Pre-Order Thread



View attachment 212801

View attachment 212803

WTF is with these prices ☹️
I guess my biggest gripe is the unaffordability of it all but Weezer has a cult following so they knew people would pay it. I remember paying $15 to see them on the original blue album tour and got the blue cover album t shirt that night for $15. Granted 1995 was a long time ago.
I waited in line outside the Mars Cheese Castle in Kenosha, WI to have the band sign my blue album CD. Haha. We are old.
TBH, if you go back and look at Will Oldham’s output over the past 30 years this is just the type of releases this dude puts out. He is fairly prolific. I have know clue how it sounds musically but it’s at the very least, it’s probably alright.

I would add, if you are looking to explore Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy’s music further, there are several albums I would probably recommend checking out first…

Palace Music - Viva Last Blues
Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy - I See A Darkness
Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy - Ease On Down The Road
Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy - Master & Everyone
Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy/Matt Sweeney - Superwolf
Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy - The Letting Go

There are several other albums in his discography that are good to great but I would say the albums listed above are his prime albums.

Great list
Because why not?
