Political Discussion

The Koch brothers started funding them, then the GOP gutted their funding and more dubious funding kicked in. This is the end result.

If Waltz is the pick, I start volunteering x2 a month until the election. If Kelly is picked, I maintain my vow to go to Wisconsin. If Shapiro is the pick, I'm gonna struggle to lift a finger.

I know that, in theory, VP picks don't matter. But that's different in this situation for a couple of reasons:

A) Israel
B) Kamala didn't run a primary and has always been a flip-flopper

I think that all 3 of the supposed finalists bring something to the table and have potential downsides:

Waltz: Excellent communicator in a way that will vibe with the Midwest. The campaign has already borrowed some of his messaging with the "they're weird people" thing. Got a ton of shit done. Will communicate to progressives and the youth that Kamala is serious about helping out the lower middle class and working people. Should help swing MN, MI, WI and is used to fighting up hill political campaigns and winning over conservatives. (His began his career by winning in a VERY red district).

Downsides- the right will label him a big government socialist. But they are going to do that anyways. The main thing is that I have NO idea how he would play in the suburbs of places like PA, NV and Georgia. Plus MN is probably already going blue.

Kelly: Appeals to moderates via being an astronaut and a veteran. Is strong on the border which is Kamala's biggest weakness thanks to that dumbfounding moment in the 2020 primary that had me screaming at the TV while everyone raised their hand in support of an open border.

Downsides- Easily the worst communicator of the 3 favorites and that may matter considering Kamala isn't particularly charismatic. Has drama with unions. Doesn't add geographical diversity to the ticket and probably doesn't swing AZ (but might?).

Shapiro: A very solid communicator-- especially if the people being communicated to are suburbanites. Is well liked in PA and PA is probably the most important state presuming Florida and Ohio are going firmly red.

Downsides- Compared protestors to the KKK. Is a blatant zionist who cut corporate tax rates and has issues with unions. Is a huge charter school booster. He is brand new to his job as Governor and bolting would cement the optics of Kamala's campaign as one made by the machine. Basically, progressives and youth vote WILL be suppressed by him being the pick and would impact states like MI.
Very good and right on the money breakdown of those three. I can't stand Shapiro and they lovvvveeee conservatives in Democratic clothes so I see a lot of building him up in the media. Kelly has a compelling story, but his politics are uninspiring and at times bothersome. I haven't followed Walz's career very closely, but have learned more positives than negatives in my partial research on him this far.

Thinking about the future, I'd like it to be someone who I'd be comfortable with being the presumptive frontrunner in a future election. Two of these three aren't it. I'm already dreading 2028 and 2032, lol. I hope if Harris wins, regardless of her performance in the job, that there is an actual primary in 2028. I know that's beyond wishful thinking, but somehow or another we need to break the elite class's grip on the democratic process. We need fresh voices and new perspectives. No more Greatest/Boomer iron grip. And no Gen X/Millennials who just mimic that power structure.
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It makes perfect sense why Trump picked Vance for VP. Like most Republicans, they're willing to say and do anything to get power. They have no beliefs or values. Completely free from all morals.

Israeli protesters (including a couple lawmakers) mobbed military bases in support of IDF soldiers detained for raping Palestinian prisoners. Their parliament currently debating whether they should get off the hook or not. Very cool and normal country.
