historical electoral college maps PA, WI, MI have all voted the same and all voted for the winning candidate in every Presidential election since 1988. If Trump carries PA he will likely win WI and MI too and might also carry the Omaha district and Minnesota would like be teeter towards Trump as well.

I think Kamala is doing enough to win the Great Lake States. And if she wins those she will likely play close to what Biden Did in 2020. The Sun Belt states will be close but I think Kamala also wins AZ and NV and the biggest question will be GA and NC I could see her losing both, winning both or splitting, at that point it won’t matter too much though if Kamala can beat Trump worse than Biden did, I think that would pour cold water on the MAGA movement and the GOP will be looking for its next extremist movement that it can embrace to stay relevant in modern American politics.
This whole debacle has been infuriating. Like, yea, of course CNN is a joke, and we expect nothing good of it, but continuing to single out and just lie about the only Palestinian congress person while a genocide is actively perpetrated against her people is cartoonishly evil.

Also Missouri commited legal murder of an innocent man tonight.

MO didn’t want to be outdone by South Carolina…
Key witness admitted to lying but the state didn’t want blue balls after a 13 year wait since their last execution so they just went ahead and murdered him anyways.
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