Political Discussion

It's also whitewashing genocide, but you can be reductive and joke about it too.
Yeah, a joke about the hobbits and Sauron in McSweeneys that doesn’t reference the Middleast at all is white washing genocide.

Looks like someone wants to pick a fight with someone who agrees with 99% of their views..

Go on though. Clearly I’m the problem.
What I really don’t get about this goddamned tired argument is - @BjorgenFjorgen and @ayayrawn what exactly do you think happens if Trump wins?
I don’t even wanna fight. They have reasons to believe what they believe. I agree a lot more with their views than I disagree. People need space to vent. Just don’t act like I’m the enemy. I still consider everyone on here a friend.

Being Anti-Trump is different than being Pro-Harris or Pro-Biden. Harris winning is great primarily because it means Trump lost.
Yes, yes! It's all true! Preach on brother! Don't come to Colorado!!! (y) (y) (y)

No, no, it's not all true.

I grew up off Arapahoe & Quebec. My parents, brother/ SIL and half my cousins are still there. If I was gonna move back I would have when I chose to leave LA for Chicago.

Love my home state and I'll be a die hard Nuggets fan til I die but Colorado is too white and Denver too expensive for what it offers as a city. Especially with how fucked traffic is into the mountains now. And I'd rather join the rampant homeless population than live in the burbs. Oh and the music scene sucks John Elways elderly asshole.

(Am I doing a good job?).

That said, I do miss how well run the state is, the accessibility of biking, the sunshine and the mountains. I'll always miss the mountains.

(Sorry, couldn't talk THAT much shit without showing some love. It's still a great place to be compared to most).
What I really don’t get about this goddamned tired argument is - @BjorgenFjorgen and @ayayrawn what exactly do you think happens if Trump wins?
All I've done is call dems on their shit. Frankly pretty fairly and lighter than they deserve. Whether he wins or not is entirely out of my hands, but would be nice if he lost so we can attempt to have some standards for politicians again.
I grew up off Arapahoe & Quebec. My parents, brother/ SIL and half my cousins are still there. If I was gonna move back I would have when I chose to leave LA for Chicago.

Love my home state and I'll be a die hard Nuggets fan til I die but Colorado is too white and Denver too expensive for what it offers as a city. Especially with how fucked traffic is into the mountains now. And I'd rather join the rampant homeless population than live in the burbs. Oh and the music scene sucks John Elways elderly asshole.

(Am I doing a good job?).

That said, I do miss how well run the state is, the accessibility of biking, the sunshine and the mountains. I'll always miss the mountains.

(Sorry, couldn't talk THAT much shit without showing some love. It's still a great place to be compared to most).
Just got home from the jazz trio of Max Wagner, alto sax, Eric Gunnison, keyboard and Gonzalo Teppa on bass all nationally known artists. Bar 404 on Broadway downtown with a $5 cover. Incredibly awesome musicianship played to a full house in a bar known for punk, country and rowdy rock 'n roll. Yup, Denver sucks. ;)
Just got home from the jazz trio of Max Wagner, alto sax, Eric Gunnison, keyboard and Gonzalo Teppa on bass all nationally known artists. Bar 404 on Broadway downtown with a $5 cover. Incredibly awesome musicianship played to a full house in a bar known for punk, country and rowdy rock 'n roll. Yup, Denver sucks. ;)

There is indeed good jazz in Denver. The hip-hop scene is historically pretty solid to (and where I spent my post college, early 20s while everyone was drugged out to Yonder, String Cheese, Rat Dog and the such). The metal scene is also pretty rad. The venues themselves (and the public radio) are also mostly awesome. What gets booked at the bigger venues though....

As somebody who considers blue grass and country as the only genres I don't like, US EDM the bad side of electronic music and is extremely picky with jam bands... the music scene is sincerely the reason I left for a 2nd time in late 2011.

And if the argument is that the scene has changed. Sure, there's been real progress towards indie artists swinging through town for a mid-week show. But the Red Rocks schedule this summer was like 75% jam bands that should have been lost to time at the end of the 00s (or artists that have latched onto that scene). The 2nd summer in a row where there were less than a handful of shows that felt worth paying their new prices for. I also checked every small venue for the 2 week stint I was in town (after giving up on booking a flight based around a Red Rocks show) and didn't find much that interested me. I did get dragged to a (very fun) Phish show. One of 4 straight nights they were playing at Dicks.

But again, I was mostly playfully talking shit. I think Denver has a vibrant music scene... but also one that isn't tailored well to my wheel house despite my tastes being very wide ranging. And I've also been spoiled by nearly 20 years in LA or Chicago (the later of which I'd argue has the best music scene in the country).

Btw, Broadway is my favorite street in Denver. I hear its gotten expesnive as fuck (in part because of the laws about not building more than 3 stories high), but Bakers / Wash Park was home during the 2 years there as an adult.
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Yeah, a joke about the hobbits and Sauron in McSweeneys that doesn’t reference the Middleast at all is white washing genocide.

Looks like someone wants to pick a fight with someone who agrees with 99% of their views..

Go on though. Clearly I’m the problem.
Sorry, I thought comedy was supposed to be incisive. A little more than "our side good their side bad," but if that works for you, go for it.

I'm not picking a fight with you, nor did I say you were the problem (???). It would be great if the level of discourse in this thread was any higher than the aptness of the comparison, but alas.
Sorry, I thought comedy was supposed to be incisive. A little more than "our side good their side bad," but if that works for you, go for it.

I'm not picking a fight with you, nor did I say you were the problem (???). It would be great if the level of discourse in this thread was any higher than the aptness of the comparison, but alas.
This is a political thread within a record forum. I am sorry we’ve disappointed you. I also apologize that you didn’t find the McSweeneys piece humorous but I did, and knowing that many here enjoy McSweeneys, LOTR, and Political discourse, I figured I would share. You act as though joking around is not appropriate but we all deal with shit in different ways. Again, I appreciate your perspective and think you add a lot to this forum overall (we share an affinity for many of the same artists) I just think bringing levity to the situation isn’t something to get too worked up about especially when it’s something as innocuous as that LOTR piece.