Political Discussion

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Why are they so interested in charging the victim, who is an 11 year old child.
Medical bills
The Biden administration has unveiled new proposals to remove medical bills from credit reports. White House officials on Thursday said they are pursuing the effort to lessen Americans’ medical debt burden as millions of people contend with the higher cost of living and historic inflation. Medical debt has lowered people’s credit scores, which affects their ability to buy a home, get a mortgage or own a small business, Vice President Kamala Harris said in a call with reporters announcing the initiative. If the rule is finalized, consumer credit companies would be barred from including medical debt and collection information on reports that creditors use to make underwriting decisions.
I guess this is something. Doesn't help at all with the high costs of healthcare or with reducing the debt you owe though.
The UAW is ramping up their strike with GM and Stellantis but not Ford.

While they have a long way to go with Ford still, at least Ford is coming to the bargaining table. The other two auto giants are not resulting in the UAW expanding the strike to all US assembly line locations for GM and Stellantis. The latest phase of the strike is designed so that dealers will run out of parts to service existing cars as well now.

There has also been news that GM and Stellantis laid off 2,000 UAW members this week.

Russia, China and the United States have all resumed development and expansion of nuclear test sites in recent years.

All 3 countries suspended testing back in the 90's. So what is this all about. Being ready incase there is a nuclear threat or is this a case of my dick is bigger than yours?

Non proliferation only really works if everyone has a moratorium on proliferation. Once one major party starts building the other have to because we’re back to the dick swinging contest of mutually assured destruction being the deferent to use.
Isn't this the second time he's been caught and indicated too? Brazen corruption always makes me realize how much they don't do shit about.

Yup this is the second time for him. NJ dems are probably the worst example of the corruption and the establishment mentality of the dnc. I love living in a blue state and I love Phil Murphy as my governor but the others dems aren’t the best and we need some fresh faces to take over the state’s party

Tell me how conservative policies will help with homelessness and that democrats are to blame for the homelessness epidemic we face in our cities.
This was the worst kept "secret" in Dallas. It makes news because he's a black mayor in a blue city. The truth is he's a political opportunist. He's an absentee mayor and has really done nothing in his time in office other than give the Dallas Citizen's Council (think the Harlan Crow types) everything they want. He's their man downtown. The only thing he's done to the homelessness crisis, and I don't use that word lightly, is assemble a task force made up of basically organizations already doing as much as they can to help the homeless in Dallas. He's done nothing to address the massive rising cost of living in this city, especially housing. He's done nothing to address mental health. And the truth is the mayor of Dallas is just a figurehead. He or she is one vote of 15. Dallas is a weak-mayor, 14 council member system, with most of the real power in the form of the unelected city manager. He's chummed the red meat Republicans by being vocal on police support and pushing back against "liberal initatives" which the city council just brushes aside. He's put forth next to nothing but is very vocal on Twitter.

The real reason he's doing this is that in Texas, you cannot be a Democrat and seek larger office. You can no longer get elected Governor, Senator, Lt. Governor, Attorney General, or any of the other higher profile offices if you have a D next to your name. Most of the high profile Dem stars like Wendy Davis and Beto got trounced when they went for higher office. So as a political opportunist, he's going to ride the grift and culture wars into higher office when his term is up in 2027. Technically the mayor and council members are non-partisan and you do not know their political affiliations until you see their policy positions. You can get a sense of what they are by what districts they are elected out of. The North Dallas districts are typically the lone one or 2 Republican spots on the council. I would find it hilarious if someone got a recall petition started for him since he used the Democratic machine to get elected and just won relection unopposed last May. Now he's magically a Republican who's playing the culture war hits. I'm sure he'll bash trans people soon and talk about "woke" policies. I'm sure he kissed the ring of Governor Abbott and has totally bought off on trying to screw Dallas ISD schools with the Governor's private school voucher scheme. Eric got a nice spot at Greenhill which is a wealthy private here in town. As a parent of two DISD students, I'd rather my mayor not take shots at a school district that is trying the best it damn well can to give kids good schools with great learning options, all the while getting jackshit from our state in terms of funding.
Just saw an interview with Bernie Sanders talking about the UAW strike.

One of the things he brought up is how automation ha made worker's much more productive and substantially increased profit margins for the auto manufacturers. And non of that increase in productivity has been shared back to the workers. It's all gone to the top and shareholders. None if it has been giving back to the workers whether it be in raises, benefits or time back to spend with families.

No, wages have stayed the same, benefits have been cut and stress levels at work have only gone up. Stress levels are up because people are worried about losing their jobs as automation takes over. And as automation takes over, those still working have more responsibilities piled on as staffing levels dwindle.

Basically, Bernie was saying that automation is the future, and the UAW should be leveraging that and that the productivity increases should go back to the workers. Not the top. There should be more workers, less hours and stress and better pay.
I'm not at all surprised to read this. My wife's first job after she got her PharmD was at a Walgreen's. No only did she struggle with dealing with the rude customers, but there were so many days there was just no time for lunch, and barely time for a bathroom break. The workload was too big and leaving the floor while they were busy was deemed unacceptable, but they were always busy.

Wondering if @Sonicpharmacist has had similar experiences.
Yup this is the second time for him. NJ dems are probably the worst example of the corruption and the establishment mentality of the dnc. I love living in a blue state and I love Phil Murphy as my governor but the others dems aren’t the best and we need some fresh faces to take over the state’s party
He needs to be persuaded to resign, and Murphy needs to appoint a replacement. Andy Kim is planning to primary Menendez if he won't resign, and I also like Tom Malinowski (he was my rep for one term)