Political Discussion

This is where the rank and file are going to start getting more chippy in public. They know he's going to crush the down ticket at this point. You can't suddenly reverse the effects of old age. But if there's one thing I've learned dealing with family members who had Alzheimer's and dementia, they only get more stubborn as fuck.
This is where the rank and file are going to start getting more chippy in public. They know he's going to crush the down ticket at this point. You can't suddenly reverse the effects of old age. But if there's one thing I've learned dealing with family members who had Alzheimer's and dementia, they only get more stubborn as fuck.
I think that’s where Jill and their children and grandchildren come into play. I an not surprised their initial response was to circle the wagons but as this process plays out and it become more apparent that Joe is struggling I would hope they would give him the push he needs to bow out gracefully.
I think that’s where Jill and their children and grandchildren come into play. I an not surprised their initial response was to circle the wagons but as this process plays out and it become more apparent that Joe is struggling I would hope they would give him the push he needs to bow out gracefully.
One can hope, but look at Trump's kids. They'll ride his crazy and the whole world with it to hell if it gets them attention and money. I don't know anything about Biden's kids, other than Hunter's *waves hands everywhere*. Even with all that he seems more normal than the Fourth Reich, but that's just because I feel more trusting of current and former crack users than those who are comfortable with fascism.
I'll quit spamming the thread, I promise, but I think Jon Stewart captures my sentiments on this all really well.
I'll quit spamming the thread, I promise, but I think Jon Stewart captures my sentiments on this all really well.
He's not wrong in that specific sense.

Remember when Trump was President and he kept doing and saying fucked up shit and the commentary was that the "normal" GOPers would all discuss how batshit Trump is "behind closed doors" but wouldn't say so in public out of fear of hurting the ticket or offending the man. I feel like there is a bit of that going on now with Biden and it's a bad look for Biden and The Democratic Party.
Serious question. My dad is a Vietnam veteran who is a self-proclaimed Constitutional conservative and while he wears his service on his sleeve, I have always been proud of how he fought for our country….that is until he proudly proclaimed his support of Trump in 2016. He knows my disdain for Trump, but we don’t really talk politics, so I don’t know where he stands now (my presumption is he is still drinking the KoolAid based on comments he’s made). Considering my dad’s love of the Constitution, I want to know what he thinks about Cheetolini’s admission that he wants to tear it apart, how he would be be a dictator on day 1 if he wins. I would also like him to know that if he still supports DJT despite those things, that I am ashamed of him, that he is turning his back on his former self and his country….I just don’t know if it would be a productive conversation.

I think a lot of people like your dad are willfully ignorant to how Trump would tear apart the constitution and turn this country into a dictatorship. To them, the Democrats are a bigger threat the constitutions and their liberties.

It's not just your dad who things this way. A lot of Gen Z active military people are like this too. I'm amazed with how pro Trump they are. They love this country and want to fight for it. But they support the guy who will tear it apart.
I think a lot of people like your dad are willfully ignorant to how Trump would tear apart the constitution and turn this country into a dictatorship. To them, the Democrats are a bigger threat the constitutions and their liberties.

It's not just your dad who things this way. A lot of Gen Z active military people are like this too. I'm amazed with how pro Trump they are. They love this country and want to fight for it. But they support the guy who will tear it apart.
But even when Trump himself has admitted these things? That’s what I don’t understand….
Serious question. My dad is a Vietnam veteran who is a self-proclaimed Constitutional conservative and while he wears his service on his sleeve, I have always been proud of how he fought for our country….that is until he proudly proclaimed his support of Trump in 2016. He knows my disdain for Trump, but we don’t really talk politics, so I don’t know where he stands now (my presumption is he is still drinking the KoolAid based on comments he’s made). Considering my dad’s love of the Constitution, I want to know what he thinks about Cheetolini’s admission that he wants to tear it apart, how he would be be a dictator on day 1 if he wins. I would also like him to know that if he still supports DJT despite those things, that I am ashamed of him, that he is turning his back on his former self and his country….I just don’t know if it would be a productive conversation.

It’s probably not worth it to allow politics come between you and your dad. I have one parent and one grandparent still living. I love them both dearly. My mom hates Trump but my paternal grandmother is a Trump supporter. She will make occasional racist comments about immigrants that don’t sit right with me. Usually I will just pretend like I didn’t hear her and instead change the subject completely. Life’s too short to let this shit get in the way.
Here is the thing, Democrats and people on the Left can have a discussion within a discussion. We have the ability to both question the current leadership while fully acknowledging that Trump is an absolute threat.

I keep seeing people using Trump and The GOP as a comparison. The GOP ignores Trumps faults as excuses the inexcusable for the sake of power.
They are urging the Dems to do the same with Biden.

This is absolutely the wrong thing to embrace. This is how you end up with shitty leaders. The conversation is valid and worthwhile and if the Dems conclude that the only option is Biden, most will rally around him and support him.

The notion that any questioning of Biden’s capacity is a gift to Trump is embracing one of the worst current traits of this GOP. Hopefully, this vetting of Biden will either force The Democratic Party to select a new candidate or to fully embrace Biden (and his administration) as the election draws closer.