Political Discussion

Oh, they asked about it. It was a high profile case where a junkie stole a dump truck and then ran over a pair of 12 year-old girls, killing one and severely injuring the other.
So both the Prosecution and Defense had the opportunity to question every jury member prior to selection. So I had to go sit in the witnesses box and the DA asked me about the “ACAB” I wrote on the questionnaire in response to a question about Police. To which I replied that it stands for All cops are bastards.
Respect for being direct.
Oh, they asked about it. It was a high profile case where a junkie stole a dump truck and then ran over a pair of 12 year-old girls, killing one and severely injuring the other.
So both the Prosecution and Defense had the opportunity to question every jury member prior to selection. So I had to go sit in the witnesses box and the DA asked me about the “ACAB” I wrote on the questionnaire in response to a question about Police. To which I replied that it stands for All cops are bastards.
Could have just let them know you’re N&G user name. 😂
Could have just let them know you’re N&G user name. 😂
Funny story, I hadn’t realized that my handle came off as creepy or menacing in any way until I ran into someone from here in the real world and they made a joke about me NOT being a creepy weirdo as my handle suggests. I was a bit caught off guard and mentioned to my SO the conversation and she said she just assumed that was the image I was trying to project. Having “killer” in your handle is always gonna give off that vibe. Then she told me she always thought it was a play on the “BTK” serial killer; something I had never considered. I wasn’t even aware of the the BTK Killer until after I started using that handle.

The origins was from one time when I was talking to a friend about the “TLC” cable channel an how that was clever in its double meaning both The Learning Channel and Tender Loving Care but I got tongue-tied and instead said “Tender Loving Killer” which made everyone chuckle, but I also thought it would be a good pseudonym if I were to become an IDM artist a la Aphex Twin or Squarepusher but since I had no discerning musician talent whatsoever it instead became my new internet handle, replacing “The Unemployed Architect” a handle I gave to my younger brother, who is a musician, to record music under.

Union workers get paid a lot more than non-union workers. Regardless of if they have a college degree or not, the same holds true.

This shows why unions are important.

But both my uncle and stepfather who work in Construction hate unions. The unions are evil because they take money in dues out of their paychecks each week, their hard earned money. They also have falling for the rhetoric that unions are bad for our country and no longer needed.

Pointing out what great healthcare benefits the unions offer them at no cost and the wage differences between union and non union workers does nothing to persuade them otherwise. They still believe they would be better off without unions.

Union workers get paid a lot more than non-union workers. Regardless of if they have a college degree or not, the same holds true.

This shows why unions are important.

But both my uncle and stepfather who work in Construction hate unions. The unions are evil because they take money in dues out of their paychecks each week, their hard earned money. They also have falling for the rhetoric that unions are bad for our country and no longer needed.

Pointing out what great healthcare benefits the unions offer them at no cost and the wage differences between union and non union workers does nothing to persuade them otherwise. They still believe they would be better off without unions.
Numbers and facts no longer matter in these conversations.

Union workers get paid a lot more than non-union workers. Regardless of if they have a college degree or not, the same holds true.

This shows why unions are important.

But both my uncle and stepfather who work in Construction hate unions. The unions are evil because they take money in dues out of their paychecks each week, their hard earned money. They also have falling for the rhetoric that unions are bad for our country and no longer needed.

Pointing out what great healthcare benefits the unions offer them at no cost and the wage differences between union and non union workers does nothing to persuade them otherwise. They still believe they would be better off without unions.
There are some negatives to unions, but being employed by one should emphasize the positives.

I have a close family member who works in union and non-union shops, and he said he prefers non-union. Roles are compartmentalized and union members can't do a job that they're not assigned to, even if it's a simple as getting him a tool he needs.

My take on it is the union is as good as the people running it, and for many different reasons. You can't say they're all good or they're all bad. My father was a Bell Telephone / Verizon union employee for most of his career. His large pension when he retired was because he worked hard and paid into it. He had great medical benefits, as does my mom, a surviving widow. He had to go on strike a few times when i was a kid, and he didn't get paid during that time. It was tight for our family.

There are teacher's unions, and police unions, and unsavory people can game them for unfair advantages, which I won't dig into now. But by and large, workers' unions protect wages and benefits from predatory employers.
I read this morning, what I wild story. Living 5 years in heart of NYC with all hotel amenities and HBO for under $300 is amazing. The fact that he managed to get the title of the hotel switched into his name is bonkers. Also, fuck the Mooneys. It couldn’t have happened to a worse group.

I hope he doesn’t have to go to jail.

I guess this comes to no surprise

I guess this comes to no surprise
“War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.”

“And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed—if all records told the same tale—then the lie passed into history and became truth.”
