Political Discussion

Surprised no one is discussing the above. I really want to hear what everyones opinion is here.

Also, can we talk about how stupid it is to call exploitation "competitive labor". To be competitive, you need to have the cheapest labor and the manufactures shop around for who / where can offer them the cheapest labor. Capitalism at its best.
My father sent me some bullshit article about how "All or large parts of 2,000,000 original ballot images from 70+ Georgia counties are missing."

And how there has been a massive coverup of the fraud that went down in the 2020 election. And how these missing ballot images will exonerate Trump.
Surprised no one is discussing the above. I really want to hear what everyones opinion is here.

Also, can we talk about how stupid it is to call exploitation "competitive labor". To be competitive, you need to have the cheapest labor and the manufactures shop around for who / where can offer them the cheapest labor. Capitalism at its best.
Ford has been one of my strongest stock buys. Those fuckers got the money.
My father sent me some bullshit article about how "All or large parts of 2,000,000 original ballot images from 70+ Georgia counties are missing."

And how there has been a massive coverup of the fraud that went down in the 2020 election. And how these missing ballot images will exonerate Trump.
Isn't he making claims like that for years now. Isn't it getting to him that none of these predictions what will happen soon actually ever happen?
average price of new cars went up by 30% and the average CEO salary by 40%
This is the basic problem across the board in this country, the consumer ALWAYS has to absorb the increase in an unbalanced manner. Couple that with the generosity of the big orange cheeto as it pertains to taxes and it's a really sweet deal..............can someone nudge me when trickle down economics starts kicking in? I try really hard not to be a "doom and gloom" type of person, but with each passing day it really feels like all of this needs to blow up in a horrible way, just to start with a clean slate. The downside, who knows if that would even help.
Surprised no one is discussing the above. I really want to hear what everyones opinion is here.

Also, can we talk about how stupid it is to call exploitation "competitive labor". To be competitive, you need to have the cheapest labor and the manufactures shop around for who / where can offer them the cheapest labor. Capitalism at its best.
My father sent me some bullshit article about how "All or large parts of 2,000,000 original ballot images from 70+ Georgia counties are missing."

And how there has been a massive coverup of the fraud that went down in the 2020 election. And how these missing ballot images will exonerate Trump.
Every time I hear about your dad I think to myself, where in Gods name is he getting his news? I mean we all know the Fox vacuum, but some of this stuff is way beyond even Fox. I know the interwebs are a deep abyss and you can find comradery in just about any insane belief, but it's only going to get worse, if it hasn't already, once AI starts going full tilt. Buckle up America, you have no idea what insanity may be on the horizon.
Every time I hear about your dad I think to myself, where in Gods name is he getting his news? I mean we all know the Fox vacuum, but some of this stuff is way beyond even Fox. I know the interwebs are a deep abyss and you can find comradery in just about any insane belief, but it's only going to get worse, if it hasn't already, once AI starts going full tilt. Buckle up America, you have no idea what insanity may be on the horizon.

To my father, FOX news is MSM and he hasn't watched it in years. "Too liberal".

All the news stores he sends me are Tweets linking to news sites I have never heard of and look sketch AF.
The UAW has started their strike. And they are in it for the long game expecting this to be a prolonged strike.

This strike is strategic, and known as a "stand up strike". What that means is most people are still working and not striking. Only UAW members in key areas are striking. Let's say the people who make engines. Because you can't build a car without engines, so they whole production line stops having the same effect that everyone across the board went on strike. This will allow the union funs to last much much longer to continue to pay the striking employees and prolong the the strike. The longer the strike goes on, the more likely the big 3 are likely to cave for demands.

A strike lasting just a week will cost the economy more than $10 Billion.
This is the basic problem across the board in this country, the consumer ALWAYS has to absorb the increase in an unbalanced manner. Couple that with the generosity of the big orange cheeto as it pertains to taxes and it's a really sweet deal..............can someone nudge me when trickle down economics starts kicking in? I try really hard not to be a "doom and gloom" type of person, but with each passing day it really feels like all of this needs to blow up in a horrible way, just to start with a clean slate. The downside, who knows if that would even help.

In this instance I don’t even give a hoot about the consumer. To reward CEOs so lavishly whilst refusing even basic increases in salary and rights to base level employees is just deeply immoral on every level. It should be the illegal to have CEOs salary have any relation to stock performance and there should be a maximum multiplier between the the lowest salary and that of the CEO.
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She should be on the sex offender registry for this. So very Christian of her to jerk off her date in public in front of children.

That might be asking for a bit much given Colorodo's recent track record.

No jail time. Like WTF
Fuck the CEO of GM.

Just watched an interview with her where she was repeatedly asked if she thought it was fair she got a 34% increase in salary over the last 4 years (of the big 3 CEOs, she had the smallest increase in salary over the last 4 years) when their best offer on the table is a 20% increase for employees over the next 4 years. Short of the 34% she made. And over and over her answer to the question was "92% of my compensation is based on performance". She would not answer yes or no as to whether or not she thought it was fair. Just that her salary is based on performance. That that she believes they have a incredible offer on the table for employees with 20% raises that is very competitive.

I have never heard about this before, and this event just boggles my mind. Especially the fact that these teenage girls just vanished and their parents had no idea what happened to them.

All for standing up for their civil rights, and standing in line at the "whites only" ticket window at the movie theater. Police rounded them all up like cattle and put them in a stockade for 60 days.
It looks like a government shutdown is going to be hard to avoid.

The first attempt at getting something through the house failed. It was to extend the budget for 1 month with a 1% cut.

But the far right members are a hard no. They are calling this an extension of Nancy Polosi and Biden's policies and anything that resembles this to them is DOA.

They are seeking massive cuts and a wishlist of conservative policies. Especially policies that include much bigger budgets for policing illegal immigration.

McCarthy can't cross the isle to get votes / a compromise to pass a budget and come out with his job. And he doesn't have enough votes within his party without giving the far right exactly what they want. Which as we know, will never go anywhere in the senate.