Well-Known Member
Yea the Vault and Third Man Records proper are two separate things that we manage to wrangle into a single thread that works.Kind of. Stop them? I don't know. Do I think they are necessary? Not really.
I don't believe that we need 30 different threads to discuss each and every Newberry variant. Meanwhile, TMR is a legitimate label which puts out new music, so I believe that the TMR Vault is a different beast and that, anything TMR Vault related should be able to be contained within a single thread, because you move forward from it quarter to quarter. I'm not a member of Sounds Delicious, but I'd imagine it's the same situation.
I just think that we should be honest about what the ROTM threads really were. They were clogged up fiascos mixed with everything and nothing. The argument that we need separate threads to maintain purity of discussion and avoid subjects bleeding over doesn't hold weight with me, based on the history and what has always defined them
We manage to talk about dozens of albums successfully in here, so why couldnt the dozen that come out a month from VMP be contained in a single thread?