Political Discussion

Fucking Ted Cruz

He was on Fox News today saying that all the democrats should be arrested for abandoning their jobs. Fleeing the state when their constituents need them most to pass important voter integrity legislation.

Yeah Ted, you are one to talk about fleeing the state when your constituents needed you most. Oh right, that doesn't count, you went on vacation.

Also, he made it seem like the "voter integrity" bill only contained Voter ID restrictions. And that he doesn't understand the democrats objections over showing an ID, as they most certainly had to show one when they boarded the plans to DC.

The Republicans like to throw shade at "socialists" and say this will happen in America if the dems are in control and set the policy.

However, this is exactly what our country is moving towards under republican control. More authoritarian. Many red states have passed restrictions and mandatory jail sentences for breaking said restrictions post last years BLM movement and protests.

Essentially, they are making protests like what we saw last year easier to deal with and arrest those involved in the name of "law and order" and keeping their citizens safe from rioters.

But the rioters weren't the people protesting during the BLM movement, it was mainly trouble makers and white surpremisses groups stirring up trouble to distract from the point of the protests.

The Republicans like to throw shade at "socialists" and say this will happen in America if the dems are in control and set the policy.

However, this is exactly what our country is moving towards under republican control. More authoritarian. Many red states have passed restrictions and mandatory jail sentences for breaking said restrictions post last years BLM movement and protests.

Essentially, they are making protests like what we saw last year easier to deal with and arrest those involved in the name of "law and order" and keeping their citizens safe from rioters.

But the rioters weren't the people protesting during the BLM movement, it was mainly trouble makers and white surpremisses groups stirring up trouble to distract from the point of the protests.

The political spectrum is really a circle not a line and the hard right and left have far more in common than different, they just use different reasons to justify it.
This past week a school board meeting in Minnesota exploded into chaos over CRT.

But here is what is strange about it. The school does not teach CRT and has no plans to do so. The topic of the school board meeting had nothing to do with CRT, yet droves of parents showed up and started protesting CRT. Screaming, shouting and chaus took over to the surprise of the dumb founded school board members astonished with what was going on.

Needless today, nothing got accomplished and the meeting was canceled.

For conservatives, CRT is a huge boogie man in the room right now. And stories like the above are just becoming more and more common as conservatives seek to make CRT a political issue and ban it.
I also wouldn't really call Cuba true socialism or communism. And yes, US sanctions are very much to blame.

I always find that slightly disingenuous in that by that barometer we’ve never actually had a communist country because the USSR and it’s clients states or Yugoslavia or China or anything else that came after it didn’t subscribe to Marx strictly or totally. But then equally a true Marxist state is largely an unrealistic utopian concept that’s broadly speaking an impossibility, especially as it presupposes a world revolution, not a national revolution.

Therefore I think that as the only attempts we’ve had at communism have been the authoritarian single state model as pioneered by the USSR it’s absolutely accurate to describe such states as Communist.

Socialism is a bit different given that we generally use that word in Europe to describe a traditionally labour driven democratic movement so to see it used to describe Cuba or USSR etc jars.
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Socialism is a bit different given that we generally use that word in Europe to describe a traditionally labour driven democratic movement so to see it used to describe Cuba or USSR etc jars.
Americans have been taught to equate socialism to communism, even though the two are starkly different. "Labor movement" is a dirty word here in the US, because how can we maximize shareholder value if we give any power to workers? Most people over here don't understand that a lot of the things they are asking for like Medicare 4 all, basic worker protections, and universal parental leave, are things that a democratic socialist government would be all about enacting. The problem with socialist movements over here is that they are hard to fund, and there's so much misinformation (and funding) from people both in our government and those that would stand to lose a lot of money if these policies were put into place.
Full time, 40 hour, minimum wage workers can no longer afford any 2 bedroom apartment in any state, county or city in the United States of America. This includes section 8 low income housing.

When it comes to one bedroom apartments, only 7% of the counties in our country have some apartments available that a full time minimum wage worker could afford.

Even worse, since rent is often set to maximum profit and account for "double income", more than 60% of 2 bedroom apartments available in our country would not be affordable to 2 adults, working two full time 40 hour minimum wage jobs.

Meanwhile, our previous president and other republicans alike say wages are too high as is. When it comes to affordability of housing when it comes to low income job they like to say "get a real job". But sadly, our economy is really only producing low wage service jobs.
Hospitals charge huge 'trauma' fees to treat people with minor injuries - CNN

Tens of thousands of times a year, hospitals charge enormously expensive trauma alert fees for injuries so minor the patient is never admitted.
"Some hospitals are using it as a revenue generator," Tami Rockholt, a registered nurse and medical claims consultant who appeared as an expert witness in the Sutter Health car-accident trial, said in an interview. "It's being taken advantage of" and such cases are "way more numerous" than a few years ago, she said.
Those fees, which can exceed $50,000 per patient, are billed on top of what hospitals charge for emergency medical care.
This is all by design.
Whatever you do, don't call an ambulance unless you are unable to call and someone does it for you. Most ambulance services are not in network with any health insurance company, because they don't have to be. People will pay the regular rate because it's an emergency. But what this means is incredible surprise bills.

My guess is that the hospitals saw what the ambulances were doing and looking at how much private equity was generating with surprise billing, and they had to take a crack at deliberate deception to gain revenue. No wonder people are vaccine hesitant. Even if only a small portion of people's experience with the medical system is this exploitative, it's enough to make a lot of them question the intent of the system--I know over the past year, I have become extremely disillusioned with the medical system in this country and I see it as actively parasitic. When the third leading killer of Americans is medical error, it starts to shake your faith.

The City of Surfside hired a renowned forensic engineer to investigate the collapse of the Champlain tower. A guy who investigated the World Trade Center and Pentagon after 9/11 and many other high profile incidents.

However, for the first time in his career, he is not being allowed access to the site or any debris. Why? The police say it's an "active crime scene" and that they are trying to preserve the evidence. They will not work alongside.


DeSantis PAC selling 'don't Fauci my Florida' merch.​

A political action committee tied to Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has been selling anti-mask and anti-Fauci merchandise, including shirts that read "don't Fauci my Florida."

Insert eye roll