Political Discussion

The theory I’ve seen floated is if Trump falters (which very possible as he is unprepared and won’t be surrounded by his weird group of zealots and sycophants) he may announce his Veep pick to quickly change the narrative.
I've never seen more people try to make so many excuses for someone looking like an idiot on stage than they seem to be doing before this debate even happens. Other than his ego and love of TV, politically I don't understand why he agreed to do it. He could have just said he wouldn't do it because Biden's a coke head and will cheat at the debate and they would have eaten that up.
I've never seen more people try to make so many excuses for someone looking like an idiot on stage than they seem to be doing before this debate even happens. Other than his ego and love of TV, politically I don't understand why he agreed to do it. He could have just said he wouldn't do it because Biden's a coke head and will cheat at the debate and they would have eaten that up.
I honestly think that is why he agreed to seemingly all of Biden’s terms. The debate is on CNN with Jake Tapper and Dana Bash monitoring, no audience, and cut mics; so that if Trump underperforms he can play the martyr and claim the debates are rigged an then not do any more debates in the future. This debate is early enough in the process it will be all but forgotten by the time November rolls around.
CNN is nominally maintaining decorum with the rules, but I think in the end they're falling into the trap (deliberately or not) of leaning into making this into a show with all the window dressing of a pro wrestling/fight re-match, which obviously is the kind of thing that encourages bad behavior and shock tactics, all of which plays into Trump's hands.

This is a case where loudly declaring that you'll mute candidates isn't about reassurances to audiences that they will be able to digest thoughtful responses; no, it's bait to get people excited about the spectacle of what will happen if/when they actually do it.

Frankly I'm feeling disgusted already. If CNN as a network is going to frame this as a neck-and-neck race and tout their own broadcast as one of the most impactful debates in national history, then they have a fucking responsibility to treat it with more care than they would a sweeps week mid-season finale of MacGyver. Instead, tomorrow's headlines will 100% be:
  • 5 Takeaways from last night's debate
  • Which candidate slurred their words more? Watch Sanjay Gupta deliver a secondhand neurodegeneration assessment
  • "Felon" was the buzzword of the debate, but Frank Luntz explains that viewers in this Ohio diner are skeptical
  • After months of menacing fascist rhetoric, Tump showed his old charm again: will it be enough to overcome Biden's warnings of totalitarianism?
  • CNN panel discusses who will receive the coveted Netanyahu endorsement that may decide the fate of millions
  • Former Trump official: "He's unfit for office, but my conscience will not allow me to support student loan debt forgiveness."
Also, be on high alert for social media being seeded with "news" like this immediately prior to major events:

It is not a coincidence that a story like this surfaced this week, in a battleground state, over a topic that Biden gets hammered on. It affirms people's suspicions that this sort of trafficking is totally ubiquitous.

BTW, it wasn't trafficking: Viral video made in metro Atlanta does not show human trafficking, police say
CNN is nominally maintaining decorum with the rules, but I think in the end they're falling into the trap (deliberately or not) of leaning into making this into a show with all the window dressing of a pro wrestling/fight re-match, which obviously is the kind of thing that encourages bad behavior and shock tactics, all of which plays into Trump's hands.

This is a case where loudly declaring that you'll mute candidates isn't about reassurances to audiences that they will be able to digest thoughtful responses; no, it's bait to get people excited about the spectacle of what will happen if/when they actually do it.

Frankly I'm feeling disgusted already. If CNN as a network is going to frame this as a neck-and-neck race and tout their own broadcast as one of the most impactful debates in national history, then they have a fucking responsibility to treat it with more care than they would a sweeps week mid-season finale of MacGyver. Instead, tomorrow's headlines will 100% be:
  • 5 Takeaways from last night's debate
  • Which candidate slurred their words more? Watch Sanjay Gupta deliver a secondhand neurodegeneration assessment
  • "Felon" was the buzzword of the debate, but Frank Luntz explains that viewers in this Ohio diner are skeptical
  • After months of menacing fascist rhetoric, Tump showed his old charm again: will it be enough to overcome Biden's warnings of totalitarianism?
  • CNN panel discusses who will receive the coveted Netanyahu endorsement that may decide the fate of millions
  • Former Trump official: "He's unfit for office, but my conscience will not allow me to support student loan debt forgiveness."
Also, be on high alert for social media being seeded with "news" like this immediately prior to major events:

It is not a coincidence that a story like this surfaced this week, in a battleground state, over a topic that Biden gets hammered on. It affirms people's suspicions that this sort of trafficking is totally ubiquitous.

BTW, it wasn't trafficking: Viral video made in metro Atlanta does not show human trafficking, police say

This is so gross.


This is so gross.

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CNN is so irrelevant in 2024 they can’t help themselves. It’s weird because I enjoy actual news. I will watch my Local News almost daily and listen to my local NPR station every work day but I remember when CNN was more than ESPN but for politics but at this point it’s pretty much all they have. I will reflexively flip it on from time to time only to be reminded how terrible it all is and switch it back to whatever sporting event I was watching.