Political Discussion

70 Million people voted for a reality star president not once but twice so your average American's opinion isn't worth the Charmin Ultra Soft that they wipes their butts with.

Yeah, this is a nuanced issue that will be exploited by those that are against Biden politically. I disapprove of Biden’s handling but I also disapprove of Trump, Obama, and Bush’s handling as well.

That being said, I also approve of Biden’s decision to finally end a long protracted conflict in Afghanistan and am fairly certain if you polled the the American people about that, the vast majority would agree with me on that point too.
This is pretty much as sober of take you’ll likely find. Everyone in power knew this was the going to be the end result but no one wanted to be the fall guy.
It's the American way, just keep doubling down on your bad idea with the hope that it eventually becomes a good idea or the originator of the bad idea gets forgotten entirely.
70 Million people voted for a reality star president not once but twice so your average American's opinion isn't worth the Charmin Ultra Soft that they wipes their butts with.

The two party system has failed us.
Wisconsin Republicans are about to spend several hundred thousand dollars to investigate the 2020 election and that it was stolen.

Great, why not put that money to better use like healthcare.

So apparently, Trump's executive order that required migrants to stay in Mexico until their US immigration court date is the law of the land. The Biden administration revoked that executive order shortly after taking office.

Now a federal judge in Texas has ordered that it has to be put back in place. That ending the policy led to a surge of migrants at the US-Mexico border that inflicted costs to states. Costs like Texas deploying the National Guard to the border which is pointless and all political because the National Guard can't prevent or detain anyone who crosses the border.

So apparently, Trump's executive order that required migrants to stay in Mexico until their US immigration court date is the law of the land. The Biden administration revoked that executive order shortly after taking office.

Now a federal judge in Texas has ordered that it has to be put back in place. That ending the policy led to a surge of migrants at the US-Mexico border that inflicted costs to states. Costs like Texas deploying the National Guard to the border which is pointless and all political because the National Guard can't prevent or detain anyone who crosses the border.
So sort of like those security guards near the front door at Target? Say hello to them and expect them to greet you warmly in return whilst you overtly place goods in the front pouch of your hoody?
So sort of like those security guards near the front door at Target? Say hello to them and expect them to greet you warmly in return whilst you overtly place goods in the front pouch of your hoody?
In Cali you can steal up to $800 at target and it’s not a problem
Oh yeah for sure, they are both in bed with the devil but I generally think the democratic party cares more for your average Joe. Not saying much I know.
That’s fair. I personally think neither care one ounce for you but the dems are decades better at marketing their positions than the gop