Political Discussion

Someone posted it on Reddit via their sub stack. Should I post or is it nothing damming?
Even if there was something damning it would have to be taken with a giant mound of salt given the sourcing. Lots of times when countries leak documents they will doctor them in ways that make them appear more damning than they actually are. It sows distrust and makes the media less reliable unless the media can independently confirm the documents haven’t been fucked with.
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Also, once Amazon pulled the trigger, a bunch of other companies did as well. Dell was the latest one I heard about this morning that just ordered all employees back into the office 5 days a week.
You'd think some smarter companies would use this as a chance to poach top talent. Most of them have to know it's for bull shit reasons and not about productivity. But the class consciousness of the capitalists shows remarkable solidarity when it comes to punishing working class freedom, so maybe it's worth it to them all just to maintain control.
I have heard some people speculate companies are doing this to reduce head counts. Instead of layoffs, they are making people return to the office in hopes that some will quit. Then they can reduce headcount without having to pay for unemployment benefits.

But yeah, I really think it's just maintaining control over employees. And also the stigma among bosses that if you are not in the office you are not working. They want to micromanage your time.
Also, one of the stupidest things about these return to office mandates is many are cracking down on sick time policies. My mother's company included.

They do not allow you to work from home if you are sick. If you are too sick to come into the office you need to take a sick day. And if you take a sick day you are not allowed to work and can be written up for "working from home" if you call in sick and then work from home.

This has resulted in a lot of people who are sick, coming into the office because they don't want to use their PTO/Sick Time or don't have adequate PTO left to use. They are coming into the office forcing themselves too get through the day and spreading their germs. Covid went ramped through my mother's office in August.
You'd think some smarter companies would use this as a chance to poach top talent.

This reminds me of an article I read last month. You would think the above would be what companies are doing, but according to the data they are doing the exact opposite. They are looking for employees with less experience and are still mentionable so that they can pay them less. Top recruiting firms have said companies are saying "no unicorns".

The article was about how bosses are looking for ways to pay employees less. They feel they have been "over paying" for talent in recent years and the days over overpaying for talent are over. And with the job market favoring employers over job seekers again they can do just that.

One thing job seekers have noticed is they apply for a job, never hear back about it only to see it reposted with a salary range that is significantly less. For example, HR positions offering 40k less than they were just last year. Amazon was mentioned for laying off a lot of its HR department where people were making 120k and then trying to recruit them back through a temp agency as a contractor for 70k. This infuriated a lot of them, but at the same time, they could not find any jobs willing to pay 120k again. This lead to several of them having to take the 70 contractor offer just to have a job.
I don't think the delivery drivers sort and load the mail, another group of people / shift does that.

A friend of mine was actually my mailman for a while, so I got to find out a bit about how it works out here. So they get a stack for delivery but they do a pass through all of their mail and items to check if things are good and they also organize the mail to make it efficient for their route. A good mailman gets to know his recipients and their addresses, so he was telling me he would also make some corrections when a letter was going to one of his known people but the address number was off - he would get it to the right place if he could. Anyway, there was a bunch of things for him to do after he got his stack but before he actually got into the truck for delivery.

Don't know how it works for you guys, but increasing staff so that postmen have smaller routes would be the first thing to do to increase efficiency.
Macklemore continuing to shock as the most based celebrity of 2024. His response to getting dropped by a fest this week (from instagram).

>My thoughts and feelings are not always expressed perfectly or politely. Sometimes I slip up and get caught in the moment. Saturday night was one of those times.

>I strive to always lead with love in an effort to bring people together and never to create more division.

>The “Palestine Will Live Forever” festival I performed at was rooted in peace, love and solidarity. Unfortunately, the historic event in my hometown that brought thousands of people together to raise awareness and money for the people of Palestine has become overshadowed by two words.

>I wish I had been in a better place with my grief and anger. But the truth is I’m not ok. I haven’t been.

>The last 11.5 months of watching a genocide unfold in front of us has been excruciating on a spiritual, emotional and human level. I have been in utter disbelief with how our government is showing up at this moment in history. I don’t think I’m alone.

>I see dismembered kids in Gaza being pulled out of rubble, murder by U.S manufactured bombs. I see my own children in their lifeless bodies. I don’t think I’m alone.

>I listen to their parents scream and hear the deepest cries of pain and helplessness imaginable. I cry with them. I don’t think I’m alone.

>I have been disillusioned and disheartened as our government has continued to unequivocally fund and support Israel’s on-going violence against the people of Palestine. I don’t think I’m not alone.

>My pain and emotion at times has felt uncontrollable. It boils over throughout the day as I try to pretend I’m ok. I’m not ok. I don’t think I’m alone.

>I am outraged by the fact that we lack money for healthcare, affordable housing and education in America yet we send billions to Israel to commit internationally recognized war crimes. I don’t think I’m alone.

>I watch democrats sign bills to ban semi-automatic assault rifles after another horrific school shooting takes place, then turn around and use the same ink to send those same weapons off to Israel to kill the children of Palestine. I feel insane. I don’t think I’m alone.
Some days I don’t know how to love something that is hurting others so much. I don’t think I’m alone.

>Yet, I have been mobilized by the millions of people around the world taking to the streets to protest on behalf of all those that have been murdered by Netanyahu’s regime. I have been in awe and inspired by those in the Jewish community that have courageously shown up in solidarity, marching with posters at protests stating “not in our name” and “never again means never again for everyone.” I don’t think I’m alone.

>I have found hope in our young people, who have been willing to risk their degrees by participating in college encampments to demand a ceasefire. I have been revitalized by their hearts guiding them towards justice and peace, risking their future diplomas. I don’t think l’m alone.

>But some days the darkness outshines the light, and it’s hard to see the path ahead to justice. I get lost in what our world has become.
Some days the genocide displayed on my screen is too much for my spirit to stare at in such clarity.

>And some days I wake up, see another couple billion dollars given to Israel, or another refugee encampment destroyed, or a father holding a limb from his martyred child, or another speech from a politician justifying the right of Israel to “defend itself” while denying Palestinians the right to exist, and I say to myself.... “Fuck America.” I don’t think I’m alone.

>But do not misconstrue the word “fuck” for the word “hate.” It’s different to be angry than to disown. My “fuck” - my anger - is rooted not in distain for where I was born but in anguish for how we can collectively allow this to continue. It is not directed at the people that make up our country, but towards our government who refuse to listen to us. It is directed at the politicians who have put profit over people, who put lobbyist money over their moral compass. I think, “How are these people representing us as a country?” I don’t think I’m alone.

>But I care. My care is rooted in the legacy of protests and resistance of past generations, who stood at the forefront of the Civil Rights Movement, the movement against the Vietnam War, and the great solidarity movement that defeated apartheid in South Africa. This moment is calling us as Americans to rise and recognize our collective power rather than succumb to our own apathy. It is beckoning us to gain a shared analysis around the systems of oppression that are currently running our country so we can evolve, ensuring that ALL of our children can live in a more equitable world, and not only a few.

>I’ve slipped in front of the world before. I’m sure l’ll do it again. But they will not silence my voice, and they will not close my heart. I’ve lost endorsements, I’ve lost shows, l’ve lost business ties. I am still here, unwavering in my support for a Free Palestine. I care about humanity and this earth too much to turn back now. My intent always comes back to the pursuit of peace, love, equality and liberation for all.

> And that isn’t radical, it’s human. I don’t think I’m alone.

I spent my early twenties drowning in underground hip-hop shows (Zion I, Brother Ali, Doomtree, Living Legends, exc) and watched Macklemore's rise from the ground level. Caught 3 shows in like a year and a half span during my only time living in Denver as an adult (winter of 09 through summer of 2011). The first two times he was the opener, the 3rd time he was the headliner and I was there (with friends I brought) to see him. He puts on an incredible show and knows how to work a crowd like few others. My brother, who went to SU during that same timeframe, would concur.

Hearing Thrift Shop on the radio while I was driving through Orange County in the Spring of 2012 remains a very surreal moment in my life, and I'll always wonder how his career could have played out if he hadn't had the unfortunate "luck" of beating Kendrick in the Grammy's. Kendrick is my GOAT, but Mack will always be close to my heart.