Political Discussion

I was just looking over the 10 senate seats most likely to flip and as expected, it's mostly in swing states and it mostly favors republicans. If every seat flips the GOP will have solid control over the senate.

What did surprise me to see listed though was Ted Cruz's seat was listed at number 10. 👀
Control over the Congress matters as much as the Presidency, if not more. However reluctant I may have been to turn away from Biden for the WH, it’s undeniable that Harris is generating energy that could help the turnout on Congressional races.
I do like Walz for VP. I don't think he nets you any states but I love that he's not afraid to stand on a progressive record. He also just seems like a good person. We really need those in Washington.

I like him, too. I've read that just being from a specific state doesn't necessarily get that VP candidate more votes.

Personally, I always know who I will be voting for - I don't need debates to make my decision.
That’s what I assumed he “really” meant too, and the thing about Trump is the whole mob boss method of communication…it’s intentionally vague so that both meanings can be projected onto it depending on which one you want to hear as a supporter. If you want reassurance that you’re not going to have to be constantly assailed with political messages after November 5, here you go. But if you want reassurances that democracy ends after November 5, well, here you go.

I mean, NPR’s read on this isn’t unreasonable, because it is a valid assumption. And if someone WAS planning on ending democracy outright? They’d either hide it more carefully or say it in more unambiguous terms, wouldn’t they? Or at least that’s how this reporter and their editors likely rationalized it to themselves.
But why does Trump get the Benefit of the doubt? This rationalizing of the irrational is what leads to chaos like Charlottesville and January 6th. He has never done anything to garner being given the benefit of the doubt by the media and every time the cut him slack it normalizes his bullshit further.

Trump openly spouts an endless stream of lies and nonsense but sometimes he says what he means. So why not report it as it was said. If the Trump Campaign feels they need to make a clarification or refute what Trump said, they can do that. The media should not be filtering crazy on his behalf.
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how do media organizations like NPR get labeled “Left Wing” when they to go out of their way to reinterpret Trump’s actual bat shit words into headlines that semi normalize his tyrannical rants.
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We’ve all seen the clip, this article is filling in A LOT of blanks with assumptions that don’t jive with what was actually said.

The Koch brothers started funding them, then the GOP gutted their funding and more dubious funding kicked in. This is the end result.
I do like Walz for VP. I don't think he nets you any states but I love that he's not afraid to stand on a progressive record. He also just seems like a good person. We really need those in Washington.

If Waltz is the pick, I start volunteering x2 a month until the election. If Kelly is picked, I maintain my vow to go to Wisconsin. If Shapiro is the pick, I'm gonna struggle to lift a finger.

I know that, in theory, VP picks don't matter. But that's different in this situation for a couple of reasons:

A) Israel
B) Kamala didn't run a primary and has always been a flip-flopper

I think that all 3 of the supposed finalists bring something to the table and have potential downsides:

Waltz: Excellent communicator in a way that will vibe with the Midwest. The campaign has already borrowed some of his messaging with the "they're weird people" thing. Got a ton of shit done. Will communicate to progressives and the youth that Kamala is serious about helping out the lower middle class and working people. Should help swing MN, MI, WI and is used to fighting up hill political campaigns and winning over conservatives. (His began his career by winning in a VERY red district).

Downsides- the right will label him a big government socialist. But they are going to do that anyways. The main thing is that I have NO idea how he would play in the suburbs of places like PA, NV and Georgia. Plus MN is probably already going blue.

Kelly: Appeals to moderates via being an astronaut and a veteran. Is strong on the border which is Kamala's biggest weakness thanks to that dumbfounding moment in the 2020 primary that had me screaming at the TV while everyone raised their hand in support of an open border. Is a scientist.

Downsides- Easily the worst communicator of the 3 favorites and that may matter considering Kamala isn't particularly charismatic. Has drama with unions. Doesn't add geographical diversity to the ticket and probably doesn't swing AZ (but might?).

Shapiro: A very solid communicator-- especially if the people being communicated to are suburbanites. Is well liked in PA and PA is probably the most important state presuming Florida and Ohio are going firmly red.

Downsides- Compared protestors to the KKK. Is a blatant zionist who cut corporate tax rates and has issues with unions. Is a huge charter school booster. Is a moderate on climate change. He is brand new to his job as Governor and bolting would cement the optics of Kamala's campaign as one made by the machine. Basically, progressives and youth vote WILL be suppressed by him being the pick and would impact states like MI.
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Cooper is officially out. Hope he is planning on stumping for Stein here, almost certain this is the plan.

Jill Stein? I highly doubt it. The reason he was in consideration was becauae Kamala and him go way back.