Political Discussion

the loss of support for Biden is large with many saying they won't vote for the top of the ticket.
I refuse to believe that actual voters would leave the top of the ticket blank while voting down ticket. I also feel that many voters who lean left and are understandably disillusioned only leverage right now is the threat to withhold their vote. I wish Biden would do more to bring these people back into the fold but even if he does not I feel like most, especially in swing states will ultimately vote against the worse option of the two undesirable options.
Sleepy Joe Bidden voters are falling asleep.

Maga Trump voters are lining up 18 hours before campaign appearances to get a prime, front row spot to see their hero. (Speaking on experience, by step fathers best friend, who is in is late 60's, and needs crutches to walk went to a Trump Rally in NH earlier this year and lined up in the first row 18 hours before Trump was scheduled to appear. He can barely walk on his own and uses a golf cart to get around. And he stands for 18 hours waiting for Trump)
I refuse to believe that actual voters would leave the top of the ticket blank while voting down ticket. I also feel that many voters who lean left and are understandably disillusioned only leverage right now is the threat to withhold their vote. I wish Biden would do more to bring these people back into the fold but even if he does not I feel like most, especially in swing states will ultimately vote against the worse option of the two undesirable options.
I think the problem will carry over down ticket, which is why many are interpreting their data to show that it'll be bad for the Dems. How many will actually show up to vote for the rest of the ticket if they can't be bothered to vote for the top of it? Even without many responding poorly on questions about the Dems as a whole, Biden has turned off a significant chunk of people and he's mistaken in thinking that his policy wins are resonating with the disaffected voters at the margins who he desperately needs to show up for him. So while you think it'll be positive, I'm more convinced by what I've seen so far that enough will stay home to make it a disaster.
Sleepy Joe Bidden voters are falling asleep.

Maga Trump voters are lining up 18 hours before campaign appearances to get a prime, front row spot to see their hero. (Speaking on experience, by step fathers best friend, who is in is late 60's, and needs crutches to walk went to a Trump Rally in NH earlier this year and lined up in the first row 18 hours before Trump was scheduled to appear. He can barely walk on his own and uses a golf cart to get around. And he stands for 18 hours waiting for Trump)
These people are far from your typical voter. They see Trump as a cult like leader and MAGA Rally’s are their church. No political figure should garner such devotion. It’s disheartening that Trump has such a following but I would be leery of voting for any politician left or right that had a cult following.

The closet thing the left has ever experienced to this was with Obama but his appeal was far wider and much less devotional than what’s happening woth Trump.
I think the problem will carry over down ticket, which is why many are interpreting their data to show that it'll be bad for the Dems. How many will actually show up to vote for the rest of the ticket if they can't be bothered to vote for the top of it? Even without many responding poorly on questions about the Dems as a whole, Biden has turned off a significant chunk of people and he's mistaken in thinking that his policy wins are resonating with the disaffected voters at the margins who he desperately needs to show up for him. So while you think it'll be positive, I'm more convinced by what I've seen so far that enough will stay home to make it a disaster.
I guess we’ll see what happens and maybe my feelings will shift as the election nears but Trump/MAGA has not won a general election since 2016 and that was against one of the single worst candidates of all time (in which he barely won). Casual uninformed voters are the most likely to vote for Trump. They are also the group least likely to vote overall. If Biden holds on to PA/MI/WI he wins reelection regardless of what happens in GA AZ and NV. Worst case scenario is Biden wins the Midwest and loses GA, AZ, and NV in which case Biden would still win reelection. My feeling as of this moment is that Biden takes PA/MI/WI/AZ/NV with GA and NC being a coin flip but that’s what I am feeling right now and that could always change depending on if they find another one of Biden’s offspring laptops in October.
I guess we’ll see what happens and maybe my feelings will shift as the election nears but Trump/MAGA has not won a general election since 2016 and that was against one of the single worst candidates of all time (in which he barely won). Casual uninformed voters are the most likely to vote for Trump. They are also the group least likely to vote overall. If Biden holds on to PA/MI/WI he wins reelection regardless of what happens in GA AZ and NV. Worst case scenario is Biden wins the Midwest and loses GA, AZ, and NV in which case Biden would still win reelection. My feeling as of this moment is that Biden takes PA/MI/WI/AZ/NV with GA and NC being a coin flip but that’s what I am feeling right now and that could always change depending on if they find another one of Biden’s offspring laptops in October.
I agree with TLK. Don’t get me wrong, I am terrified that DJT could win, but I truly don’t think he will. Trump is a cult leader with a rabid following, but their vote is just a single vote per person. Their fervor for DJT doesn’t mean they can vote harder. An ambivalent vote for Biden counts the same as an ass on fire enthusiastic vote for Trump. I do believe that republicans will do whatever it takes to win, but I think they will fall short.
First of all, this absolutely feels like fake news. I have not heard an inkling of this.

Also isn’t it conservatives that are anti-cancel (although at this point I think we all basically are), but this wouldn’t even qualify as cancel culture. It is right wing religious folks doing what they always do. She didn’t do anything wrong just got some fundamentalist feathers ruffled.
First of all, this absolutely feels like fake news. I have not heard an inkling of this.

Also isn’t it conservatives that are anti-cancel (although at this point I think we all basically are), but this wouldn’t even qualify as cancel culture. It is right wing religious folks doing what they always do. She didn’t do anything wrong just got some fundamentalist feathers ruffled.
I think some folks deserve to be cancelled. Permanently. And I'd follow General Parton if she led the charge.
I agree. Mostly talking about “ the culture”
I get what you mean. The whole idea that there is a "cancel culture" is a joke. Even the rapists and racists stay in the spotlight despite people calling them out. It might effect some sales, but it's hard to take them seriously when they claim to be cancelled from their sold out shows and media appearances. It's just another projection by the Right.
I take this to be more like Kid Rock being angry with Bud Light than Cancel Culture, thus calling for a boycott. Not cancelation.
I mean that’s what it seemed like to me, but the article talked about her being cancelled and folks coming with pitchforks, lol.

It also appeared to cause more issues for the dumbass who wrote the article based on nothing actually being said about it outside the whackadoo circles that may or may not have had pitchforks and the fact that the author has already said she’s dumb and sorry.
First of all, this absolutely feels like fake news. I have not heard an inkling of this.

Also isn’t it conservatives that are anti-cancel (although at this point I think we all basically are), but this wouldn’t even qualify as cancel culture. It is right wing religious folks doing what they always do. She didn’t do anything wrong just got some fundamentalist feathers ruffled.
That’s what I felt when I read it. I loathe people that write “slow news day?” in the comments of stuff like this, but that’s what I also felt like saying.
Calling Dolly Switzerland is a bad analogy to start with. Just because she's admired by both sides doesn't mean she's neutral; she's not, as the piece readily acknowledges. Being beloved by both sides doesn't make you a centrist, nor does it make you neutral. And neutrality isn't a virtue.

There's something to say here about how, why, & when the right decides to call out the people it calls out. This column isn't it.
The internet is eating itself; so many "controversies" can be boiled down to one blogger shooting from the hip with an "actually bad"/"actually good" take, then a cavalcade of other media outlets picking it up and brewing the storm they purport to be observing. The only cited source in the "cavalcade" of responses is a Salon article commenting on the column, and the og columnist even swiftly apologized. It's a big nothing.

I'd even push back at the idea Dolly is as beloved by the Right as she is the left; her positivity and "love everyone" attitude are a lot more aligned with the Democrats' image, and it feels more like the centrism is to avoid alienating the more conservative corners of Country fandom. If you want a real hot take, her duet with Kid Rock last year goes to underline the limits of remaining fiercely apolitical; you can't "both sides" away the choice to work alongside a hateful fascist.