Political Discussion

Yeah but isn’t that stat always flagged as misleading because it doesn’t account for the infant mortality rate?

I forget what the cutoff is, but isn’t it something like if you lived past the childhood illness era and weren’t conscripted into any wars then your life expectancy was well into your 60s/70s?
True. LE for women who reached age 15 in 1780 was 64.6. Changing life expectancy throughout history

... but presidency also wasn't made with them in mind.
Most 80+ folks I know aren't even fit to drive, let alone run a state or a country.
I’m all for term limits, age limits and even more importantly, cognitive testing. (Also psychiatric screenings to prevent a malignant narcissist from getting into office)

All 80 year olds aren’t the same physically or mentally. But I do feel that 80 is far too old to be in such a position of power. 65 seems to be the oldest I’d be comfortable with, provided the candidate was healthy.

TBH I have no problem holding my kid hostage from family who won't get vaccinated. And if the children are too young to consistently mask up, the adults around them better be willing to do it when it's called for, or they...won't be around. Simple as that. I don't care what someone's feelings are about the government; the tyranny of not being allowed to see grandkids is much more effective, IMO.
I had to have this argument with my mother in what I can only describe as stereotypical cuban conversational volume. It culminated in me telling her that yes my most important job is to keep these kids safe and she is a grown-ass adult and jesus fucking christ mom you're a goddamned nurse and a doctor and i know for a fucking fact that you know how vaccinations work because you took me to the fucking classes with you when i was a kid how the fuck am i the one lecturing the vulnerable elderly professional on the necessity of this. When it comes to the kids, I am 100% done with being polite about it.
I had to have this argument with my mother in what I can only describe as stereotypical cuban conversational volume. It culminated in me telling her that yes my most important job is to keep these kids safe and she is a grown-ass adult and jesus fucking christ mom you're a goddamned nurse and a doctor and i know for a fucking fact that you know how vaccinations work because you took me to the fucking classes with you when i was a kid how the fuck am i the one lecturing the vulnerable elderly professional on the necessity of this. When it comes to the kids, I am 100% done with being polite about it.
My mother, dying of cancer during COVID, doctors tell her she's vulnerable and must get the vaccine and she's resisting because "they cause cancer." 🤦
I told her, even if that's true, which it isn't, YOU ALREADY HAVE CANCER! It's not going to give you double cancer and if it were to have side effects in 20 YEARS (again, no) then you'll not be around to deal with them then anyway! She finally got it, then still got COVID and remained skeptical. I'm glad my siblings are not all infected with that bs.
In a court filing yesterday, Alabama's Republican attorney general said that he has the right to prosecute out of state people and organizations who make travel arrangements or financial aid for pregnant Alabama women to have an out-of-state abortion. Says it could amount to "criminal conspiracy."

This claim comes in court in response to a lawsuit filed against Alabama's AG in July for criminally investigating two women's health centers to provided "financial and practical support for those who are pregnant and require assistance.".

The lawsuit is saying Alabama's AG has no more right to investigate them and regulate out of state abortions as another state has the right to legalize abortions in Alabama.

Just putting this out there.
As a mom of two Autistic children, this pisses me off.
The rabies thing is also abhorrent. If your dog isn’t vaccinated for rabies this puts everyone at risk. I’m not sure I’d even be comfortable going to dog parks anymore, much less taking my kids to one.

Just when you think people can't get any crazier or ridiculous they always prove us wrong.

We live in crazy times.