Political Discussion

Just read an article about how the "working man" favors the republican party. And they interviewed a fisherman out of Portsmouth New Hampshire.

The working man feels like the economy is better under a Republican president. Less regulation, cheaper fuel prices, less taxes. There is a general feeling that republicans are smart business people and run the country like a business and that's what we need.

But I for sure do not want a company run like a business, because that only means exploitation, and profiting.

The major gripes the fisherman has is under Biden Fuel and Bait prices are way up, but the price for lobster has remained the same. This means profitability has fallen to the point where the margins or so small it's almost impossible to make a living off of fishing for lobsters these days.

Another big concern of his is liberal policies. The government comes in and sets quotas on fishing without talking to the "working man" and these quotas have huge impacts on these peoples livelihoods. They feel like they should have a say, be part of the discussion and decision making and there should be compromise. They understand that changes are needed, but the way they are going about them and how big the changes are all at once are putting people out of business.

Off shore wind farms is another huge concern. They are planning on building them, and there is fear that the construction will interfere with fishing and that the wind mills could collapse the ecosystem and result in not enough lobsters to fish anymore. They want no part of the wind farms.

In my opinion, both party have forgot about, left behind or don't care about the working class. Especially in rural areas. The republicans are just better at deceiving their base into believing they are support them while doing the exact oposite.
Just to add, being a lobster fisherman is grueling work. On average you put in 80 or more hours per week.

Historically the return has always been good. You could make some good money. But those days seem to behind us. Fishing for lobster is grueling work still, but doesn't land you a good paycheck any longer. Many fisherman are getting a return that is dangerously close to breaking even. They can't make a good living wage off this career any longer. It's at the tipping point where it doesn't make any financial sense for the next generation to take over the family fishing business.
Just read an article about how the "working man" favors the republican party. And they interviewed a fisherman out of Portsmouth New Hampshire.

The working man feels like the economy is better under a Republican president. Less regulation, cheaper fuel prices, less taxes. There is a general feeling that republicans are smart business people and run the country like a business and that's what we need.

But I for sure do not want a company run like a business, because that only means exploitation, and profiting.

The major gripes the fisherman has is under Biden Fuel and Bait prices are way up, but the price for lobster has remained the same. This means profitability has fallen to the point where the margins or so small it's almost impossible to make a living off of fishing for lobsters these days.

Another big concern of his is liberal policies. The government comes in and sets quotas on fishing without talking to the "working man" and these quotas have huge impacts on these peoples livelihoods. They feel like they should have a say, be part of the discussion and decision making and there should be compromise. They understand that changes are needed, but the way they are going about them and how big the changes are all at once are putting people out of business.

Off shore wind farms is another huge concern. They are planning on building them, and there is fear that the construction will interfere with fishing and that the wind mills could collapse the ecosystem and result in not enough lobsters to fish anymore. They want no part of the wind farms.

In my opinion, both party have forgot about, left behind or don't care about the working class. Especially in rural areas. The republicans are just better at deceiving their base into believing they are support them while doing the exact oposite.
And come to find out it’s largely climate change causing ecological crises that are causing lower numbers of lobsters. Over fishing of oceans is causing huge problems and decimating fish and other sea life populations.
And come to find out it’s largely climate change causing ecological crises that are causing lower numbers of lobsters. Over fishing of oceans is causing huge problems and decimating fish and other sea life populations.

It also appears that Trump via Executive Order removed the quotas on lobsters and other fish on the east coast but Biden reinstated at them to prevent the issues you mentioned.

So of course that makes Trump look very favorable to these people and why they want him back in 2024.
It also appears that Trump via Executive Order removed the quotas on lobsters and other fish on the east coast but Biden reinstated at them to prevent the issues you mentioned.

So of course that makes Trump look very favorable to these people and why they want him back in 2024.

Believe me send them to a North Sea port in Britain. The cod is gone. To catch it you need a large industrial boat that goes into much deeper water. Smaller scale fishing is dead as a livelihood. Some lobsters is better than no lobsters.

Also whilst we’re good at offshore wind I fail to understand why, given that we are an island and given where we are situated, that we aren’t completely encircled by off shore windmills, barring shipping lanes and beauty spots.
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In Alabama, a black band coach / conductor was tased by police. This happened at the end of a Friday Night Lights football game. Police instructed the bands to stop playing music after noise complaints from neighbors. The home team followed orderers, the visiting team Did not. They were half way through their final song and their coach decided to play it out and finish it rather then stop mid song. Then one of the police officers shocked him with his taser for not following direction.

In Texas, a black student was just suspended for an additional two weeks from school because of his hair style.


Pictured here, this hair cut violates school dress code because his locks of hair, if extended down and not styled as pictured above, would go past his eyebrows or ear lobs which is prohibited by dress code for male students.

He was initially suspended for 1 week. Both he and his parents are furious and don't agree and are not making changes to his hair style. So when he showed back up to school and had not changed his hair style, he was suspended for an additional 2 weeks.

It makes me wonder if a mullet would also be in violation of the dress code, and if it was, and it was on a white student, would they get such a harsh punishment for a dress code violation?
In Alabama, a black band coach / conductor was tased by police. This happened at the end of a Friday Night Lights football game. Police instructed the bands to stop playing music after noise complaints from neighbors. The home team followed orderers, the visiting team Did not. They were half way through their final song and their coach decided to play it out and finish it rather then stop mid song. Then one of the police officers shocked him with his taser for not following direction.

In Texas, a black student was just suspended for an additional two weeks from school because of his hair style.


Pictured here, this hair cut violates school dress code because his locks of hair, if extended down and not styled as pictured above, would go past his eyebrows or ear lobs which is prohibited by dress code for male students.

He was initially suspended for 1 week. Both he and his parents are furious and don't agree and are not making changes to his hair style. So when he showed back up to school and had not changed his hair style, he was suspended for an additional 2 weeks.

It makes me wonder if a mullet would also be in violation of the dress code, and if it was, and it was on a white student, would they get such a harsh punishment for a dress code violation?
Is this a private or public school with the dress code? Suspended for one week is ridiculous for a dress code violation. The dress code is barely enforced at the high school I work at. People need to think is it worth removing a kid from learning opportunities over a dress code violation. If it is a safety issue I understand, but dress code!? That is some dumb shit.
Is this a private or public school with the dress code? Suspended for one week is ridiculous for a dress code violation. The dress code is barely enforced at the high school I work at. People need to think is it worth removing a kid from learning opportunities over a dress code violation. If it is a safety issue I understand, but dress code!? That is some dumb shit.

Public school

I also wonder if the dress code intentionally targets African American hair styles.
Is this a private or public school with the dress code? Suspended for one week is ridiculous for a dress code violation. The dress code is barely enforced at the high school I work at. People need to think is it worth removing a kid from learning opportunities over a dress code violation. If it is a safety issue I understand, but dress code!? That is some dumb shit.
I mean, not for nothing, you work at a school in Ca.

Public school

I also wonder if the dress code intentionally targets African American hair styles.
It targets "other." An attempt to keep the long hair hippies and the trans from ruining their sacred youth.
Just read an article about how the "working man" favors the republican party. And they interviewed a fisherman out of Portsmouth New Hampshire.

The working man feels like the economy is better under a Republican president. Less regulation, cheaper fuel prices, less taxes. There is a general feeling that republicans are smart business people and run the country like a business and that's what we need.

But I for sure do not want a company run like a business, because that only means exploitation, and profiting.

The major gripes the fisherman has is under Biden Fuel and Bait prices are way up, but the price for lobster has remained the same. This means profitability has fallen to the point where the margins or so small it's almost impossible to make a living off of fishing for lobsters these days.

Another big concern of his is liberal policies. The government comes in and sets quotas on fishing without talking to the "working man" and these quotas have huge impacts on these peoples livelihoods. They feel like they should have a say, be part of the discussion and decision making and there should be compromise. They understand that changes are needed, but the way they are going about them and how big the changes are all at once are putting people out of business.

Off shore wind farms is another huge concern. They are planning on building them, and there is fear that the construction will interfere with fishing and that the wind mills could collapse the ecosystem and result in not enough lobsters to fish anymore. They want no part of the wind farms.

In my opinion, both party have forgot about, left behind or don't care about the working class. Especially in rural areas. The republicans are just better at deceiving their base into believing they are support them while doing the exact oposite.

Sadly, the easy, superficial reaction you get from some folks that have the capability to affect policy and tilt damn near everything. They accept the bite sized social media storyline presented without digging deeper into the actual deal to discover deeper truths and the root cause. I'm not aware of any president from any party ever controlling fuel prices. Check in with your oil companies who continue to churn out record profits quarter after quarter.

If the lobstermen had a better understanding of the big picture, I think they'd actually realize climate change is what's going to squash their business, and all of us, long term. Our son owns a seafood market. He's a working man too. He gets this. His supply/cost storyline this year has been directly tied to the record number of hurricanes/tropical depressions we've already seen that affect fishing and sea life. Warming global temps are driving this. Quotas are there to try and preserve and maintain the future of a dwindling aquatic population. And his costs across the board have risen. I don't buy the 'price of lobster has remained the same'.

Now, I'm a registered independent. I have no allegiance to one party or the other, but I do have an allegiance to my kids and my grandkids, and I think daily about what kind of future hand they'll be dealt. No party is perfect, but my general perception - Republican policy is centered around 'How many dollars can we make today' and Democratic policy is centered around 'What can we do today to make things better in the future.'

Again, no affiliation. Just perception based on policy.
Now, I'm a registered independent. I have no allegiance to one party or the other, but I do have an allegiance to my kids and my grandkids, and I think daily about what kind of future hand they'll be dealt. No party is perfect, but my general perception - Republican policy is centered around 'How many dollars can we make today' and Democratic policy is centered around 'What can we do today to make things better in the future.'

I'm a reregistered independent as well.

I think you summed up the Republican party and their policies real well, but I disagree with the Democratic policy. I don't believe there are centered around what they can do to make things better in the future. With Neo Liberalism they are very much focused on the now. While they may have talk about wanting to make things better in the future, especially those who lean much more left than others, the party as a whole seems incapable of actually getting anything done. They don't have enough support within their party and they are two worried about losing the next election or trying to work across the aisle and make compromises.
I mean, not for nothing, you work at a school in Ca.

It targets "other." An attempt to keep the long hair hippies and the trans from ruining their sacred youth.

Yea I saw a Latino kid with an Edgar haircut wearing a Daniel Johnston t-shirt at work the other day and had to do a double take to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating.