Political Discussion

According to prosecutors, the would-be assassin. had been staking out golf courses Trump frequented for months according to handwritten notes found in the dudes car.

Look, Trump is a habitual liar so I can see why many would be pulled into conspiracy theories, but he is also a gigantic asshole and this country is full of nutjobs with easy access to guns, let's not forget Occam's Razor, despite Trump's moral flexibility he is not very good at getting away with the crimes he's committed. I don't think MAGA world would be able to keep their mouths shut, look how poorly the grand conspiracies he attempted. to commit in the past went down (the "perfect" call with Ukraine, January 6th). Trump isn't the criminal mastermind that some on the Left think he is. He is a useful idiot and a narcissist, those there the things that make him dangerous, he's not Lex Luthor.
According to prosecutors, the would-be assassin. had been staking out golf courses Trump frequented for months according to handwritten notes found in the dudes car.

Look, Trump is a habitual liar so I can see why many would be pulled into conspiracy theories, but he is also a gigantic asshole and this country is full of nutjobs with easy access to guns, let's not forget Occam's Razor, despite Trump's moral flexibility he is not very good at getting away with the crimes he's committed. I don't think MAGA world would be able to keep their mouths shut, look how poorly the grand conspiracies he attempted. to commit in the past went down (the "perfect" call with Ukraine, January 6th). Trump isn't the criminal mastermind that some on the Left think he is. He is a useful idiot and a narcissist, those there the things that make him dangerous, he's not Lex Luthor.
Just trying to bring a small bit of humor to this conversation, that is all.
I love John Stewart

I’m tired of the being pro-Palestine is antisemitic conversation. It’s fucking stupid. It’s the same dumb shit as if you aren’t for the Gulf War you can’t support the troops and you aren’t a Patriot. Motherfucker I can hold two concepts in my brain at the same time. I can hold a lot more, otherwise I’d probably die pretty quick about fifty times every day.
I wonder how much money was wasted in 2020 recounting votes endless times, in hearings, lawsuit defense, and other nonsense. I also wonder how much money has been wasted ensuring a “fair” election this time only to have the same happen along with new wasted resources like hand counting in Georgia. Meanwhile the budget continues to balloon out of control and the government continues to cut services actually needed.
Speaking of cuts and budgets and outdated numbers. You all should watch the latest episode of John Oliver.

It's all about social security benefits for disabilities. This whole system is a joke.

Due to cuts budgets Republicans made within the last 15 to 20 years or so there is nowhere near enough staff to process applications and review them accurately and timely. The backlog of applicants is well over a million and it can take years to get your benefits.

While at the same time the benefits are all too easy to lose. If you make just 1¢ over the income limit or have jus 1¢ over $2,000 in your bank account you are no longer eligible and they can drop your benefits and order you to pay back money for services provided. These numbers haven't been updated or adjusted for inflation in like 40 years. So you get punished for trying to save any money or working pretty much at all these days.

To add insult to injury a lot of people lost their benefits and were ordered to pay back after receiving stimulus checks during the pandemic. Some people were ordered 2 go 3 times the amount of their stimulus check as a penalty for making too much money. Birthday gifts or inheritance after someone dies can also cause you to lose your benefits.

Getting approved for benefits is also a shit show. Eligibility for what is considered a disability is very narrow. Your disability must fall into the exact eligibility requirement or you will be denied. Doctors can see this person is disabled and should have disability insurance because there is no way they can work with their disability. But then these people get denied because their disability falls outside of what is defined. In addition, requirements have not been updated in a really long time to account for modern medicine treating a disability. For example, if you have Sickle Cell Disease the eligibility requirements require you to have sever anemia to qualify. However, modern medicines can treat / manage anemia and if you are taking a modern medicine, which the eligibility requirements do not take into account, you likely will not be eligible because your anemia doesn't meet the requirements. So you have to choose between taking modern medicines or being on disability. Something you should never have to choose.

In addition to being considered disabled or not, you most also meet a requirement of whether or not you can work. And they use a list jobs that hasn't been updated since the 1970s to do just that. All they have to do is find 3 jobs on the list that you could work and you are not eligible. People are being denied benefits because they are told they could work jobs like "magnetic tape winder" or "egg processor". Good luck finding those jobs these days.

TL/DR Joh Oliver wants you to write your local congress representative and ask for them to make updating and fixing Social Security Disability a priority. It is something congress could even fix this year if there was interest. This is an issue and really needs to be addressed. However, currently other than budget cuts, the topic never comes up in congress.

Why is this something they are so against fixing / keep brushing under the rug?