Political Discussion


Seriously, this is why I would never call the cops on any POC unless someone’s life was in immediate danger. Sonya Massey didn’t deserve to die. Acting a bit scattered at 1 AM on a Saturday night should not have resulted in death. I am glad that the pig has been charged with First Degree Murder. Such a disgusting needless act of violence.

Nice to see a hasty indictment coming down with this one. That was egregious abuse of duty and power. It's shocking to see how quickly that all changed, comes out of absolutely nowhere, with all the religious overtones to it felt like a possession or something. Was it revealed that the woman was a schizophrenic?

Something I will say re: ACAB: I've for some reason spent a lot of time over the last year or so watching a lot of police body camera footage and it's given me a renewed understanding for just how challenging/traumatizing that line of work can be for everyone involved, and just like every other field I do think its mainly made up of people who are trying to do their best, and we often times throw the baby out with the bathwater. That being said, being a cop is obviously a magnet for people with personality disorders and superiority complexes and those people are definitely in there rotting the position from the inside out.
Nice to see a hasty indictment coming down with this one. That was egregious abuse of duty and power. It's shocking to see how quickly that all changed, comes out of absolutely nowhere, with all the religious overtones to it felt like a possession or something. Was it revealed that the woman was a schizophrenic?

Something I will say re: ACAB: I've for some reason spent a lot of time over the last year or so watching a lot of police body camera footage and it's given me a renewed understanding for just how challenging/traumatizing that line of work can be for everyone involved, and just like every other field I do think its mainly made up of people who are trying to do their best, and we often times throw the baby out with the bathwater. That being said, being a cop is obviously a magnet for people with personality disorders and superiority complexes and those people are definitely in there rotting the position from the inside out.
I stand by ACAB. I have yet to meet a good one. I am a middle aged white dude who has never been charged with anything more than a traffic violation and every official interaction I have had with police have been at best unhelpful and at worst needlessly antagonistic. I know people who have had interactions with “good” police and I hope some do exist but that hasn’t been my experience throughout my life.

Regarding the video, I am not sure if she had mental health issue, she seemed a bit off but it was 1:00 AM early Sunday morning following the 4th, you can still hear fireworks throughout the video. She might have been in mental distress. Maybe she had taken some Ambien to try to get some sleep, maybe she was enjoying her Saturday night, she seemed confused but she also seem anxious, likely from being probed by two large white cops (one with “Nordic” tattoos that are viewable on his forearm) after she called them to check on a prowler. The shooter asks her to pull the pot off the stove, “I rebuke you in the name of Jesus” is an odd thing to say but she said it quietly and in a non-aggressive way. He actually says “huh?” and she repeats herself then the cop goes from 0 to 100 gun drawn shouting “You better fucking not or I swear to god I will shoot you in the fucking face!”. Maybe she was having mental issue but only person acting crazy was the cop.
I stand by ACAB. I have yet to meet a good one. I am a middle aged white dude who has never been charged with anything more than a traffic violation and every official interaction I have had with police have been at best unhelpful and at worst needlessly antagonistic. I know people who have had interactions with “good” police and I hope some do exist but that hasn’t been my experience throughout my life.

Regarding the video, I am not sure if she had mental health issue, she seemed a bit off but it was 1:00 AM early Sunday morning following the 4th, you can still hear fireworks throughout the video. She might have been in mental distress. Maybe she had taken some Ambien to try to get some sleep, maybe she was enjoying her Saturday night, she seemed confused but she also seem anxious, likely from being probed by two large white cops (one with “Nordic” tattoos that are viewable on his forearm) after she called them to check on a prowler. The shooter asks her to pull the pot off the stove, “I rebuke you in the name of Jesus” is an odd thing to say but she said it quietly and in a non-aggressive way. He actually says “huh?” and she repeats herself then the cop goes from 0 to 100 gun drawn shouting “You better fucking not or I swear to god I will shoot you in the fucking face!”. Maybe she was having mental issue but only person acting crazy was the cop.
My understanding is she called the cops reporting a prowler.
I’ve known a few really good people that were cops over the years. I’ve, unfortunately, at my last workplace had to interact with cops more than I would have ever thought and never had a bad experience with one.

I have met a few people who wanted to be cops but couldn’t get past the various tests to be one for various reasons and I’ll say those people struck me as the kind of people who shouldn’t be cops because they might do something like that.
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I stand by ACAB. I have yet to meet a good one. I am a middle aged white dude who has never been charged with anything more than a traffic violation and every official interaction I have had with police have been at best unhelpful and at worst needlessly antagonistic. I know people who have had interactions with “good” police and I hope some do exist but that hasn’t been my experience throughout my life.

This, right here.
My issue with cops, ignoring any behavioral stuff, is simply how much of a city budget is taken up by them (especially with rampant abuses of overtime). My city is awash with heroin needles and unhoused folks, but yet there's a cop always at the entrance of Whole Foods....
Harris Teeters in the area all have armed security which is fucking bananas.

Edit: to clarify, I don’t mean cops. I mean Paul Blart motherfuckers wearing armored vests with FUCKING guns.
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I stand by ACAB. I have yet to meet a good one. I am a middle aged white dude who has never been charged with anything more than a traffic violation and every official interaction I have had with police have been at best unhelpful and at worst needlessly antagonistic. I know people who have had interactions with “good” police and I hope some do exist but that hasn’t been my experience throughout my life.

Regarding the video, I am not sure if she had mental health issue, she seemed a bit off but it was 1:00 AM early Sunday morning following the 4th, you can still hear fireworks throughout the video. She might have been in mental distress. Maybe she had taken some Ambien to try to get some sleep, maybe she was enjoying her Saturday night, she seemed confused but she also seem anxious, likely from being probed by two large white cops (one with “Nordic” tattoos that are viewable on his forearm) after she called them to check on a prowler. The shooter asks her to pull the pot off the stove, “I rebuke you in the name of Jesus” is an odd thing to say but she said it quietly and in a non-aggressive way. He actually says “huh?” and she repeats herself then the cop goes from 0 to 100 gun drawn shouting “You better fucking not or I swear to god I will shoot you in the fucking face!”. Maybe she was having mental issue but only person acting crazy was the cop.
I hear you! I'm not going to push on that.

One thing I will add is a good cop more than likely kept me from doing some jail time as a young adult. When I was 21 I was traveling to a music festival with a group of friends when we got pulled over for a busted head light (which the driver never told us about -_-). Naturally, at our age and disposition my friends and girlfriend (now my wife) brought recreational stuff in the car with them.

Everything was going well until the police officer noticed a loose pill in the drivers cupholder (I still have no idea what it was, my friend was dealing with serious opioid addiction at that time in his life I found out after this ensuing fiasco. He then got us all to step out of the car and searched the car.

He would then go on to find marijuana, shrooms, and I think ecstasy or LSD in a baggie in my girlfriends bag in the trunk and more marijuana in the other passengers bags. My girlfriend immediately claimed ownership of the baggie but I said "Officer, its not hers, that's mine" ... it wasn't I was actually pretty explicit with her about feeling uncomfortable bringing anything along in the car with us, she was dealing with substance abuse issues at the time and against her better judgement she packed it anyways thinking we'd be fine. I was a pretty straight edge kid outside of some psychedelic experiences.

I ended up getting arrested, booked, the whole enchilada. I remember being surprised that the officer mentioned that I would be let go in a couple of hours, but I didn't know enough about what was happening to think anything about it.

When I was being released the same officer handed back my possessions, including the same baggie, and when I grabbed it from his hand I remember looking down at it and seeing the shrooms staring right back at me, the pill was tossed, but the shrooms were still there clear as day. I stared at them and hesitated while reaching towards it, being confused I looked back up and the officer was staring me dead in the eyes with a look in his eyes that I still think about, kind of like a "Yup, you're seeing that right" look.

I just grabbed it, thanked him, and left. When I learned what I got charged with it was nothing more than a misdemeanor for possession of an insignificant amount of marijuana. He could've booked me and charged me for possession of multiple schedule 1 drugs but decided against it and let me off relatively easily. He even mentioned while I was cuffed on the curb: "I wouldn't want to arrest you for this but my Sergeant is right there."

I don't know what to categorize that as other than a guy being good, a cop being good. Would things have been different if I wasn't a polite and well mannered white-passing latino? Possibly, probably, although I'd like to think he would've extended that grace to others, from our brief interactions he just seemed like that type of guy.

But yeah, that killer cop in that video was not like him, he was ready to kill. His partner on the other hand seemed like a guy trying to grapple as best he could with what he just experienced, including trying to provide medical aid to a futile cause. His walk to his squad car was sobering to watch, watching him trying to clean his hands while they're shaking uncontrollably and he's taking pauses to gather his composure indicates to me that there's a human being in that uniform, not just a manufactured weapon.
It was incredibly surreal spending an unaccompanied hour or two servicing the local police station with the mobile shred truck at my last job. Felt weird being let into their house given how much I despise 'em. There were some lovely staff there, the officers themselves typically came off as jacked up power trippers, and the douchiest of dude bros.

I never did scrawl ACAB anywhere but always made sure to take a shit in the executive washrooms
I stand by ACAB. I have yet to meet a good one. I am a middle aged white dude who has never been charged with anything more than a traffic violation and every official interaction I have had with police have been at best unhelpful and at worst needlessly antagonistic. I know people who have had interactions with “good” police and I hope some do exist but that hasn’t been my experience throughout my life.

Regarding the video, I am not sure if she had mental health issue, she seemed a bit off but it was 1:00 AM early Sunday morning following the 4th, you can still hear fireworks throughout the video. She might have been in mental distress. Maybe she had taken some Ambien to try to get some sleep, maybe she was enjoying her Saturday night, she seemed confused but she also seem anxious, likely from being probed by two large white cops (one with “Nordic” tattoos that are viewable on his forearm) after she called them to check on a prowler. The shooter asks her to pull the pot off the stove, “I rebuke you in the name of Jesus” is an odd thing to say but she said it quietly and in a non-aggressive way. He actually says “huh?” and she repeats herself then the cop goes from 0 to 100 gun drawn shouting “You better fucking not or I swear to god I will shoot you in the fucking face!”. Maybe she was having mental issue but only person acting crazy was the cop.
There may be some good cops but I still consider them bad because they stand by the bad ones like the ones in that video or the countless others where we’ve seen them abuse or murder people because they “feared for their lives”. They’re probably the same assholes who faint when they think they’ve been exposed to “fentanyl”.
I had several friends that became cops. They also became huge assholes, ruined their marriages, became abusive, racist, addicts, etc. The institution is garbage even if some join it with good intentions, and it turns most everyone in it into a garage person or someone who supports garbage people. So I'm not big on cops even though as a white guy I've been let off the hook by some cops, I know that if I wasn't white I wouldn't have been, which makes me think they suck even more.
It was incredibly surreal spending an unaccompanied hour or two servicing the local police station with the mobile shred truck at my last job. Felt weird being let into their house given how much I despise 'em. There were some lovely staff there, the officers themselves typically came off as jacked up power trippers, and the douchiest of dude bros.

I never did scrawl ACAB anywhere but always made sure to take a shit in the executive washrooms
I had an interaction with a cop in my younger years, details of which I'll keep sparse, but later on he was discharged from the station for exposing himself to colleagues. This was like 20 years ago. I used to always get harassed by cops because my friend had a mohawk in our tiny town.

In college I went to a friends house who was catsitting and had some beers. Took the beers back, empty botles, rinsed, in a bag. My driver did an ilegal u turn and we got pulled over. The driver got no tickets, I got an open container citation. It was freezing and the cops wouldn't let me put my hands in my sweater. When I went to the courts to contest it the prosecutor was like "stop bullshitting me, I'm trying to help you" and I was like "why the fuck would I come here and lie to you, I drank the beers in someone's home and took them back to recycle." The whole machismo thing with cops just irritates the shit out of me, stop pestering good folks and go after the real problems.

EDIT: Also, I live in Maine. Look up the police response to the shooter in Lewiston last year. It's fucking embarassing.
My understanding is she called the cops reporting a prowler.
Yup. It is wild. The cop comes to the door. They seem annoyed that she doesn’t immediately answer, then there is a split second where it seemed like the cops were just gonna tell her that they didn’t find anyone and be on their way and the cop asks one last question and she gave an opaque response which made the cop ask to come inside.

In watching the video again I feel like interaction following the cop asking her to take the pot off the burner is bonkers. As she takes the the pot off the burner the cops take some steps back and she questions them. There is some nervous laughter by the cops seemingly half joking that he doesn’t want the boiling water to be dumped on them. She then somewhat playfully replies “I rebuke you in the name of Jesus”, it’s an odd reply but it was not angressive and it reads stranger in text than when you hear her say it in the video. The cop clearly took it as a threat but there is absolutely nothing threatening in tone or action. He then draws a gun and points it at her. She says she sorry and drops behind the counter. He is still shouting at her as he steps about the counter she is rightfully frightened and shoots her in the face. It’s just so sad and needlessly violent. No one with a gun and a badge should be that easily spooked by anything.

My SO is from Springfield, IL and I’ve spent a a lot of time there. So this strikes close to home. Not that you need have a connection beyond our common humanity to be disturbed by this footage.
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My issue with cops, ignoring any behavioral stuff, is simply how much of a city budget is taken up by them (especially with rampant abuses of overtime). My city is awash with heroin needles and unhoused folks, but yet there's a cop always at the entrance of Whole Foods....
Yeah, my city has issues with property crime, drugs, and homelessness. The city throws a ton of money at police that money does not help address these issues but if you threaten to put money towards something else the unions whine and blame all crime on cut budgets even though the difference is barely felt.
I worked directly with police officers for many years in a previous job. Most were fine, a few were foul. The problem was when the good ones covered for the foul ones in the name of esprit de corps.

The job of a police officer is pretty hard with low base pay. I would not want to do that job, but somebody has to.

It’s not rare that half of all the employees in a city are police and fire employees. This is less of a city government initiated problem than it is an issue that the citizenry expects to have public safety officers everywhere. The perception of safety is expensive.