The appeals court is will start hearing the case about striking down the American healthcare Act today. No decision is expected today at this time.
Taxes lead the charge and was joined by 19 other republican led states. Last year a federal judge in Texas struck down the Affordable Care Act.
In 2012 The Supreme Court upheld the law. However, changes the Republican Party made to the individual mandate that were baked into their 2017 tax reform have changed things. The issue is it's unconstitutional to have an individual mandate under the exercise of Congress's Tax Power because the penalty for not having health insurance no longer exists.
While California is leading the charge along with many other blue states to appeal the decision, it appears the republicans have found the loop hole and legal grounds to get the ACA thrown out. Unless we can can get the penalty back in place and signed off by the president by the time this case reaches the Supreme Court the Affordable Care Act will likely be ruled un Constitutional.
What does that mean? It means the end of Obama Care and its market. The Individual Market was near non-existent in many areas before the Obama Care Market, and will likely be worse once the Obama Care market closes. This means if you are not eligible for Medicare and don't have insurance through work, chances are you may not have any options for individual insurance depending on where you live.