Political Discussion

California socialism. Two words that scare any conservative voter. It's an appeal to you need to get yours and make sure no takes what is yours. That's why I feel some immigrants who do well in this country turn into Trump voters. I got mine, let me pull up the ladder behind me so I don't lose what's mine.
The irony is that California is like the 8th largest economy in the world. They're always like "socialism will cause bread lines!" yet CA is thriving.
I don't want to Google this, so can any of you enlighten me as to why there are a bunch of things about JD Vance boinking a couch online today?
It's a fake story but it opens the door to how he has a lot of online posts and blogs from his past that he would like to bury. It shows how weird he is. Like saying people with children should get extra votes for each kid because they have more of a stake in things that the childless. Pretty sure slave holders once thought like that.
As i understand it, over 100 dems stayed away so a lot of the people there were just seat fillers like in award shows.

Also, salute to Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib for the "War criminal/Guilty Of Genocide" sign.

Yes, I'm aware. That does not change the fact that it is still the current Democratic party position to arm Israel and support the genocide.

It is to their enduring shame that Tlaib has had to do this entirely on her own.
It's a fake story but it opens the door to how he has a lot of online posts and blogs from his past that he would like to bury. It shows how weird he is. Like saying people with children should get extra votes for each kid because they have more of a stake in things that the childless. Pretty sure slave holders once thought like that.
Yeah, the first Millennial Vice Presidential Candidate is having his adoption of early internet culture haunt him a bit. Imagine the stuff that will show up for core millennials who were using Twitter in High School.
As much as I like Kelly as a figurehead (a bad ass fighter pilot/astronaut you couldn't ask for a better back story), I like Shapiro a slight bit more mainly because of his oratory skills, he is a much better public speaker, he also ran ahead of both Trump and Biden in 2016 and 2020 respectively. in his PA elections for AG and Governor. I am really fine with any of the VP candidate's they're currently vetting but I would go Shapiro 1A and Kelly 1B as of fright now.
Kelly opposed the PRO Act and clapped like a seal for Netanyahu yesterday, while Shapiro likened college anti-genocide protesters to the KKK and led the charge against them. They would both be horrible picks.
Yes, I'm aware. That does not change the fact that it is still the current Democratic party position to arm Israel and support the genocide.

It is to their enduring shame that Tlaib has had to do this entirely on her own.
And that Fetterman has come out as a gigantic piece of shit. Only time he wears a suit is to pay respect to a war criminal. I hope he loses his seat.
Kelly opposed the PRO Act and clapped like a seal for Netanyahu yesterday, while Shapiro likened college anti-genocide protesters to the KKK and led the charge against them. They would both be horrible picks.
I agree. The more I read about them last night and this morning and the more I knew we'd get screwed by the Dems picking one of them in a failed attempt to pull in Republicans.
Kelly opposed the PRO Act and clapped like a seal for Netanyahu yesterday, while Shapiro likened college anti-genocide protesters to the KKK and led the charge against them. They would both be horrible picks.
I am empathetic with your feelings on this issue almost 40,000 Palestinian’s dead with the cruel promise to finish the job. Absolutely Horrific.

That being said, within the United States there are multiple issues that matter to your average voter beyond the war in Gaza. Vice President is usually chosen as a balance. If you have a President that is more liberal or critical of the Netanyahu government balancing the ticket by choosing someone who has differing views isn’t a bad way to gain a more mass appeal. Being that the vice president has very little power, especially from a foreign policy standpoint, their personal views on Gaza matter very little.
They are pure projection nearly all the time (at least Trump sure is). And it's infuriating how their labeling of the Dems as communist has warped so many people's understanding of actual historical facts.

I had a 58 year old Black conservative veteran in my class last fall who refused to do some of the readings and wrote about how communism was ruining America (similar experience I had with another Black conservative man I had this summer). I told him in my feedback that it was fine of he believed that, but if he wanted to be successful in arguing his points he should read the material and use their words against them so that his argument would be stronger.

It doesn't usually work with younger students, but with non-traditional students it does more often. By the end of the semester he was writing how he didn't understand why people were so afraid to read this stuff and how most of it made sense even if he still thought it was a bad idea to try the ideas out in American politics. It was incredibly satisfying to see that he actually took my advice and started to do the readings and he was smart enough to realize that he couldn't keep saying the same thing because what he heard on Fox News didn't align with what he'd finally seen with his own eyes. It didn't make him give up on being a conservative (which wasn't my goal) but he at least applied his own reasoning and logical skills and grew as a thinker. It's exactly what so many conservatives fear. Education can liberate the mind from their bull shit. But many aren't even willing to try to learn for themselves, or flat out deny what they see and hear with their own senses. You can tell them it's raining blood and if you're on their side they'll believe you and if you're on the other side they'll say you're an idiot.
Good job, teach!
I don't think throwing up our hands and saying "well, genocide is part of both parties' platforms" is a winning bid with the youth or conscientious but what do I know.
The point is that because both parties are sadly mostly the same. Most voters will focus on other pressing issues that effect their everyday lives in a much more tangible way.
I have read that strokes can shift a sufferer’s personality. I still would rather him be the PA senator for the next 4 year than Conor Lamb or Dr. Oz.
If I think he's bad then it goes without saying that they are worse. My wish is for a better future, which we can control, not a different past that we can't. And if a stroke changed his politics then he's not the same person who was elected and voters should get a redo. Just like that wolf in sheep's clothing who ran in North Carolina as a pro-choice Dem than voted to ban abortions and switched parties right after the election. Fraud pure and simple. I want politicians to be held to account and for people to stop just accepting whatever terrible positions and beliefs they advocate just because there's someone with worse beliefs out there.