Political Discussion

One of my biggest political surprises this year is that I listened to a podcast interview of Marianne Williamson and thought she sounded like a much more reasonable and thoughtful person than my limited exposure to her via 2016 debates and memes had led me to believe.

It was a friendly interview, so she didn't have to answer any really difficult questions or address anything controversial but I was still caught off guard by how charming I found her.
One of my biggest political surprises this year is that I listened to a podcast interview of Marianne Williamson and thought she sounded like a much more reasonable and thoughtful person than my limited exposure to her via 2016 debates and memes had led me to believe.

It was a friendly interview, so she didn't have to answer any really difficult questions or address anything controversial but I was still caught off guard by how charming I found her.
You know, despite the brain worms and Vaccine/5G conspiracies I saw Robert Kennedy Jr.’s wife, Cheryl Hines on Curb Your Enthusiasm and she seemed very charming too. Just something to think about.
One of my biggest political surprises this year is that I listened to a podcast interview of Marianne Williamson and thought she sounded like a much more reasonable and thoughtful person than my limited exposure to her via 2016 debates and memes had led me to believe.

It was a friendly interview, so she didn't have to answer any really difficult questions or address anything controversial but I was still caught off guard by how charming I found her.
Other than her stance on vaccines back then, which she kind of softened after some blowback, I thought she sounded mostly intelligent and had a lot of decent positions overall.
You know, despite the brain worms and Vaccine/5G conspiracies I saw Robert Kennedy Jr.’s wife, Cheryl Hines on Curb Your Enthusiasm and she seemed very charming too. Just something to think about.
Not saying she earned my vote, but she did have more interesting things to say than I had previously given her credit for when I only knew her as the butt of jokes about crystals and stuff. It's a sign of the times that it's pretty refreshing to occasionally encounter somebody you disagree with, without thinking that automatically makes them a scumbag.*

*Again, I've had very limited exposure to her and she very well could be a scumbag. I'm not on a mission to rehabilitate her. I was honestly just surprised at how engaging I thought the interview was.
Not saying she earned my vote, but she did have more interesting things to say than I had previously given her credit for when I only knew her as the butt of jokes about crystals and stuff. It's a sign of the times that it's pretty refreshing to occasionally encounter somebody you disagree with, without thinking that automatically makes them a scumbag.*

*Again, I've had very limited exposure to her and she very well could be a scumbag. I'm not on a mission to rehabilitate her. I was honestly just surprised at how engaging I thought the interview was.
I forgot about all the crystal woo woo stuff. For me the biggest red flag for her association with Oprah, after she dumped those fricken idiots "Dr" Phil and "Dr" Oz on us.
Just heard a story from Barcelona on the Today Show. Locals are fed up with every increasing tourism. More people than ever are vacationing in Barcelona and this is drive the cost of living way up. From food to housing to everyday necessities. And locals are fed up with it.

A bunch of locals have begun protesting. They are squirting tourists with brightly colored water guns and yelling at them to "get out" and "leave".
They showed a video clip of dozens of locals with water guns ambushing tourists at café who were enjoying their lunch and coffee sitting outdoors on the sidewalk.
I just spent a few days in northern Michigan. I know it's Trump country up there, so while I'm not surprised at seeing Trump flags and banners everywhere, one of them struck my as ironic.
The white middle aged guy with a nice house on a lake with a boat, and Waverunners in the driveway had a flag that said "Take America Back" and I had to wonder - what has that guy lost, exactly?
I just spent a few days in northern Michigan. I know it's Trump country up there, so while I'm not surprised at seeing Trump flags and banners everywhere, one of them struck my as ironic.
The white middle aged guy with a nice house on a lake with a boat, and Waverunners in the driveway had a flag that said "Take America Back" and I had to wonder - what has that guy lost, exactly?
It's not that he's lost anything. Rather, he's afraid he will lose something because the libs will take everything he has and redistribute it to people who don't deserve it. It's the "I got mine, I don't care if you get yours" mentality. Pulling up the ladder behind you. I doubt that guy has ever seen a migrant, a BLM protestor, a Gaza protestor, Antifa, or all the other things that scare him. Fear is the single greatest motivator for the Right. The current greatest fear is being replaced by a minority. MAGA is all about going back to a time where white people were king. Never mind, it's pretty much that way now. I just have to wonder how tiring it must be to constantly feel angry about things you have no control over and don't even affect you.
Just heard a story from Barcelona on the Today Show. Locals are fed up with every increasing tourism. More people than ever are vacationing in Barcelona and this is drive the cost of living way up. From food to housing to everyday necessities. And locals are fed up with it.

A bunch of locals have begun protesting. They are squirting tourists with brightly colored water guns and yelling at them to "get out" and "leave".
They showed a video clip of dozens of locals with water guns ambushing tourists at café who were enjoying their lunch and coffee sitting outdoors on the sidewalk.
The video I watched of this did give me a good chuckle this morning.
It's not that he's lost anything. Rather, he's afraid he will lose something because the libs will take everything he has and redistribute it to people who don't deserve it. It's the "I got mine, I don't care if you get yours" mentality. Pulling up the ladder behind you. I doubt that guy has ever seen a migrant, a BLM protestor, a Gaza protestor, Antifa, or all the other things that scare him. Fear is the single greatest motivator for the Right. The current greatest fear is being replaced by a minority. MAGA is all about going back to a time where white people were king. Never mind, it's pretty much that way now. I just have to wonder how tiring it must be to constantly feel angry about things you have no control over and don't even affect you.
This is why you see Betsy Ross flags on display. MAGA means back when the "others" had less rights and voice.
If this don't just capture the entire Democrat strategy in a nutshell.



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It's not that he's lost anything. Rather, he's afraid he will lose something because the libs will take everything he has and redistribute it to people who don't deserve it. It's the "I got mine, I don't care if you get yours" mentality. Pulling up the ladder behind you. I doubt that guy has ever seen a migrant, a BLM protestor, a Gaza protestor, Antifa, or all the other things that scare him. Fear is the single greatest motivator for the Right. The current greatest fear is being replaced by a minority. MAGA is all about going back to a time where white people were king. Never mind, it's pretty much that way now. I just have to wonder how tiring it must be to constantly feel angry about things you have no control over and don't even affect you.
Yeah, this is pretty much on the nose. They deal in the abstract - because I agree that the guy has probably never actually seen any of those things in person, up in his happy little lake house. (neither have my MAGA co-workers)
So maddening, but I certainly can't change anything about that way of thinking.
I just spent a few days in northern Michigan. I know it's Trump country up there, so while I'm not surprised at seeing Trump flags and banners everywhere, one of them struck my as ironic.
The white middle aged guy with a nice house on a lake with a boat, and Waverunners in the driveway had a flag that said "Take America Back" and I had to wonder - what has that guy lost, exactly?
I was in deeply rural southern Indiana last week and was sort of bracing myself for a constant MAGA flag assault. 8 years ago that's all I would have seen.

I was pleasantly surprised to see only two for the entire week. And one of those was on the way home when I was almost back to Indianapolis. Now, that doesn't mean sentiments have changed down there, and I certainly didn't see any pro-Biden signage, but this is not what I expected. Does my one experience mean anything? Not really. It's not like Indiana is going blue in 2024. But it made me feel a fraction of a percentage more hopeful that maybe some basic humanity could be creeping back in.
Just heard a story from Barcelona on the Today Show. Locals are fed up with every increasing tourism. More people than ever are vacationing in Barcelona and this is drive the cost of living way up. From food to housing to everyday necessities. And locals are fed up with it.

A bunch of locals have begun protesting. They are squirting tourists with brightly colored water guns and yelling at them to "get out" and "leave".
They showed a video clip of dozens of locals with water guns ambushing tourists at café who were enjoying their lunch and coffee sitting outdoors on the sidewalk.
Barcelona residents make a shit ton of money off of tourism. Fucking with unwitting tourists isn’t going to make things any easier for residents. It’s just gonna get a dumb ass punched in the face.
I just spent a few days in northern Michigan. I know it's Trump country up there, so while I'm not surprised at seeing Trump flags and banners everywhere, one of them struck my as ironic.
The white middle aged guy with a nice house on a lake with a boat, and Waverunners in the driveway had a flag that said "Take America Back" and I had to wonder - what has that guy lost, exactly?
That’s probably his summer cottage too.
I was in deeply rural southern Indiana last week and was sort of bracing myself for a constant MAGA flag assault. 8 years ago that's all I would have seen.

I was pleasantly surprised to see only two for the entire week. And one of those was on the way home when I was almost back to Indianapolis. Now, that doesn't mean sentiments have changed down there, and I certainly didn't see any pro-Biden signage, but this is not what I expected. Does my one experience mean anything? Not really. It's not like Indiana is going blue in 2024. But it made me feel a fraction of a percentage more hopeful that maybe some basic humanity could be creeping back in.

I was in Western Massachusetts this past weekend and what I noticed was all the same people who have always had the MAGA flag assault still have the MAGA flag assault going. They never took down their flags from 8 years ago. They may have added a 2024 flag. One guy's front yard is up on a hill on a corner on a street, and he always has had a black pickup truck parked in his front yard on the lawn flying the flags.

I didn't notice any pro-Biden signage whatsoever anywhere. I did see several "Kennedy for president" campaign signs out and about though on peoples yards. Along with signage about saying no to some Massachusetts bill to protect your second amendment rights.
I did see several "Kennedy for president" campaign signs out and about though on peoples yards.
In MA, that name carries so much cache it's probably not surprising, right?
TBF, the conversation is something and the Dems are engaging in that conversation. The decision on what to do can essentially be boiled down to replacing Biden or backing Biden. It appears as of now the majority have decided to move forward with Biden as the Presidential nominee.
They have no choice. He's the leader of the party, and he holds all the delegates until or unless he releases them. Turning on him is a gamble -- not many are going to stick their neck out when they actually have no leverage and no firm alternative to propose.