Sutherland Club House

Yes. I have an Ortofon OM30 cart on my NAD turntable that I keep set for 45s now and that runs through the Mani into the NAD amp. And Schiit table has the Goldring Elite set for 33s that runs through the SUT into the Sutherland, then the NAD amp.

Since they are both belt drives and are a pain in the ass to change from one speed to the other, this works for me. One day I might change the NAD deck to a mono cart.

You should see if you can get one of those Project or Music Hall speed boxes like @kvetcha has to let you button switch between the two speeds!
You should see if you can get one of those Project or Music Hall speed boxes like @kvetcha has to let you button switch between the two speeds!
I've been watching one on eBay for a while, just don't feel the need for it yet. But it's something @kvetcha recommended when I first did my upgrade and it's an interesting device for sure. Although it's way out of my budget there are some really cool external motors that I could upgrade to and they have speed control built in. Very sexy looking too. But we're taking $$$$.
I've been watching one on eBay for a while, just don't feel the need for it yet. But it's something @kvetcha recommended when I first did my upgrade and it's an interesting device for sure. Although it's way out of my budget there are some really cool external motors that I could upgrade to and they have speed control built in. Very sexy looking too. But we're taking $$$$.

Yes upgraded motors for modular turntables are not cheap!
Seeing at my SUT cost more than the 20/20, I think it's a valid setup. I tried the Sutherland set for the MC cart, but it sounds a lot better going through the SUT and set for an MM cart than the other way. Nice thing is that I can change it around as I want.

Having trouble deciphering this SUT business. What did you buy exactly? I did read this SUT: The Moving Coil Step Up Transformer
Steve Guttenberg has a really great video focused on SUTs. Really changed my whole mindset on those. I assumed they were a bandaid that would allow you to use an MC cart through a MM phono without needing to upgrade.

Turns out, I had it all backwards. From what I understand now, the magic really can happen in the SUT and the phonostage introduces less noise in the signal because it's not amplifying with gain.

I have zero idea (and zero interest) how this science voodoo happens. Especially since SUTs don't require power. But it's very interesting and the results seem pretty universal.

Steve Guttenberg has a really great video focused on SUTs. Really changed my whole mindset on those. I assumed they were a bandaid that would allow you to use an MC cart through a MM phono without needing to upgrade.

Turns out, I had it all backwards. From what I understand now, the magic really can happen in the SUT and the phonostage introduces less noise in the signal because it's not amplifying with gain.

I have zero idea (and zero interest) how this science voodoo happens. Especially since SUTs don't require power. But it's very interesting and the results seem pretty universal.

Just so I’m clear, the Sutherland supports MM and MC, right? At least says so on their product listing. Or is it just an MM phono that can support MC.
I was surprised when @HiFi Guy said how much benefit he experienced using SUTs with his high-end Duo.

I experienced a big gain when moving from the Insight to the Bryston, but I could not tell how much was SUT versus phono design.

Kinda wish I had not been so apathetic content as to not try the Insight with my TF-2 SUT before selling it, just for the experience. Oh well.

The Insight has a 10K ohm setting that is just right for 100 ohm loading with MCs using a 20dB SUT.
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I bought one from these guys after reading a lot of stuff I only kind of understood. The model I bought isn't on their website yet, but they told me it's just the newest version of this one. Honestly it's the single biggest sound difference I've noticed in my system compared to any other piece of gear or cart I've demoed. Definitely the purchase I've been the happiest with.

I read the page - I’m intrigued. Which model SUT did you select?

I’m always amazed that for such simple devices, audio cartridge SUTs come in so many designs. Like audio cables, but with real electromagnetic differences.
Ok, humor me. Soundsmith Paua and Halo JC3+. Variable loading for MC by dial. What benefit could a SUT provide, and where does it go?
Yes. I have an Ortofon OM30 cart on my NAD turntable that I keep set for 45s now and that runs through the Mani into the NAD amp. And Schiit table has the Goldring Elite set for 33s that runs through the SUT into the Sutherland, then the NAD amp.

Since they are both belt drives and are a pain in the ass to change from one speed to the other, this works for me. One day I might change the NAD deck to a mono cart.
You know, the speed change on a silver VPI Traveler v2 is just a bump of the belt up or down a level on the pulley. Just sayin’. 😄
Ok, humor me. Soundsmith Paua and Halo JC3+. Variable loading for MC by dial. What benefit could a SUT provide, and where does it go?
The SUT goes between the JC3+ and the Paua. I’ve not heard of anyone using a SUT with a MI design before, but looking at the specs, it might work. SUTs raise the output voltage of the cart by converting some of the current generated by a coil into higher voltage.

The major benefit I hear with my SUT is sharper, better defined transients and details.