Political Discussion

What is really surprising to me, is a lot of the 20 something women on TicTok from places like PA or Long Island are pro Trump. It' like he's their hero/idle.

You would think a lot of these women would be upset over roe v wade being overturned. But they are not. They got Trump 2024 Flags, are vocal about their disapproval of Biden and saying 2024 is going to be the most important election of our lives. And it's clear they are going to vote for Tump.
What is really surprising to me, is a lot of the 20 something women on TicTok from places like PA or Long Island are pro Trump. It' like he's their hero/idle.

You would think a lot of these women would be upset over roe v wade being overturned. But they are not. They got Trump 2024 Flags, are vocal about their disapproval of Biden and saying 2024 is going to be the most important election of our lives. And it's clear they are going to vote for Tump.
Trump has the nitwit vote locked up!
What is really surprising to me, is a lot of the 20 something women on TicTok from places like PA or Long Island are pro Trump. It' like he's their hero/idle.

You would think a lot of these women would be upset over roe v wade being overturned. But they are not. They got Trump 2024 Flags, are vocal about their disapproval of Biden and saying 2024 is going to be the most important election of our lives. And it's clear they are going to vote for Tump.
I’d also say they don’t see Roe as something that affects them personally (until it does), so their priorities are likely focused on near-term self interests.
Late last week there was an article that came out that said Millenials are posed to become the richest generation yet.

I was like, what, that makes no sense. But what was not immediately called out in the article, and was buried deep within it was a caveat. Millenials will also see the most inequality of any generation yet. All the wealth Millennials will get is coming from inheritances. And only from families that already have huge wealth. The average person who is a Millennial overall will have less wealth than previous generations.
Mode, median, mean. Know the difference. This is middle school stats.
Book smarts ≠ worldly smarts.

A lot of extremely intelligent people are idiots.

And a lot of people in metropolitian areas with degrees in professional jobs are just really thick. Some of the people called to the bar with me beggared belief, they were eaten alive by clients, judges and opposing counsel. There was one lad that we couldn’t even trust to do the photocopying for class competently.