Political Discussion

Reality is closer to me, 200k student loan debt, cut my own hair to save money, no ink, makes all my coffee at home, cheap android phone, clothes from clearance at Macy's.

Just don't look at my vinyl collection, Boomers. It's not why I'm poor, I swear.

Same here. Well with the exception that I do have a $1500 iPhone, but I didn't pay $1500 for it.

I got a $1000 credit for trading in my previous phone up font, and paying for the remaining balance over 3 years as part of my regular phone bill. Which is next to nothing. It's not why I can't afford to pay my student loans off or buy a house. Not even close.
Reality is closer to me, 200k student loan debt, cut my own hair to save money, no ink, makes all my coffee at home, cheap android phone, clothes from clearance at Macy's.

Just don't look at my vinyl collection, Boomers. It's not why I'm poor, I swear.

Yeah I’ve had this conversation with my dad on loop a couple of times:

D: I had no help
J: You bought a 5 bed detached house with a corner garden for £30k when your annual salary was £30k.
D: But I helped you all lots
J: And we all appreciate it lots, it’s the only reason we own property because that same house is now £300k on a salary of £60k….
D: But you buy lots of shit
J: So did you…
“The radical left Democrats are at it again. They're constantly making up stories about me because their candidate is a mental and physical basket case. There's never been anything like it. He's also the worst president in the history of our country. He went on a very poorly rated show last night, and he talked about Donald Trump and his wife, I don't know the name of my wife.

“He was referring to the fact that at CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference), where I had a sold out speech, the biggest audience they've had in years, I think maybe ever. I made the statement that Melania was very popular because when I mentioned her name, the audience went wild. I then looked at the two people, man and wife, Matt and Mercedes Schlapp, and I said, ‘Wow, they really like the first lady.’ So this got taken as the fact that I thought Mercedes was the first lady, has nothing to do with that.

“These people are really dishonest. They are absolutely something. They have a horrible candidate who's a horrible president. They make up things constantly. You take a look at when I use Barack Hussein Obama and I interject him into where it's supposed to be Biden, and I do it purposely for comedic reasons and for sarcasm because a lot of people say that Obama's running the country, not Biden, because he's sleeping all the time. They say, ‘Oh, I don't know the name of the president.’ Or when I imitate this guy getting off a stage, what they do is they say, ‘Oh, he had trouble getting off a stage.’ I have no trouble getting off a stage. Anybody that watches what I do at rallies would say, ‘Wow, that's amazing. He can go two hours without a teleprompter, not making even a little mistake.’ Very few people, maybe almost nobody, can do what I do.
“The radical left Democrats are at it again. They're constantly making up stories about me because their candidate is a mental and physical basket case. There's never been anything like it. He's also the worst president in the history of our country. He went on a very poorly rated show last night, and he talked about Donald Trump and his wife, I don't know the name of my wife.

“He was referring to the fact that at CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference), where I had a sold out speech, the biggest audience they've had in years, I think maybe ever. I made the statement that Melania was very popular because when I mentioned her name, the audience went wild. I then looked at the two people, man and wife, Matt and Mercedes Schlapp, and I said, ‘Wow, they really like the first lady.’ So this got taken as the fact that I thought Mercedes was the first lady, has nothing to do with that.

“These people are really dishonest. They are absolutely something. They have a horrible candidate who's a horrible president. They make up things constantly. You take a look at when I use Barack Hussein Obama and I interject him into where it's supposed to be Biden, and I do it purposely for comedic reasons and for sarcasm because a lot of people say that Obama's running the country, not Biden, because he's sleeping all the time. They say, ‘Oh, I don't know the name of the president.’ Or when I imitate this guy getting off a stage, what they do is they say, ‘Oh, he had trouble getting off a stage.’ I have no trouble getting off a stage. Anybody that watches what I do at rallies would say, ‘Wow, that's amazing. He can go two hours without a teleprompter, not making even a little mistake.’ Very few people, maybe almost nobody, can do what I do.
…In other words people are asking a lot of questions about my “I am definitely NOT senile” t-shirt that my shirt already answered.
Kevin Monahan, 66, has been sentenced 25 years to life for fatally shooting a teenager who made a wrong turn down his driveway in upstate rural New York.

Despite being convicted, he still doesn't believe he did anything wrong. That he was within his right to protect his property to which he believed was "under siege".

Donors will fully fund his appeal and believe this a case of a liberal judge and liberal state violating his constitutional rights.
Depicts just how stupid the do nothing and the votes will come because you are not Tromp strategy for 2024.
I still think most people are angry (rightly or wrongly) and want to voice their frustration. I also, think that when presented with the two sub par options they will select the one option that won’t end democracy in the US.

Trump in 2016 was an unknown disruptor that some people thought was a buffoon but one that could be controlled by the system making “most” voters feel like they could take a risk in voting for him. Like what’s the worst that could happen?

…well, now we know and the prospects of voting in someone who even the most casual voters think is dangerous seems like a stretch to me.

I genuinely believe most Americans aren’t willing to risk another Trump Presidency.

*I put “most” in quotes because obviously a GOP Presidential candidate has only won the popular vote once over the past 30+ years.
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Anybody who has decent credit should not be using credit cards to carry debt. You can apply for a personal line of credit at your bank and rates are much lower.
Another good option for lower level debt (4k or so) is the PayPal credit where you don't have to pay interest for six months on purchases over $99 (I think that's the minimum, might be $50). If you don't pay it off in six months you do have to pay the interest, but for small debts it's way better than a credit card.
Late last week there was an article that came out that said Millenials are posed to become the richest generation yet.

I was like, what, that makes no sense. But what was not immediately called out in the article, and was buried deep within it was a caveat. Millenials will also see the most inequality of any generation yet. All the wealth Millennials will get is coming from inheritances. And only from families that already have huge wealth. The average person who is a Millennial overall will have less wealth than previous generations.