Who's caught up with Silo?
I started reading Wool years ago but got distracted and never finished, so my knowledge of the source material is basically capped at the first 1-2 episodes.
My take so far is that the premise is compelling to think about, but putting it on screen may work to its disadvantage because it makes things more concrete in a way that makes the suspension of disbelief suffer.
There's also a lot of really terrible accent work in this show. That's not something that I usually give a lot of attention, but as a UK production they've cast a whole lot of folks who cannot deliver a convincing American accent to save their lives, and the absolute worst offender is the star of the show. The whole thing takes a hit because almost everybody sounds wrong. If there's a plot-driven reason for this I'll come back around to reconsider, but so far there's no sign that's what is going on here.
You know how some shows don't completely work from a plot perspective but they still hang together because of the chemistry of the actors? In this case I think we have the opposite. The central mystery of Silo keeps me watching, but if you were to remove that one key ingredient then I'm not sure there would be much left that's worthwhile.