Political Discussion

Not a Maddow fan but came across this on Reddit and she's on point. We need to be talking to our friends and family about how important winning the house is:

And in case it isn't clear the threat of coup is real, here is the Heritage Foundation head who was just forced down today. Vance wrote the forward for his book:

Not a Maddow fan but came across this on Reddit and she's on point. We need to be talking to our friends and family about how important winning the house is:

And in case it isn't clear the threat of coup is real, here is the Heritage Foundation head who was just forced down today. Vance wrote the forward for his book:

This ballsack really wants to be the next Benedict Arnold.

Now John Oliver makes more sense. I thought I was living in a parallel universe when he showed clips of Tucker Carlson on Fox News on his latest episode related to current events and was baffled.
It was old footage. Almost all the crazy things Vance has said is from years ago.
Why is Pete Buttigieg suddenly everywhere? Do we think they're going to make him VP? Dude has been almost on a press tour and seemed to hint to Jon Stewart that he was in the vetting process.
We know he’s being vetted.

He’s everywhere for the same reason he was in 2020, he’s a level headed speaker and able to frame the platform in a way that resonates outside the party.
Why is Pete Buttigieg suddenly everywhere? Do we think they're going to make him VP? Dude has been almost on a press tour and seemed to hint to Jon Stewart that he was in the vetting process.
Definitely being vetted and the guy is a great communicator. I don’t think he will end up being picked as VP but I think he is good at finding the spotlight and definitely has further political ambitions.

He now resides in Travers City, MI. I could see him running for Governor there once Gretchen Whitmer decides to move on.
Not a Maddow fan but came across this on Reddit and she's on point. We need to be talking to our friends and family about how important winning the house is:

And in case it isn't clear the threat of coup is real, here is the Heritage Foundation head who was just forced down today. Vance wrote the forward for his book:

terrifying and i sure hope that the dems have something in place to combat this aside from "that's not playing by the rules".