
You don’t need to be a Classics major, but it helps. I have been enjoying the show so far. Interesting premise. Nahbaan Rizwan as Dionysus is excellent.
If anyone needs a good crash course in Greek mythology may I suggest playing the video game Hades?

<Looks at Steam library>

Nevermind, I've put hundreds of hours into that game. Not a crash course.

Maybe just try Bulfinch's Mythology (actually, this is kinda the answer)
I highly recommend kingdom on Netflix- vampires/zombies with a GoT royal feuding and betrayal- it’s great - 2 series and also a spin off prequel special that was even better

I highly recommend kingdom on Netflix- vampires/zombies with a GoT royal feuding and betrayal- it’s great - 2 series and also a spin off prequel special that was even better
as a modern retelling i can recommend Stephen Frys Mythos